Chapter 942: Let's Fight the Dragon

"Young spearmen, let's fight the dragon together!"

Bailiyuan looked at the blond girl who suddenly jumped in front of her, and blinked.

Compared to the unreliable Fino, the other three members of the team were much more reliable. After some explanations, Baili Yuan got to know the team better.

This is a brave team that responds to the call of the new era!

At the same time, Bailiyuan also learned the secrets about the brave and the devil in this world.

It is not the first time that a brave man has appeared in this world. On the contrary, every time a brave man is born, a demon king will also appear. The main task of the brave man is to defeat the demon king, and the side task is to gather a team to solve the disaster that appeared in advance.

However, it is often the prophet who appears first, and then the prophet finds the brave according to the revelation, and at the same time assists the brave, helps the brave gather a team, and finally allows the brave to successfully defeat the devil.

The prophet is often a close person of the brave, and this prophet is the brother of the brave Fino.

If it weren't for the fact that his leg was broken for some reason before, he would definitely follow him instead of communicating over a long distance, but I heard that the prophet will come after him after his leg is healed.

The missions of each generation of braves and brave teams are almost the same, and the things they experience are also similar.

Of course, it is not absolute.

In fact, there are also situations where the brave is defeated by the devil, and at that time, the darkness and terror brought by the devil will sweep the whole world until a new brave is born, and then the new brave defeats the devil.

But before the brave is defeated by the devil, it will not have much impact on the world, because usually this time is when the brave and the devil accumulate strength.

Therefore, the period before Fino, a new generation of brave, stands up to the devil, is the time for Fino, the brave, and the members of the brave team to accumulate strength.

The crusade against the evil dragon in Fino's mouth is similar to the "crusade against the disaster that appeared in advance" of the side mission.

Although this period is the time for the devil to accumulate strength, in fact, the devil's influence on the world has already begun, and various disasters will appear in many places.

Because several people believed that Bailiyuan was "their new teammate" in the news from the prophet, they did not hide anything from Bailiyuan, but instead told Bailiyuan all about what Bailiyuan was about to face Li Yuan didn't seem worried at all that Bai Liyuan would be scared away.

Well, in fact, when Bailiyuan was giving these, the four members of the brave team were surrounded by Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan didn't give Bailiyuan a chance.

If it weren't for the fact that the four of them were all members of the brave team, and their faces were upright, Bailiyuan would almost have thought that they were an MLM team and were trying to force him into the team... In fact, the current situation is no different from forcibly recruiting people.

After listening to the four people's narration, Bailiyuan probably understood the matter of the brave man and the devil.

In Bailiyuan's thinking, the so-called brave and devil may be the self-regulation of this world. When something happens that may affect the stability of this world, the world will choose the right person to solve the problem. The so-called The prophet, the brave, and the brave team may all be chosen by this world, possessing the power given by the world.

This is like the devil and the disaster are diseases, and the brave team is the doctor and the scalpel.

As for who the devil is, in fact, the devil is not a profession, but those existences that may endanger the world, and whoever is the most serious in the end is the devil.


"Actually, it's not impossible to join the brave team, but I want to ask about the working hours and salary, whether there are five social insurances and one housing fund, after all, it doesn't sound very safe to crusade against the devil." Bailiyuan asked.

The air was suddenly quiet, and the four members of the brave team fell silent.

"Since the spearmen have joined the team, let's go to fight the dragon. The prophet said there will be information about the devil!" The brave Fino decided on the next plan, as if he didn't hear Bailiyuan's question at all.

Longte and Reiner chose to follow Fino, only the honest and loyal Rudolph patted Bailiyuan on the shoulder comfortingly.

"I think you want to eat rainbow farts."



Under the leadership of the brave team, Bailiyuan came to a forest.

Bailiyuan didn't mind following the brave team, because although the brave team seemed a bit out of place, it was appointed by the world after all, so how could it be simple.

I talked about the issue of "fate weight" before. If the fate of ordinary people is calculated by gram, and the fate of a person with cultivation base is calculated by catty, while the fate of a systematic Li Yifeng is calculated by kilogram, then the fate of the brave Teams are calculated by tons!

After all, the brave team is not "the hope of the whole village", but the legendary "great hope of the whole world"!

During the communication along the way, Bailiyuan got to know everyone in the brave team, and also learned a lot of secrets about the devil and the brave.

Similarly, the members of the brave team also learned about Bailiyuan's situation, but Bailiyuan claimed to be "a mercenary who got separated from his teammates", and even took out his mercenary identity badge, which gained the simple trust of others.

Although the rest of the brave team think that Bailiyuan, the person chosen by the prophet, should not be a bad person, it is impossible to completely trust Bailiyuan, not to mention that Bailiyuan has just joined the team, and everyone is not so familiar with each other. To be able to believe in Baili Yuan.

After all, although the four members of the Brave Team are a little out of tune, it doesn't mean they are fools. This world has not chosen to give up treatment.

But Bailiyuan didn't care, he still found it quite interesting that he could be selected as a member of the brave team.

The prophet's prediction often also represents the arrangement of this world!

Others don't know his origin, can he still forget that he is not from this world?

"The connection between the two worlds, the God-ordained brave, now put me in the brave team, this world is very interesting." This is Baili Yuan's current thinking.

So Bailiyuan doesn't mind spending more than a month in the brave team, as to why he only stays for more than a month...

After all, Bailiyuan had to go back to school!

"According to the prophet's guidance, the evil dragon is in this mountain range. Let's go to a nearby town to fix it first, and then go to fight the evil dragon." Fino said, although she is a girl, she looks very passionate .

The rest of the team had no objections either.

Bailiyuan looked towards the mountain range, and at the same time quietly glanced at his egg detector.

"A platinum egg, a glory egg, there really is something here..."

However, Bailiyuan then thought of something, took out the artifact detector, and then his face became strange.

"There is another artifact here?"

Bailiyuan looked at the backs of the four members of the brave team and opened his mouth.

"Sure enough, he is a man of destiny!"

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