I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 943 My Tavern is Closed Today

Prophet, a very important role in the brave team, can get enlightenment from the river of fate.

Not only is it simple to determine the identities of the brave and the members of the brave team, but also has a fairly accurate ability to predict the disasters that will happen in this world.

For example, it is predicted that there is an evil dragon hidden in a certain mountain range, and the evil dragon is planning to cause trouble.

This is not a simple prediction, but a real seeing through fate.

And it is not so easy to control this powerful force.

The prophets of each generation will be served by people with great wisdom.

But almost every generation of prophets has had a bad road.

Because although the Prophet can see through the fate of others, he cannot predict his own destiny. At the same time, in order to bear this ability, the Prophet will lose his own strength and cannot use other means, and his combat power will infinitely approach zero.

In addition, the enemy also knows the importance of the prophet, and the first choice to attack is the prophet in the team. Without the protection of the partners, the situation of the prophet will be very dangerous.

Because of this special ability, the Prophet hardly comes into contact with other forces easily. After all, not everyone will be indifferent to this powerful force.

However, the situation of this generation of prophets is much better, because this generation of prophets is the grandson of the Pope of the Holy See of the Holy Flame in the South. On the first day he became a prophet, the Pope directly pulled a legion of Holy See Holy Flame Army to protect him When someone dared to attack him, the Pope dared to cast the forbidden spell directly, not even the granddaughter who became a brave man was treated like this.

After all, what the brave need is to fight and grow, not to protect.

At this time, the Prophet Gejir was sitting in his own courtyard in the Holy See looking at the sky. It is worth noting that his legs are covered with plaster.

It stands to reason that in the Vatican, there is no fracture that cannot be cured by a holy healing spell. Gejir's father thought so too, until Gejir suddenly became a prophet after his legs were discounted.

The Prophet will not only lose power, but many other powers will lose their effect on the Prophet, including various healing magic.

So now Gejir can only rely on self-healing to slowly recover from his injuries.

As the grandson of the Pope, Gergil himself was a talented and intelligent person. Before he became a prophet, he not only had good looks, but also strength. Although he was only twenty years old, he was already a half-step legend. He touched the edge of legend and became a legend. The dream lover of thousands of girls.

However, only a few people know that under Gejir's glorious appearance, there is a hidden heart of sister control!

Fino, who is a younger sister, doesn't know this, but Gergil, who is a daughter, and Bernie, Fino's father, know this, so they have been guarding against Gergil.

This is probably the confrontation between daughter control and sister control.

Every time Bernie found out that Gejill secretly wanted to attack Fino, he would choose to use "reason" to persuade Gejill.

Bernie not only has "reasons", but also has two "reasons". The more important thing is that Bernie's "reasons" are stronger than Gejill's - Bernie is a legendary powerhouse!

By the way the name Bernie has a meaning of "strong as a bear" in the South Principality.

So every time after the "truth" is finished, Gejill will be sent for bone setting treatment.

In the eyes of outsiders, this scene is "Bernie has high hopes for Gergil, and he is really strict with Gergil".

Until the last time when he talked about "reason", Gejir suddenly became a prophet. Not only did Gejir lose his whole body strength, he even couldn't be treated for his broken legs. At the same time, Bernie couldn't just talk about "reason" with Gejir .

When Gejir was looking at the sky, a broad figure blocked the sunlight.

It's Bernie.

"My dear son, I'm here to visit you. This is a visit gift for you."

Bernie puts something on the table.

Grenier looked, it was a football.

Grenier thinks Bernie is here to pick things up.

"Believe it or not, I called a legion to attack you?" Grenier said angrily.

Bernie laughed.

"Just so I can move around."

"Then I'll ask my grandfather to beat you!"

"Stop! Sorry!"

Bernie was discouraged.

Although Bernie is already a legend, his dad is still his dad.

"What are you looking at?" Bernie asked off topic.

"I'm watching Fino."

"Huh?" Bernie was taken aback, there was nothing in the sky except the big sun, not even an extra cloud.

"I'm using the predictive ability to see..."


Grenier is known as "the fastest generation of prophets with the ability to predict", and Bernie seems to know why Grenier can improve so quickly.

After a moment of silence, Bernie asked, "How is Little Fino?"

Grenier didn't hide it.

"Now I have met my new teammates, and I am preparing to fight the dragon."

"Dragon..." Bernie felt a little itchy, but finally held back.

