I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 901: The World of Psykers

In the end, Jiang Yang rejected Bailiyuan's proposal on the grounds that the released task could not be cancelled. After all, the task business clearly stated that all interpretation rights belonged to the store.

Bailiyuan could only express regret.

"Okay, the mission begins!" Jiang Yang snapped his fingers, and the barrier on the roof disappeared.

"I'll take a step first!" The strong man leaped high and jumped down from the rooftop.

"Farewell!" The Taoist robed man also left with his sword.

The rest of Bailiyuan and the other three looked at each other, and then left the rooftop one after another.

Although the five of them had calculations, it was obviously impossible to stay where they were and express their thoughts.

Jiang Yang looked at the five people who left, with a smile still on his face.

"Sister Jianji..." Bai Chuxue looked at the maid.

"Don't worry, things will go well." The maid lady comforted.

"Just stay here and watch the battle." Jiang Yang said suddenly.

"Then what are you going to do?" the maid said with a frown.

Jiang Yang put a finger in front of his mouth.




This is the world of psykers, and the power in this world is called psionic power.

Although psionic energy and spiritual power both have the word "spirit", but in fact it has nothing to do with half a dime, and it has nothing to do with any kind of power possessed by Bailiyuan. According to Caroline's analysis, although psionic energy is a kind of Power, but it is more inclined to one kind of energy.

And the psykers in this world can make themselves possess extraordinary power by absorbing psychic energy into their bodies, and psychic energy itself has no attributes, but they can use various items to use various powers with the help of psychic energy.

In terms of analogy, the transcendent in this world is a special engine, psionic energy is the fuel, and the items used are different types of machines to achieve the desired purpose.

Those items that can be used have special abilities and attributes, and artifacts are naturally one of them!

I don't know what the reason is, but there is also information about the artifacts of this world in that information. Although there are not many, there are only two artifacts, and they are not complete, but they are still intriguing.

After all, all the rewards from the mission belong to the individual, and the artifact can only be obtained by beheading the leader of the black crown during the mission. There are more wolves and less meat, and these two mentioned artifacts are likely to become the targets of their group of "wolves" The "meat".

The number of psykers in this world is not small, but there is a strict boundary between the world of psykers and the world of ordinary people. Psykers cannot harm the world of ordinary people at will, and ordinary people still think that this world is normal The world, as to why, is unknown.

In fact, this mission was weird from many aspects. Bailiyuan instinctively felt that something was wrong, but Bailiyuan was only here to do the mission, and Bailiyuan didn't really want to participate in other things.

The Black Crown belongs to one of the most powerful evil forces in this world. Although it is not the top, it is the fastest growing. According to the data, it only took less than ten years for the organization of the Black Crown to grow to the present. Behind this represents countless bloodbaths, and Bai Chuxue's family was destroyed because of this.

The feud of exterminating the clan is irreconcilable, but the crime is due to Yu Yu. Because of the snow and ice crystals, the only remaining Bai Chuxue not only became the target of the black crown, but also provoked the greed of other forces in this world, and even had almost nowhere to stand. , So, the various organizations and forces in this world are not as kind as imagined.

The so-called good and evil are actually just because of different interests.

This world also has its own division of power, but for the sake of easy distinction, the division of power in this world is applied to the set of the store.

In fact, Bailiyuan found the headquarters of the Black Crown faction in this city very easily. After all, there were so many colorful eggs, it was impossible for Bailiyuan to ignore them.

"The six golden eggs seem to be six cadres with A-level strength." Baili Yuan sat at the other end of the city and determined the number of enemies.

According to Bai Chuxue's information, there are six cadres in the Heiguan faction, but the cadres will often go out. Recently, Bai Chuxue found out that four of the Heiguan cadres have returned to the headquarters one after another, and the whereabouts of the remaining two cadres are unknown. They chose to strike at this time, wanting to eliminate the Black Crown in one fell swoop. Now it seems that the remaining two cadres have also returned to the headquarters.

"But why didn't you see the half-step S-level leader?" Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes, thinking that things might not be that simple.

Because according to the situation in the data, the leader of the black crown should be in the headquarters, but there is no matching egg.

"Or is it actually a golden easter egg that was refreshed on that leader's body?" Baili Yuan opened his mouth, inexplicably feeling that the leader of the black crown is a bit low.

But he didn't confirm it himself, so he couldn't say well.

Just when Bailiyuan wanted to get up, he sat back on the roof of the building where he was.

Because four more light spots representing golden eggs were added to the egg detector, they came in from outside the city, and looking at the direction, the target seemed to be in the direction of the Black Crown headquarters!

"Things are getting more and more interesting."

"Caroline, what's going on with you?" Baili Yuan asked.

"It has successfully hacked into the internal network of the Black Crown headquarters, and it will take a while to find the information."

"The main thing is to check the information of the leader of the black crown."


"How about my four teammates?"

"Lin Tao teamed up with that Taoist priest and was searching secretly, while that strong man and that foreign woman formed a team. The two of them made a lot of noise in the city. They just met some psychics in this world. Now, as for Jiang Yang and the others... Jiang Yang is gone, and the maid and Bai Chuxue are still there, but they are watching the five people including you through special means."

"Am I being watched too?"

"Should we take advantage of Jiang Yang's absence and use some means?" Caroline suddenly had a bold idea.

"Seriously?" Baili Yuan was a little moved.


Nonsense, how could Jiang Yang leave without leaving any means to protect them?

"Then why don't you go to the Black Crown Headquarters to test it first?" Baili Yuan stood up.

"Compared to testing, Xiao Yuan, we are surrounded."

"Surrounded?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"It's the same with other people. It seems that it is not easy for that strong man to fight against the alien woman and the psyker. Because they made a noise, the other party should have been prepared. The black crown may have a way to understand our position, and then send someone Come deal with us."

Bailiyuan smiled.

"It seems that the battle has already begun, but using these things that don't even have Easter eggs on them to deal with us... is really whimsical."

"Maybe the other party is also testing." Caroline said.

As soon as Caroline finished speaking, all kinds of attacks, such as flames, ice arrows, and water knives, flew around Bailiyuan, all with the intention of putting him to death!

The pupils of Bailiyuan's eyes instantly turned sky blue, and then...

got windy!

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