I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 835 Blue and White Ghost Stone

Until Bailiyuan returned to the world of coat of arms, he was still in a daze.

Doyle took Bailiyuan and Della to meet an old mage, and then the old mage seemed very strong, no, it was really strong, Bailiyuan felt a sense of crisis in the old mage.

Then the old mage ignored Baili Yuan's resistance, held Baili Yuan for a while, put Bai Liyuan down after a while, and said to Della - your cat is awesome.

This kind of delusional feeling caused Bailiyuan to end today's study early.

Normally, Bailiyuan would read at least two hours before coming back.

In the past month, Bailiyuan has also gained a lot. Although he has not learned the new moon magic skills, he has a clearer and deeper understanding of moon magic and moon power. The power of the moon attracted by the magic also has a more powerful means of application.

However, apart from Caroline, Bailiyuan didn't reveal to anyone else that he was turned into a cat as a familiar.

"It's a bit early to come back today." Caroline said.

"If something happens, let's not pass today."

Baili Yuan pushed open the door of the training room.


One day later, Bailiyuan came to the lowest level of the research institute, and Bailiyuan's other elves also followed Bailiyuan.

Today, another partner will evolve—Bai Guisi!

White Ghosts has been absorbing the soul power of the will-o’-the-wisp monster Formig. Logically speaking, he should have evolved a long time ago, but White Ghosts suppressed his own evolutionary impulse.

Today, Bai Guisi's power reserve has reached a critical point, so Bai Guisi is also ready to formally evolve.

Today's White Ghosts has changed a lot from before, not only in size and momentum, because White Ghosts has a lot of soul power stored in its body, making White Ghosts float in the air like a burning Blazing fireball.

Even in the Pokémon world, in this period, there are very few ghost-type Pokémon like Bailiyuan.

After all, a large amount of soul power cannot be obtained anywhere, unless a large number of lives are massacred!

This is why ghost-type Pokémon are feared by humans.

"Guisi, come on!" Bailiyuan called Bai Guisi.

Bai Guisi smiled at Bailiyuan, stuck out his tongue and licked Bailiyuan when Bailiyuan was not paying attention.

Baili Yuan felt that the paralysis was more severe this time!

Xanadu's super power swept Bailiyuan's body, and actually helped Bailiyuan relieve his paralysis.

"Thank you, Xanadu."

Xanadu's strength has improved again.

White Ghost smiled strangely, and then flew to the platform where Formig was sealed.

"Although Guisi has been able to evolve on his own, Guisi plans to use the remaining soul energy of Formig to evolve in the end. This will not only improve the strength of Guisi after evolution, but also improve Guisi's aptitude. Get some energy from Formig." Caroline said.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"There's no danger."

"There is a certain danger, but it is within the controllable range... By the way, Xiao Yuan, when Guisi evolves, you can input some of your spiritual power. Your spiritual power is very gentle and can neutralize some of Formig's. Soul energy greatly increases the success rate of Guisi's evolution, after calculation, the success rate of evolution is as high as 90%."


Bailiyuan looked at Bai Guisi who was twisting his body. He believed that Bai Guisi would succeed, and not only must he succeed, but also become stronger!

As if sensing that something was wrong, Formig let out a roar from the depths of his soul.

Bailiyuan didn't mean to sympathize with Formig, a harmful monster like Formig would kill one if he saw it.

"Let's evolve!" Caroline said.

White Ghosts nodded, and put away his smile. The soul energy of Formig below was quickly absorbed by White Ghosts, and a large amount of soul energy from Formig was absorbed by White Ghosts, which made White Ghosts body more There are a lot of obvious blue flares.

This happens every time White Ghost absorbs Formig's soul energy, but after a day or two of digestion, the blue flame will disappear and become White Ghost's ghost energy.

But this time, Bai Guisi didn't mean to digest slowly, but simply absorbed it crazily, which made Bai Guisi's body tremble violently, and Bai Guisi also showed a painful look on his face.

Finally, the light of evolution bloomed from Bai Guisi's body.

"Xiao Yuan, it's now!" Caroline shouted.

Bailiyuan immediately raised his hand, and he released the spiritual power he had prepared to integrate into the body of the evolving Bai Guisi.

The body of White Ghost in the light of evolution trembled, and then the light became more dazzling, and the speed of absorbing Formig's soul energy from below was faster, and the last soul energy of Formig was absorbed very quickly.

Formig finally let out a roar from the soul, and then completely disappeared into the world.

However, with a bang, the table that sealed Formig unexpectedly exploded, and a large swath of blue flames sprayed out and rushed to the surroundings, covering the evolving White Ghost.


Bailiyuan exclaimed and rushed towards Bai Guisi, at the same time Xanadu's eyes lit up, suppressing the surging blue flame within a certain range.

However, before Bailiyuan rushed to Baiguisi's side, the light of evolution became extremely dazzling, and then quickly dissipated, a figure flew out of the flames, and threw itself on Bailiyuan's body. Take fly back.

Bailiyuan was slowly put on the ground, but Bailiyuan watched the figure hugging him.

It looks like a ghost, with a round body, with a pair of hands separated from the body, and three fingers suspended in front of the body like a wandering spirit.

On either side of the face are three sets of spines that appear to be dangling matted locks of hair, triangular white eyes with black pupils inside, and a mouth with several sharp purple teeth.

Evolution succeeded, Ghost Stone!

However, the ghost stone that Bai Guisi evolved into is not the normal purple, but blue in white.

But the white ghost stone is not bigger than the average ghost stone, even smaller, only about 1.5 meters, but the ghost stone gives Baili Yuan a more solid feeling, which is not the same as the turbulent before the evolution In comparison, the current Ghost Stone seems to have a flat feeling.

But Bailiyuan could feel that there was even more violent power in Ghost Stone's body!

The blue flame gradually calmed down, Xanadu also let go of his super power, and then looked at Ghost Stone.

The elves gathered around to express their congratulations.

"Let's get out of the way, let me give Ghost Stone a physical examination." Caroline said, and at the same time, the examination equipment that had been prepared earlier was also in operation.

Ghost Stone smiled at Bailiyuan, then flew towards the inspection equipment, and the equipment began to scan Ghost Stone's body.

At this time, Gala Gala seemed to feel something, turned to look at the platform where the flames were gradually extinguished, and then walked over with her own bone stick.

"Gala Gala?" Baili Yuan noticed the movement of Ga La Gala.

The bone stick in Gala Gala's hand spun for a while, scattered the blue flames, and opened a path for himself, then Gala Gala walked to the stage and jumped onto the stage.

Gala Gala looked at the center of the table, then stretched out his own bone stick to stir the charred center of the table, and finally picked out a fist-sized blue oval crystal from the center of the table.

Picking up the crystal, Gala Gala jumped off the platform, walked to Baili Yuan's side, and handed the things to Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan took the things, and his hands were warm.

"This is……"

The system gave the information very powerfully this time.

"Heart of the ghost fire monster Flagg: an extremely rare material that contains the crystallization of Flagg's soul."

"This spar contains a lot of entangled fire attribute soul energy, which is very suitable for the attribute of Gala Gala." Caroline added in a timely manner.

Let’s update one chapter first, pack up your luggage and go home today, there may not be a fourth chapter, the second chapter will be later, and continue tomorrow

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