Because all of this is used to sharpen the brave Fino. If he makes a move and Fino doesn't grow up, big things will happen after meeting the devil in the future.

Bernie rubbed his teeth blankly, and when he saw Grenier's powerless appearance, a vague look appeared in his eyes, and his face became a little heavy.

"Son, don't worry, I will find out how to restore your strength. The Holy Maiden of Inman regained her strength after becoming a prophet. I will definitely find out the method used by the Holy Maiden of Inman back then. I will not let you You are decadent!"

"No!" Grenier refused resolutely, and at the same time showed an excited smile.

"If I don't have power, there is a reason for Fino to protect me. Fino will never marry to protect me. At that time, Fino will be mine alone. Thanks to the Prophet for making me lose my power..."


The ground trembled.

Bernie withdrew his hand, and the stone table beside him had been shattered.

And Bernie also showed a meaningful smile.

"I'm suddenly more motivated to figure out how to restore your strength."

"Hmph, so what? I'll go find Fino when my legs are healed, and enjoy Fino's warm embrace."

"I'll give you a discount when you're better!"

"I'll tell you to my grandfather!"

"I the fuck..."


Dress overnight.

In the tavern, Bailiyuan was chatting with several other members of the brave team. To be honest, Bailiyuan was quite speechless about coming to drink early in the morning.

However, several members of the brave team also talked about some topics that Bailiyuan cared about.

"Who is the Holy Maiden of Inman?"

Hearing Baili Yuan's question, the eyes of the other members of the Brave Team showed respect, and Fino was even more admiring.

Inman Saintess is a name that popped out of Fino's mouth during the chat just now.

"Inman Saintess was hailed as the most holy saint of the Holy Flame Holy See back then. She helped others all her life, was of noble character, and was respected by countless people. Later, it is said that she broke through the legend, condensed the godhood, achieved the god position, and then left this place. World, this is what I knew before, and after joining the brave team, I heard that she was also a brave!" Longte said.

"That's right, the Saintess of Inman was indeed a former brave, and finally, under the witness of the pope of that generation, she became a god and left this world, and then got the name of a saint, but..." Wright lowered his voice , as a member of the Holy See, he knows more secrets, "In fact, it is said that the Holy Maiden of Inman is not only a brave man, but also a prophet. She has two identities at the same time!"

"Didn't it mean that prophets can't have strength? How come..." Baili Yuan was a little surprised. He already knew some secrets about the brave team, but what he heard now was obviously different from what he said before.

The others didn't show surprise, they obviously knew about it a long time ago.

"This... I don't know, but the Inman saint is also known as the strongest brave!" Wright continued.

"What do you mean?" Baili Yuan became interested.

"Because the Saintess of Inman emptied the disaster of the world all by herself, and finally killed the devil! There is no help from the team!" Fino said excitedly, "As a hero, she is my idol! In the future I will also cut off the head of the Demon King!"

Rudolph took a sip of wine, and then slowly said: "However, I heard from some old people that the Holy Maiden of Inman did not kill the devil, but influenced the devil, and finally the two lived happily ever after. A happy life, and the two of them left this world together as a god."

Baili Yuan opened his mouth wide, can it still be like this?

"Impossible! Saintess Yinman definitely killed the Demon King!" Long Te took the lead in objecting.

Obviously, for Longte, such a taboo topic as the devil and the brave coming together is a bit too exciting for him.

Rudolf shrugged.

"It's not what I said. I also heard it from an old man who was about to die when I was wandering. Maybe it was fabricated by some people."

"The wine you want!" The young tavern owner handed a few glasses of wine to a few people on the bar, then turned and walked to the wine cellar behind.

In the wine cellar, the proprietress with long silver hair was drinking wine without any image.

The boss sighed.

"Inman, you'll run out of wine later."

"How's it going outside?"

"It's okay, the brave of this generation looks pretty good, but I found an interesting child..."

However, the proprietress suddenly pulled the boss over, and then rode the boss under her body.

The proprietress licked her lips with a flushed face, then bent down, leaned close to the boss's ear, and blew.

"I want to know the taste of milk! My Lord Demon King~"

The corner of the boss's mouth hooked, turned over and pressed the proprietress under him, at the same time, the door of the wine cellar closed automatically, and the baffle fell.

"Do you know the first two sentences of digging a well to drink and plowing a field to eat?"

"What about the tavern outside?"

"My tavern is closed today, and I only serve you~"


The devil and the brave in the last book are considered a small easter egg and will not affect the subsequent plot.

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