I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 843: The Battle in Kaina City

Bailiyuan walked out of the laboratory. As for contacting Juzi Tianwang, he was not in a hurry. Anyway, Bailiyuan had the contact information of Juzi Tianwang.

Taking advantage of the time, Bailiyuan was going to visit the ashram again.

However, just as Bailiyuan walked out of the institute, he was stopped by someone.

"Stop!" The girl's voice came.

When Bailiyuan turned around, it was the girl just now.

Angela also talked about the girl's situation.

Although Angela was able to issue the initial Pokmon, not everyone could come to her to claim the initial Pokmon.

Except for the children of ordinary people, only those who are in the same camp as Angela let their children come to Angela to receive the initial Pokémon.

But don't think it's a big deal.

Because Angela specializes in the evil type, the initial Pokémon issued by Angela's research institute have a certain degree of autonomy. In addition to the standard Yusanjia in the Kanto area, Angela can also issue water-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the characteristics of the old coast. Evil-type Pokémon will be used as the initial Pokémon for new trainers.

And because Angela doesn't have a doctoral title yet, she can't issue Yusanjia, only other initial Pokémon.

The work originally held by Miss Joy of the Pokémon Center was transferred to the research institute.

Those people let their children come to Angela to receive the initial Pokmon not only to express the position of the camp, but also to hug their thighs. After all, Angela's thighs are getting thicker and thicker. If Angela can see Above all, accepting as a disciple or building a good relationship will be of great help to the child's future.

A researcher or doctor who can release the original Pokémon is quite powerful.

After all, many children's initial Pokémon are obtained in the hands of these people, and many children will set up their elf storage in the research institute where they received the Pokmon. If things go on like this, the relationship will naturally be established.

Angela has just started here and has not shown much yet, but a doctor like Dr. Oki is obvious, which also makes Dr. Oki have a high status.

The girl is naturally such a child, called Xiaoyu, a child of an official of the alliance, and the first child received by the institute to receive the initial Pokémon. She has been studying in the Pokémon school before, so she looks older Some.

Originally Xiaoyu was supposed to get her initial Pokémon at the Pokémon School after graduation, but she was sent here by her father to receive her initial Pokémon.

But as soon as Pokémon School was mentioned, Bailiyuan thought of the top student. The top student was originally an academic school, and he was also a top student, but now he chose to travel around to improve himself, and he did very well.

In contrast, although Xiaoyu didn't show much, she looked more ordinary, lacking the mentality of staying calm in times of crisis.

"What am I thinking? Are you listening to me?!" Xiaoyu said unhappily to Bailiyuan.

"Uh, um." Baili Yuan nodded.

"Why are you like this?" Xiaoyu opened her mouth, not knowing how to continue this topic.

"My name is Xiaoyu, and your name is Xiaoyuan." Xiaoyu said.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Let's have a Pokémon battle. I was just in a panic before. Next, I will show you my real strength. I am an excellent graduate of the Pokémon school!" Xiaoyu raised the poke ball in her hand.

"Oh?" Baili Yuan raised his eyebrows, "I'm not a rookie trainer."

Hearing this sentence, Xiaoyu's expression froze.

"What? You're not a rookie trainer?" Xiaoyu asked in surprise.

"Didn't the researcher tell you?"

"The researcher just told me that I can come to you for the first time..."

"Stop!" Bailiyuan found Xiaoyu's words strange.

But Xiaoyu didn't stop, instead showing an aggrieved expression.

"I shouldn't have listened to my father's demonization and came here to get the initial Pokmon. If I didn't come here to get the initial Pokmon, I wouldn't have met you. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have fallen into this sad state. The place……"


This set of words seems familiar, did Xiaoyu say it just now?

"However, as a senior, I'd be happy to give you some pointers." Baili Yuan said with a smile, Xiaoyu was undoubtedly from Angela's camp, and he was considered half of her own.

"Hmph, although I'm a rookie trainer, I also have a partner who studied with me in the Pokémon school, and it's not the first time I have encountered elf battles!"

But apparently you weren't mobbed by vicious dogs at Pokémon School!

Fortunately, Bailiyuan didn't bully anyone and really spoke out.

"Come with me, the place I'm going to is very suitable for Pokémon battles."

"Okay!" Xiaoyu nodded and followed Bailiyuan.


At this time, a battle is also taking place in the Hoenn area.

Kaina City, a large city in the southern Hoenen region, is said to be the ninth largest city in the Pokémon world.

Kaina City was originally built because of the clean water and abundant food here, so the local market here has developed rapidly and it is a good city for shopping. The city later developed into a port city, and ships often come and go here. On the south side of the city there is a lighthouse that guides passing ships.

As a big city, Kaina naturally has some iconic places and buildings.

The battle is taking place in the landmark "Marine Science Museum" in Kaina City.

The Marine Science Museum is also known as the Museum of the Sea. It exhibits marine water quality, soil and sand samples, model ships and ocean science introductions. The curator is Kusnoji, who is also a marine scientist.

"I won't hand over things to you!" Kusnoji confronted a group of people in red uniforms, holding a box tightly in his arms.

Beside Kusnoji turned out to be Xiaozhi and one of his new companions, Xiaosheng, and a boy named Yosuke.

The people in red uniforms who confronted them were the underground organization in the Hoenn area—the lava team!

"I advise you to hand over the things obediently, so as not to suffer any harm." Said the leader of the three members of the lava team, and this person is the cadre of the lava team, one of the three fires—Huocun!

At this time, a total of three big wolfhounds in front of Huomura and his two team members bared their teeth at Xiaozhi and Kusnoji, and let out a low growl in their throats, which was the prelude to attack.

Kusnoji's eyes changed slightly. After all, he is not a trainer who specializes in combat, and his strength is limited, but Kusnoji, who has seen too many storms and waves, did not lose his sense of control.

His sea demon lion was guarding in front of him, and at the same time, Xiao Zhi was also preparing for the battle with Pikachu and his own lobster minions.

"This thing should be studied for everyone who loves Pokémon, and not be used by those of you who run amok for your own selfish desires!" Kusnoji said bluntly.

On the contrary, Huomura still had a smile on his face.

"Then I'll have to do it myself!"

"Do it? What hand? Did something interesting happen here? Are you interested in letting me get involved?" A voice came from a distance behind everyone.

Everyone watched, a woman came slowly with a girl, a goth boy and a Lalulas sat on the woman's shoulders, and at the woman's feet, a white elf walked step by step.

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