I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 842 New Super Evolution Stone

"By the way, I left you a gift, and King Chrysanthemum said to contact her when you come back." Angela said in the video, with Gothic boy and Lalula on her shoulders s.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"I've worked hard on you recently. When I finish my work here, I will go to Fengyuan area to find you. I have also prepared a batch of good resources for your elves."

"Thank you very much then." Angela smiled, then licked her lips.

"At that time, my sister will take you to the palace of adults."


Bailiyuan hung up the communication.

Then a cyborg research section came in with a plate on which were placed two stones.

Bailiyuan was startled and hurriedly got up.

"Sure enough, it's the Super Evolution Stone and the Keystone!"

The biochemical researcher smiled.

"This is the super-evolution stone of the giant pincer mantis and the matching key stone. Researcher Angela got it when she cleaned up those who attacked sister Misaka. Don't worry, it's clean, without leaving any handles or traces."


There's something wrong with this tone.

But Bailiyuan quickly skipped over this matter, and began to pay attention to the two stones on the plate.

"What a nice gift!"

Baili Yuan picked up the Super Evolution Stone and the Key Stone, looked them over, and then summoned the Giant Pincer Mantis.

"How about the Giant Pincer Mantis?"

The giant pincer mantis looked at the super-evolution stone in Baili Yuan's hand, and nodded excitedly.

"It seems that I really have to thank Angela." Bai Liyuan sighed.

The biochemical researcher smiled.

"In fact, there are two sets of super evolutionary stones in the research institute, which were obtained together last time. After all, those big shots are easier to obtain this kind of special equipment than ordinary idlers like us. Unfortunately, those two sets of super evolutionary stones are one One set is for Boss Kedora, and the other is for Soul Eye, we don’t need it for the time being, so we can only store it.”

Bailiyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, how many people's homes did Angela sweep.

However, this can also show the identity and status of the person who targeted Angela at the beginning. Although it only took more than a month from the beginning to the end, Angela definitely had a hard time in this month.

Perhaps, it was a last resort for Angela to use that method at that time, and there was no other way.

Bailiyuan couldn't help scratching his head, feeling that he owed Angela even more.

Caroline didn't speak, but Caroline had already seen through everything.

Things should be far less serious than what Angela said.

Although Angela may indeed have paid a lot, don't forget that Angela is a Terminator herself, killing people is her job, and she can change her body shape, hide her identity, and she can frame other people as long as She firmly insisted that this matter has nothing to do with her, and those people can't do anything to her.

Because now is a harmonious society!

Coupled with the threat of the invisible "knife", Angela may not only not get involved in too many things, but may even make money secretly.

The biggest evidence is that only Angela herself was affected, and Caroline just checked the accounts. Not only did the institute's income not lose, but it increased a lot. The dojo has joined the dojo alliance, and the future is bright .

Can this be called being targeted?

People can lie, but data cannot!

Even if Angela is affected, it is not that big. There is no substantial punishment or influence at all. The doctor's power has already been obtained, and it doesn't matter whether the doctor's title is there. It is said that without the doctor's title, research cannot be carried out. Again, the name of the doctor is not the point at all, okay?

Dr. Oki and his high-status people should be under the most pressure, and Angela's actions may even affect them.

Caroline checked, and it is true that Dr. Oki has been less active recently.

However, according to the information of the institute, the connection between this place and Dr. Damu's institute has become closer. It can only be said that it is Angela's good means.

As for investigating the Fengyuan twin gods? Didn't Angela take the initiative to get up there?

And why did Angela complain to Baili Yuan so much?

Of course they have ulterior motives!

Oh, woman.

No matter what Angela wants to do, complaining to Bailiyuan will definitely increase her status in Bailiyuan's heart.

Although Caroline saw through it, she didn't reveal it.

It's not good to say it at this time.

After all, in Bailiyuan's mind, Angela is weak, if she interrupts rashly, it will affect her image instead.

Caroline knew, though, that some things needed to be sped up.

The foundation of Bailiyuan in the Pokémon world cannot only be the research institute and the dojo. Under Angela's leadership, the research institute will definitely become Angela's voice.

Maybe Angela needs some competition too.

No matter what it is for, it is right to check and balance her, anyway, it is written in Yuxia's book.

Caroline can't be blamed for thinking this way, because Angela plays the evil type, and she has to be more careful about the evil type trainers.

Now there are no evil gymnastic masters in various alliances, even if there are only a few evil kings, it is not without reason.

Thinking of this, Caroline silently contacted several accounts that her subsystem had been tracking.

"Are you all challenging the alliance everywhere? It's just right, you can give me a push behind..."

And on the other side of these accounts are the players who were defeated by Bailiyuan when Bailiyuan challenged the Silver Conference.

Although these players lost, their potential cannot be denied. All they lack is an opportunity and a boost.

Angela can bring resources to Bailiyuan, but these people will be able to bring power to Bailiyuan in the future!


At the same time, news arrived in the mailboxes of several figures in Fengen area, Sinnoh area, Kanto area and other places.

And when they saw the pair of white wings on the letter logo clearly, their faces changed a bit.

During this period of time, it was the various information about Pokémon and precious training materials sent to them by this mysterious person that made them stronger and able to further challenge the alliances in other regions.

However, they don't know each other's identity, or even their purpose!

There is gratitude, but this income also makes them feel a little unreliable, making them feel trembling every time they send a letter, always worried that the other party will say some excessive demands.

With this complicated mood, they all clicked on the emails they received.


Fengyuan area.

After Angela finished the call, she sat quietly in front of the communicator for a while.

"Although my words can convince Xiaoyuan, it's hard to hide it from Caroline, but I think Caroline won't just say it casually."

Angela touched the remaining white elves.

"But so what, I can change the stats for me with my goodwill?"

Angela stood up and smiled.

"I'm very interested in Fengyuan Shuangshen. Let's go, Absolu. I heard that the Museum of the Sea in Kaina City is worth seeing. By the way, I will go to the training ground and ask for Lizi. Lizi has worked too hard. , It’s time to combine work and rest.”

The white Absolu stood up and trotted after Angela, and there was a blue-white super-evolution stone hanging around Alubsor's neck!

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