I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 902: Fighting

"Really, it's just a child. Even a psyker is not very strong. Let us elites come here. It's a fuss." He complained about his spiritual sniper rifle.

"Heh, who knows what the above means, but this time the reward is generous, don't let it go for nothing, maybe that child has some special identity." The partner beside the psyker said with a smile.

"Don't be careless, um, why is it windy?" the third person asked with some doubts.

Then the three people on the roof gradually lost consciousness, and three sprays of blood sprayed from their wind-swept necks, not only them, but also their partners around them.

The breeze blows, and death comes quietly.

What they didn't see was that after their attacks dispersed, Baili Yuan still stood there unscathed, and even the building he was in was not damaged at all.

The super power shield slowly disappeared from Baili Yuan's side.

Bailiyuan's body was lifted by the super power, and then Bailiyuan fell from the roof to the ground.

As for whether there is any psychological burden to kill these people, Bailiyuan has no taboos in this regard, because according to that information, the people of the black crown will definitely kill people by mistake.

Years of growth made Bailiyuan understand that when dealing with beings considered enemies, regardless of the opponent's race, beauty or ugliness, only dead enemies are good enemies.

This is also what Shedu gave Bailiyuan the first lesson of enlightenment.

Bailiyuan needed countless battles to understand Shedu's words.

"The psychic weapons used by the psykers of the black crown are quite good, are you interested?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"There are better ones at Black Crown Headquarters," Caroline said.

Bailiyuan smiled.

"That's right, the Black Crown headquarters has better ones!"

Bailiyuan fell to the ground, and at some point, Bailiyuan had changed into the appearance of Ezreal, and using the appearance of Ezreal did not conflict with Bailiyuan's backtracking body.

The ordinary people around were so shocked by Bailiyuan's performance of flying down out of thin air, they couldn't help but let out exclamations, and at the same time took out some equipment to film Bailiyuan's performance.

But Bailiyuan's eyes flickered.

A rustling sound sounded from his side, and the ground he was on, whether it was bricks or mud, quickly decomposed into sand and then flowed.

This performance once again aroused the exclamation of ordinary people around.

"Is it a special effect?"

"It can't be true, can it?"

"My God, I have definitely crossed over!"

Suddenly, the sand moved and turned into sand arrows and shot around. Several figures were pierced through the heart or head by the sand arrows, and lost their lives. Although some people wanted to resist, there was no Bailiyuan The attack speed is fast.

The splash of blood finally aroused the fear of ordinary people around.


The exclamation sounded, making the corners of Baili Yuan's mouth twitch.

"If Seven and Leo were here, they would definitely beat you up first," Caroline said.

"Who knows? Maybe they'll support me."

Although the killing in the street was indeed a little too much, but some information Caroline found in the headquarters of the Black Crown made Bailiyuan's murderous intention gradually arouse.

"you wanna die!"

There was a roar of anger, and several figures rushed towards Bailiyuan with the spiritual weapons in their hands.

These psychic weapons are mainly cold weapons, and only a few people use weapons such as psychic pistols.

The sand shield emerged, blocking the attacks of these people.

"People with black crowns, if you kill them, kill them!" Baili Yuan said.

"Looking for death, knowing that I, the black crown, is in charge, how dare you be so arrogant!" A person who looked like a leader said, his strength is the highest among all, and he should have a B-level strength. Refresh a silver easter egg, but there is nothing on him.

So...you bastard!

"It's you who are arrogant!" Baili Yuan looked at the speaker through the sand shield.

"After being a bad guy for a few days, you don't know how high the sky is. Did you ever think about how arrogant you were when you slaughtered people everywhere?"

Bailiyuan was not trying to reason for Bai Chuxue, but simply stating a fact.

"When you take up a weapon and kill someone, you must have the awareness to be killed!"


The leader wanted to say something, or continued to scold, or raised the black crown, or saw the difference in strength between the two sides and wanted to ask for mercy, but Bailiyuan didn't give him this chance.


The wind and sand rolled up, and the psykers of the black crown were all covered by the wind and sand, and then... blood flowers bloomed in the sand, and when the wind and sand stopped, all the psykers of the black crown except Bailiyuan turned into As for the ordinary people, they were not harmed.

"It's true that no one was killed by mistake." Baili Yuan murmured.

Caroline was still looking at the information of the black crown in the database of the headquarters of the black crown, and the information shared with Bailiyuan made Bailiyuan couldn't help but clenched her fists. What happened to Bai Chuxue's family in those Just a trivial little thing on the record.

How can an organization that has grown to such a level in less than ten years use peaceful means?

"Murderer!" Someone shouted at Baili Yuan in horror.

Baili Yuan's step forward paused.

But Bailiyuan still walked away naturally.

Most of the current battles of Baili Yuandao are fighting against all kinds of terrifying evil existences. Although there are times of killing, the number of times is very small. Today is the time when Baili Yuan has killed the most people.

Although Baili Yuan killed all villains, his hands would still be stained with blood, which involved a very philosophical question.

Can a person who kills many wicked people be called a wicked person?

Bailiyuan doesn't know the answer, but Bailiyuan knows one thing, there is only one difference between these villains and those evil existences, and that is - these people are human beings!

And this question is also viewed from a human point of view.

Bailiyuan doesn't like killing. No killing or fighting can be simply said to be right or wrong. Benefits, strength, position, and identity are all factors that determine what you do.

Maybe there are no answers to many questions, so in order not to worry, sometimes, some questions don't need to think deeply.

Just go your own way.

Why do you think a man's penis stretches forward? That's because men are walking on the path they believe in!


In this city, not only Bailiyuan, the battle started in three places.

Neither side intended to hide anything.

On this day, the people in the city learned that those transcendent beings who once appeared in their imagination really existed!

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