I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 856 The third floor, against the desert dragonfly

Phantom Tower, third floor.

There are indeed desert dragonflies here, and not one!

The three desert dragonflies seemed to have expected the arrival of the three of them, and waited for the three of them in the passage.

Behind the three desert dragonflies is an extended passage, which proves that there is an upper layer, and this is not the last layer.

Desert Dragonfly is a ground-type plus dragon-type Pokémon, mysterious Pokémon, dragon-shaped, roughly green in color, with big red eyes with hemispherical structures, which can be used to prevent wind and sand from blowing into the eyes.

The three desert dragonflies were all about two meters in size, flying in the passage, which seemed a bit empty.

"It seems that these three desert dragonflies have noticed the change and are waiting for us to go up." Yusuke said seriously.

"Although the desert dragonfly can also release ultrasonic waves by flapping its wings, the desert dragonfly does not rely on one point to fight against the enemy. What needs to be paid attention to is the sandstorm caused by the desert dragonfly flapping its wings." Bailiyuan said, although here is Inside the Phantom Tower, there is a thick layer of sand on the ground, which means that the sand can be used by desert dragonflies.

Yusuke and Mariya also understand this, so they are thinking about tactics.

Next might be a fight in a sandstorm.

The three desert dragonflies didn't give the three of them too much time, but directly flapped their wings and brought up a large sandstorm, sweeping across the entire third floor.

Ground-type, rock-type, and steel-type are more suitable for fighting in sandstorm weather, and some Pokémon with special characteristics will not be affected by sandstorm weather.

All three had their own choices.

"It's you, King Chuanshan."

"Mengge Naia, please!"

"Fossil pterosaur, let's fight!"

Bailiyuan's special-looking fossil pterosaur roared as soon as it appeared, and at the same time surprised Yusuke and Zhenya again.

"It turned out to be a fossil pterosaur."

The fossil Pokémon had just appeared in the trainers' sight for a short time, and they didn't expect that Bailiyuan would have a fossil pterosaur.

"But the appearance of this fossilized pterosaur seems a bit strange."

"Maybe it's individual differences."

Neither Yusuke nor Zhenya could have imagined that Bailiyuan's fossilized pterosaur was injected with the blood of the dragon by a group of researchers, with unique dual attributes of rock and dragon.

"There are exactly three desert dragonflies, and we will compare who will get rid of our opponent first." Yusuke said.

"Okay, anyway, it must be me who wins!" Maria said.

"Fossil pterosaur, move close at high speed, and then crush it!"

"Xiaoyuan, you actually sneaked away, King Chuanshan, we can't be weak and enter the sandstorm!"

"Mengge Naia, we also entered the sandstorm."

After entering the sandstorm, King Chuanshan and Meng Ge Naia kept moving, their figures gradually faded, and then disappeared without a trace.

But Yusuke and Mariya raised the corners of their mouths, as if they had expected it.

"They're all sand hidden characteristics?" Bailiyuan blinked, lamenting that he is indeed an elite trainer. Not only did he have to fight back, but he also used the sandstorm of the desert dragonfly.

The elves with sand hidden characteristics are natural assassins in sandstorms.

But at this time the fossil pterosaur and a desert dragonfly also came into contact.

When the two dragon-type Pokémon met, they didn't intend to sit down and chat, but they were extremely jealous.

The level of the fossil pterosaur in Bailiyuan is over sixty, and the level of the desert dragonfly is also the same.

The fossil pterosaur flew quickly, and then bit the desert dragonfly, showing its ferocity.

And desert dragonflies are not easy to get along with.

Wild Pokémon's fighting style is even more violent. Facing the attack of the fossil pterosaur, the desert dragonfly not only did not choose to evade and defend, but also attacked the fossil pterosaur fiercely.

Dragon Claw!

The fossil pterosaur bit the desert dragonfly's neck, and the desert dragonfly's claws also hit the fossil pterosaur's chest.

The fossil pterosaur snorted, but did not let go.

The desert dragonfly in pain continued to fight back even more fiercely, opened its mouth, and the destructive light gathered in his mouth, aiming at the head of the fossil pterosaur.

The fossil pterosaur felt something was wrong, and twisted its body directly, leading the desert dragonfly to spin in the air, interrupting the condensation of the desert dragonfly's destructive light.


The ear-piercing sound came from the desert dragonfly, causing the head of the fossil pterosaur to ache, and the force on its mouth was released, and the desert dragonfly took the opportunity to retreat.

"A combination of piercing sound and ultrasonic waves? This desert dragonfly is very skillful in using its natural abilities." Baili Yuan analyzed.

The advantages and disadvantages of desert dragonflies and fossil pterosaurs are obvious.

The special attack and double defense of the desert dragonfly are longer than the longevity, while the attack and speed of the fossil pterosaur are more dominant, and the rest is a contest of physical strength and combat awareness.

The desert dragonfly chose to fight in close quarters again, and rushed towards the fossil pterosaur. At the same time, the desert dragonfly's tail also lit up.

Dragon Tail!

"Fossil pterosaur, fly up, use fly!"

The fossil pterosaur suddenly lifted into the sky, making the desert dragonfly's dragon tail trick fail.

But this is not the end.

"Fossil pterosaur, dive down, then use slam!"

With the help of flying to increase the height, when falling to attack, it is followed by the slamming trick, which is very powerful!

However, the desert dragonfly that the fossil pterosaur faced was a ruthless character. He rushed up to meet the falling fossil pterosaur, and at the same time, his body lit up——

Dragon God dives!

"Shooting is the ultimate dragon move, no wonder it's so fierce!"

The fossil pterosaur and the desert dragonfly collided, creating a powerful explosion.

At the same time, the other two desert dragonflies also fought with Yusuke and Zhenya's elves.

Facing the disappearing enemies, the two desert dragonflies teamed up to use the Quicksand Hell to force the enemies out, but only one Mengge Naia appeared.

"My Chuanshanwang is very fast~" Yusuke said with a smile.

"Piercing Mountain King, split!"

Chuanshan King suddenly appeared behind a desert dragonfly, stretched out his claws and hit the desert dragonfly.

The two desert dragonflies were shocked, but they didn't just sit still.

I saw another desert dragonfly flapping its wings, bringing up a breeze, covering itself and its partners.

And the desert dragonfly that Bai Chuanshanwang was targeting took advantage of this wind to avoid Chuanshanwang's attack dangerously.

"Shunfeng? But..." Yusuke smiled, "My Chuanshan King's attack is not so simple!"

The Chuanshan King, who was dodged from the attack, turned over in the air and stepped on the back of the target desert dragonfly.


If the previous attack did not hit, the power of the stomp launched with this momentum will be doubled!


Chuanshan Wang directly stepped on the desert dragonfly from the air and onto the ground.

After all, Chuanshan King's strength is higher.

"Keep this state, King Chuanshan, use Digging Down!" Yusuke said slowly.

Baili Yuan couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth when he heard this sentence.

How cruel!

Because, at this time, it was the desert dragonfly under Chuanshan King!

The scream of the desert dragonfly sounded immediately...

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