I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 938 Chat Channel Opened Between Systems

"Boss, who are you?" Li Yifeng asked curiously, "Have you time-traveled too?"

"Don't call me Big Brother. My name is Baili Yuan. Just call me Xiao Yuan. Don't call me 'You You You'. Just call me normal. I am still very kind to good people."

Bailiyuan glanced at Li Yifeng, and then explained.

"Let's put it this way, but time travel is a very magical thing for you, but for me it's like traveling in the multiverse, although I can't do this kind of time travel casually, right, If you have the chance, maybe you can also visit another world."

Li Yifeng showed an expression of "so powerful, so awesome, and I don't really understand", and then suddenly realized that Bailiyuan seemed to have said something extraordinary just now.

"Big...small...Brother Yuan!" Li Yifeng confirmed the address, "You just said that I can go to another world? What do you mean?"

"Literally, otherwise why do you think I am in this world?"

"Huh?" Li Yifeng scratched his head.

"Because the world you are in is now connected to the world I am in. This time I entered your world with other people. However, this matter is still a secret. Only a few people know it. Don't go out and talk nonsense. If it clicks off, I don’t care about my business.”

"World connection?!" Li Yifeng was shocked again, and many thoughts came to his mind.

Bailiyuan nodded indifferently.

"Although the specific reason for the connection of the world is not very clear, but in the world I am in, such a situation is not uncommon. Your world has only been connected to our world in the past two years, so people from our world have come to explore. I Is one of the members."

Li Yifeng slowed down a bit.

"Then...Brother Yuan, what is your world like? Is it very strong?"

Bailiyuan smiled, and threw a tablet to Li Yifeng.

"We have no malicious intentions. You can see the specific situation yourself. You should be able to use it."

"Tablet computer?" Li Yifeng was startled. He never expected to have the opportunity to use a tablet computer in this life. You must know that there is no such thing in this world. s level.

Noble fighters and magicians don't condescend to produce, at most they produce some special creations.

"Although there is no Internet in this world, there are some information about the world I live in, and I will give it to you."


Li Yifeng turned on the tablet, looked at the content inside, and at the same time became more curious about the world where Bailiyuan lived.

It is a world of supernatural power and modern technology!

And from some things in the tablet computer, it can be seen that the world is quite exciting. Although human beings are not the most powerful race, they are not bad. There is no such terrible race war, and the races get along more friendly instead.

Although Li Yifeng guessed that the description of the information in the tablet may be beautified, even if it is beautified, he can still feel that the world over there is more advanced than the world on his side!

Yes, it is advanced!

Seeing Li Yifeng's ever-changing expression, Bailiyuan smiled.

"Why, are you interested? In the future, our world should establish diplomatic relations with this world, and then you can visit our world."

"If there is a chance, I will definitely go and have a look." Li Yifeng nodded and said.

Bailiyuan's eyes flickered.

Li Yifeng's words obviously meant that it was impossible to leave with him now.

But there is no pity.

Although the system holders are all cheaters, Bailiyuan's hackers are even more awesome!

However, just as Bailiyuan was about to leave, the easter egg system suddenly jumped out.

Seeing the ball of light popping out of Baili Yuan's body, Li Yifeng was obviously taken aback.

"This is my system." Baili Yuan explained.

"The system can still do this?" Li Yifeng murmured.

The strongest naval system: "Host, I can't."

"What are you doing here?" Baili Yuan asked.

"Host, I have already found out how to use gold coins!" The egg system said proudly, and the ball of light stood upright, as if it was proudly puffing out its chest.

Bailiyuan raised his eyebrows.

"When I was chatting with you just now, I also communicated with the opposite system, and found that my gold coins can be exchanged with it, or use some of its functions."

"Can it still be like this?" Li Yifeng was surprised this time.

But Bailiyuan paid attention to another thing.

"How did you communicate?"

"After I saw it, I established a chat channel with it, and then we were able to communicate. I don't know the specific reason. After all, it is the first complete communication system I have seen." Easter egg system said .

"Is there a distance limit?"

"I haven't tried it, so I don't know the details."

Bailiyuan nodded.

In fact, since seeing the second system, Bailiyuan has been guessing something, that is, the system actually has races!

Perhaps the system is not born by the reproduction of creatures, but because it is the same existence, it can be divided into a race, and often what happens when the creatures of a race gather together.

The previous system lacked a core, and could hardly communicate except for being unable to communicate. However, this "strongest naval system" obviously has complete capabilities and wisdom.

If you look at it this way, the system may not be a simple fantasy existence, but some kind of life-like creature.

Bailiyuan touched his chin.

"Maybe my easter egg system can be passed on to my son, and then to my grandson..."

The system does not seem to have the concept of life, does it?

When Bailiyuan was thinking wildly, the Bailiyuan system had already conducted a PY...gold coin transaction with the strongest naval system.

If the function of the easter egg system requires the three value measures of "easter egg, small spar and real currency", then the strongest naval system only needs the value measure named "Bailey".

Now the gold coins of the easter egg system can be exchanged for Bailey in the strongest naval system, and then used for consumption.

The exchange ratio is fifty gold coins for one thousand beri.

It's not that gold coins are valuable, but Bailey is really cheap.

The lottery function of the strongest navy system is to draw a lottery once every 10,000 Baileys, and optimize once every 100,000 Baileys.

Because there are not many Baileys given to daily tasks, and there are few reward tasks, even Li Yifeng may not be able to do it, so Li Yifeng has only learned "Navy Six Styles" by using the strongest naval system so far. , and it was only a preliminary mastery. In order to learn the six styles, Li Yifeng optimized his physique three times.

As for why he learned the six moves first, it was because Li Yifeng felt that he needed to be strong to forge an iron, and if he wanted to exert the power of a devil fruit and learn domineering in the future, he also had to have a strong physique.

But even so, with physical strength alone, Li Yifeng now has the strength of a high-level heraldry envoy.

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