I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 937 Hand over to the country


"Li Yifeng."


"Sixteen, I just had my birthday."



"What system?"

The bald sailor, that is, Li Yifeng hesitated for two seconds, and then said: "The strongest pirate system."

"Pirate?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"Yeah." Li Yifeng nodded, "Do you know the pirate from "ONE PIECE"?"

"Through time?"

"Oh?" Li Yifeng was startled, but he still admitted, "Yes, I am a soul wearer, may I ask you..."

"Then did you come to the wrong world? This world is not the world of "ONE PIECE"." Bailiyuan complained.

"You also know "ONE PIECE"?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."


As for why Li Yifeng was so honest, it was entirely because the trap of the system catcher was on Li Yifeng's neck at this time.

In fact, Li Yifeng has not reacted yet.

After Bailiyuan killed all the murlocs, Bailiyuan set his sights on him - there is a fallen system owner here, we might as well put him...

At that time, Li Yifeng felt something was wrong and wanted to run away, and then Li Yifeng was trapped by Bailiyuan, and finally he was caught in the small woods and started interrogating.

Li Yifeng has temporarily accepted that Bailiyuan knows the existence of the system and the situation of the traversers. He is very excited and has many questions to ask, but now is the time for Bailiyuan to interrogate him. In the case of fate, he can only answer honestly.

As for Li Yifeng's system, under the threat of the system catcher, he has silenced his voice and pretended to be dead.

This also changed Li Yifeng's impression of the existence of the system again.

This is the first time Li Yifeng came into contact with the system, which exists in novels, but now it seems that the system is not so invincible, and Li Yifeng also secretly guessed about Bailiyuan's identity, suspecting that Bailiyuan is the legendary time and space Although Li Yifeng didn't know whether the Space-Time Administration really existed, nor did he know whether Bailiyuan was good or evil to him.

In the simple communication, Bailiyuan also roughly figured out Li Yifeng's situation.

Li Yifeng, a university monk in his previous life, was born in an orphanage, died unexpectedly because of saving people, and then reincarnated into this world, becoming an ordinary orphan. Looks like, got on a passenger ship, found a job as a sailor, and was able to support himself. Although there were no surprises in life, it was very stable. Recently, he suddenly got the system, and it seems that he has the conditions to change his life against the sky... …

Then he was gank by Bailiyuan.

In short, Li Yifeng is a very standard holder of a certain protagonist template. Generally speaking, it is a natural conflict with holding a boss template like Bailiyuan. Unfortunately, they are not in the same world, and the fate line cannot be connected together. , even if they meet now, Li Yifeng can't beat Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan didn't panic at all.

And Li Yifeng's personality is also very good. Although he looks like a "bald and ruthless man", he has an unexpectedly good personality. He died saving people in his previous life, and he is willing to help others in this life. Li felt that Li Yifeng did not lie, and possessed "the brilliance of humanity".

The brilliance of human nature is very abstract, but as Bailiyuan continued to master the power of the heart, he began to be able to see many strange things through the power of the heart.

Under the vision of the power of the heart, the hearts of good people have golden brilliance.

That's why Bailiyuan didn't directly pull out Li Yifeng's system, and ended up losing Li Yifeng.

However, Li Yifeng's world should not be from the same world as Baili Yuan's, because although Li Yifeng knows Ultraman, he doesn't seem to know "Ezreal", let alone the game "League of Legends".

Probably a parallel world.

"Briefly introduce your system."

Li Yifeng nodded.

"My system currently has four functions. One is the task function, which will regularly issue tasks to me. Most of them are daily tasks. They are very simple. If you complete them, you will get rewards. If you fail, there will be no rewards, and my shellfish will be deducted. Benefits, that is, the rewards that can only be obtained by doing tasks.”

"Is there no such option as obliterating?" Baili Yuan asked.

Li Yifeng was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

"not yet."

Bailiyuan nodded, it seems that Li Yifeng's system is not so vicious.

"In addition to the task function, there is also a reward function, which can be rewarded by killing enemies."

"Then there is the lottery function, where rewards can be drawn randomly with bounties, all of which are in the world of "ONE PIECE"."

"The last is the optimization function, which can optimize the things extracted from the system, such as optimizing my physique so that I can learn the six styles of the navy, and optimizing the problem that people with fruit abilities will be afraid of sea water, um...you know this design Are you sure?"

Bailiyuan roughly understood Li Yifeng's situation.

"It seems that your system is not bad, but the name 'Strongest Pirate System' always feels like something is not a good thing..." Bailiyuan sighed.

Suddenly, the holy voice rang in Li Yifeng's ears.

"System prompt: The system has been renamed [Strongest Naval System]."

The corner of Li Yifeng's mouth twitched, and then he looked at Bailiyuan.

"Boss, the system has been renamed..."

Knowing that Li Yifeng's system had suddenly changed its name, Bailiyuan was also speechless for a while.

But in the end, Bailiyuan untied the rope of the catcher for Li Yifeng.

"For the time being, it seems that you are harmless, and your system is not a dangerous system. I will let you go first, and I will not take the system out of your body."

"Then what if I'm not a good person?" Li Yifeng asked carefully.

Bailiyuan showed a kind smile.

"I just killed a system holder and a system last month."

Li Yifeng: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a

The strongest naval system: Σ(ΩДΩ)

"Then, sir, what is your identity? From the Space-Time Administration? Are you not from this world?" Li Yifeng continued to ask, but he still didn't suppress his curiosity.

"Me?" Baili Yuan smiled, "I'm not from the Space-Time Administration, but I'm not from this world either. I just discovered you and wanted to see if you are good people. If there is a system, it will cause serious harm."

Bailiyuan's final tone was a little heavy. Compared with the leader of the black crown, Li Yifeng was a much better system holder, which made Bailiyuan heave a sigh of relief.

Although Li Yifeng's system also has kill rewards, Li Yifeng was able to endure the temptation of strength and did not kill casually. Instead, he became a small crew member on a passenger ship with peace of mind. He has done a good job.

Don't think that you can refuse such a temptation casually. You think that you can refuse because you have never had it, and Li Yifeng has gained strength and can endure it. In addition, human life is not long, and the desire for life and strength It will become more intense, and this temptation will also increase.

Didn't the leader of the black crown back then have a dream of becoming a dancer?

But in the end he became a villain who killed countless people.

In contrast, Bailiyuan couldn't help but give Li Yifeng a little red flower.

As for Li Yifeng's killing of murlocs and occasional villains today, Baili Yuan didn't think there was anything wrong.

It is normal to punish evil and promote good, and compete with each other because of different positions.

Don't talk about the law and the bottom line with Bailiyuan. In this world where strength is the most important thing, those who talk about these things are either hypocrites or dead.

The Virgin is either a boss or a female watch.

"Well, boss..." Li Yifeng raised his hand again, "You really just let me go like this? Won't you take my system out of my body?"

"Take it out for what?" Baili Yuan asked back.

Li Yifeng hesitated before speaking again: "Hand it over to the state?"


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