I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 855 Elf Worship

The attacks of Mengge Naia and Ice Fairy all hit without a doubt, and the six ultrasonic larvae in front of them all lost their fighting ability without exception.

"It's done!" Yusuke's expression brightened, but when he was about to take off the soundproof earplugs, Bailiyuan stopped him.

"Big tongue shell, ice pick!"

Chug chug chug!

The big tongue aimed at the passage on one side, and a series of ice picks were launched. Then, under the gaze of Yusuke and Maria, when those flying ice picks reached the entrance of the passage, an ultrasonic larva flew out, and was directly caught by the ice pick. Hu face, fell to the ground.


Both Yusuke and Mariya were surprised.

Immediately afterwards, a total of five ultrasonic larvae flew out from the passages on both sides, including the one that was dealt with by the big tongue shell, a total of six ultrasonic larvae, and at this time twelve ultrasonic larvae on the second floor all appeared They are here, but seven of them have lost their ability to fight.

Although the grass flute also affected the supersonic larvae on the other side, the sound of the battle here also woke up the supersonic larvae on the other side, and then came here aggressively to trouble them.

The wings of the five supersonic larvae vibrated, and the supersonic waves were superimposed and released, but fortunately, the few people and the elves were prepared.

However, the next step is to test the tacit understanding between the trainer and the elves, after all, the elves can't hear the trainer's voice at this time.

Fortunately, as an elite trainer, he deserves the word elite.

Yusuke and Mariya were just surprised, but they quickly gave orders.

"Mengge Naia, use the parasitic seeds to restrict the movement of the ultrasonic larvae, don't let them flap their wings!"

Mengge Naia does not have a vine whip, but the vines that grow after the parasitic seeds take root can also restrict the opponent's actions.

"Ice Spirit, Boulder, and Freezing Wind!"

It is Yusuke's idea to use the fast feature of the boulder to attack the supersonic larva first, and then condense the freezing wind.

Neither Mengge Naia nor Ice Elf disappointed them, and they used the skills they expected.

That's the magic of Pokémon.

The elf and the trainer fight together, and the hearts of the two sides will gradually get closer.

"Let's come too, Big Tongue, Frozen Beam!"

With Mengge Naia and Ice Elf as the main attackers, Big Tongue Bei only needs to assist from the side.

The combined strength of the five ultrasonic larvae is very strong, but the ultrasonic waves generated by the flapping wings are blocked in advance. Facing the gap in strength, a small difference in numbers cannot turn the tide of the battle.

After only fighting for a few minutes, the remaining five supersonic larvae lost their fighting ability and fell to the ground.

Yusuke and Mariya have no intention of subduing these supersonic larvae. The wild elves that have grown up are not of much cultivation value. Unlike the lobster minion, the lobster minion is a fresh start, while the supersonic larvae are not. This opportunity is up.

Even if it is subdued, it will be difficult to tame. Besides, they already have a satisfied mandaw ant, so there is no need to subdue the ultrasonic larvae.

Another reason why the two did not capture so many supersonic larvae is that the alliance prohibits the capture of Pokémon at will, especially the capture of Pokémon in groups. Bailiyuan has a research background to explain it, but the two do not.

"Okay, let's move on." Yusuke took off his earplugs, and Bailiyuan didn't stop him this time.

But Bailiyuan took out an elf ball and released Ghost Stone.

"Ghoststone, go to the upper floors to have a look."

Yusuke and Zhenya were surprised by Bailiyuan's white ghost stone. It was the first time they saw a white ghost stone. However, those who dare to raise ghost-type Pokmon are not simple people, at least they are brave enough.

"There may be desert dragonflies up there, it's better to prepare early." Baili Yuan explained to the two of them.

Yusuke and Maria nodded.

The three of them didn't stay on the second floor for too long, because the second floor was the same as the first floor, and there was no valuable information.

"Perhaps this phantom tower was built just to provide a residence for the mandible ants." Zhenya said.

"Does the legend about the Tower of Phantom circulating in this desert say anything about it?" Baili Yuan asked suddenly.

Mariya frowned and thought about it.

"It seems that there are no legends about the mandible ants, but it seems that someone has said that there are many mountain rats living in the Phantom Tower. The reason why the Mirage Tower disappeared is because the mountain rats dug through the ground and buried the Mirage Tower. stand up……"

"There is indeed a saying in this regard, and it is considered very likely. Some adventurers often go to the gathering places of mountain rats to look for the 'buried phantom tower', because there are indeed a lot of mountain rats living in the desert. Rat." Caroline's voice sounded in Baili Yuan's mind.

"If the Phantom Tower is really the dwelling place of the elves, maybe... there is not just one." Yusuke said suddenly, pinching his chin.

"Yes, the mandible ants can also dig holes. Could it be that there are other phantom towers buried under the desert?" Zhenya felt as if she had understood the truth.

But at the entrance of the third floor, they were beaten in the face.

Because there is a stone totem at the entrance, which represents belief and sacrifice, this tower is not just for the mandible ants to live in!

"It's elf worship!" Zhenya said.

Yusuke also nodded.

Bailiyuan also understood this.

In the past, human beings did not have any superpowers, and the production level was low. When facing natural disasters and difficulties, elves with various magical powers were very enviable to humans, and under this envy, "elf worship" appeared. .

Some elves have become objects of worship for humans, tribal totems, and spiritual symbols.

This situation still exists today. For example, the worship of Polkby in the Milazu Kingdom can even affect the succession of the king. In return for the worship, the Milazu Kingdom also has its own unique power.

In modern times, all kinds of statues and totems of elves in various discovered and excavated ruins represent the glory of elf worship.

The statue and totem of the desert dragonfly that appeared at the entrance of the third floor represent this phantom tower, which is actually used for sacrifices. Perhaps the first and second floors are really used for mandaw ants and supersonic waves. The larvae live, but from the third layer onwards, this is not the case.

"These two statues and these totems seem to have not been taken care of for a long time, and it seems that no one has been here for a long time."

Zhenya recorded the two statues and totems while talking.

This kind of information can be collected and brought back to the alliance in exchange for contributions, and maybe they can use these materials to build relationships with scholars who study this area. In short, there are many benefits, but the premise is that they can safely take the information out from here.

"Okay, next, we may have to face the stronger desert dragonfly." Yusuke said, with a serious look on his face.

Based on the strength of the ultrasonic larvae on the second level, it can be judged that the level of the next desert dragonfly will not be too low, and the desert dragonfly is even more difficult to deal with.

Even elite trainers must be careful in the face of the unknown, and the level often does not represent absolute strength!

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