I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 834 I, the Familiar, Big Orange!

Baili Yuan came to the training room after feeding some mulberry leaves to Bright Silkworm.

Sitting in the training room, Baili Yuan was ready for today's training.

In fact, it is cultivation, and it is actually communicating with a certain existence, and the name of that existence is - Sariel!

After listening to Andy's words, it took Bailiyuan more than ten days to figure out how to communicate with that existence, but something went wrong.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Baili Yuan closed his eyes.

Bailiyuan only felt a pull, and then he slowly opened his eyes when he stabilized again. At this time, his spirit appeared in a blue space, and Bailiyuan was floating in the space at this time.

Immediately afterwards, the blue space shrank rapidly, and at the same time a voice appeared in Baili Yuan's ears.

"Appear, my familiar!"

The surroundings turned into a meadow full of singing birds and flowers, and there were magic towers standing in the distance, and a group of little bean dings wearing mage clothes were holding up on the grass, all of whom were no older than seven years old.

And a male teacher of a certain age was looking at the playful little bean ding with a smile on his face. Every day, the little bean ding's favorite game was to imitate the lives of mages, such as imitating casting spells or imitating summoning familiars.

Although these little bean dings can't really cast spells, this is indeed a very good game to cultivate their interest. After all, these little bean dings will become mages in the future, and if there is no passion and interest in the way of mages, then It is difficult to move forward.

The male teacher is very clear that a small game now may be the starting point for a mage to fight for a lifetime!

At this time, the male teacher turned his attention to a little loli holding a magic wand high.

Little Lolita is imitating summoning a familiar, and has been for a while.

There are many ways to summon familiars, but even direct summoning is fine, and only requires a small amount of magic power. Now these little bean dings already have a certain foundation in magic, and indeed have the basic conditions for summoning familiars, but, With the current strength of the little bean dings, it is almost impossible for any familiar to respond to them...

However, just as the male teacher thought of this, a magic circle appeared in front of little Lolita, and the male teacher's eyes widened involuntarily.

"There really is a familiar responding?!"

Then...an orange cat walked out of the magic circle.

But at this time, the orange cat's expression seemed to be displeased.

Well, yes, this is Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan did find a way to communicate with that existence, but the other party didn't want to communicate with Bailiyuan, and kicked Bailiyuan to another world to act as a familiar, and in the state of familiar, Bailiyuan could not use human appearance, other forms are fine.

However, Bailiyuan was still very upset!

"The little girl from the Okaz family really succeeded in signing the familiar? Although she is an ordinary-looking orange cat, but at this age...it's incredible." The male teacher murmured, and then took a step forward.

Summoning a familiar is just one of the means of a mage, and the requirements for talent are not that high. Of course, a familiar with a high talent and a good type is better.

The familiar may become a mage's combat partner, or it may simply become an ordinary pet.

For mages, the strength of the summoned familiars is only temporary. Mages do not rely on the familiars to become powerful, but because of their strength, they make the familiars stronger!

The little loli who summoned the orange cat (Bailiyuan) cheered, and the other xiaodoudings also exclaimed, and then more xiaodoudings surrounded them with a huff.

"Della, you can really summon familiars!"

"Of course! I told you that you still don't believe me! Hmph!" Della raised her neck proudly.

"But, you didn't summon the familiar before, and you just succeeded in summoning it!" A little Zhengtai said with a stiff neck.

"Hmph, it's just that my big orange was not at home before! So I couldn't summon it!"

"Okay, don't make any noise, Della, can you show me your familiar?" the male teacher said with a smile, and the other little Doudings politely parted ways to let the male teacher pass.

The male teacher rubbed Xiao Zhengtai's head, and Xiao Zhengtai became more honest.

"Mr. Doyle."

"Of course." Daisy waved her little hand, looking very curious.

Doyle smiled.

"Thank you."

Then Doyle squatted down and looked at Bailiyuan on the ground.

One person and one cat just stared at each other.

Doyle raised a hand.



Bailiyuan slapped Doyle's hand aside with a paw.

"You treat me like a dog?"

If it weren't for the incarnation of the consciousness of the knowledgeable Bailiyuan who came here, the home space and system would not be able to bring it here, Bailiyuan would definitely bring Brother Pingtou here, and give this teacher a good meal.

Doyle looked at Bailiyuan and raised his eyebrows again.

"Why do you always look unhappy?" Then Doyle looked at Della, "Della, when did you successfully summon this familiar? Is there anything strange about it?"

Della blinked.

"I was on vacation, about a month ago, but I could only summon my big orange once in a while. Even if I called, big orange didn't respond to me, and every time I came out, I only stayed with me for a while, and The on-call kind written in the book is not the same at all... By the way, my big orange likes to read books very much! I can only touch it every time it reads a book."

Thinking of this, Della wiped the ring in her hand, took out a book, and handed it to Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan took the book, hugged it and crawled to the side, then lay on the ground and opened the book to read.

Della took the opportunity to stroke Bailiyuan's hair, with an expression of enjoyment on her face.

Seeing this scene, the little Doudings exclaimed again. A few bold little Doudings wanted to touch Baili Yuan, but they were swept aside by Baili Yuan's tail.

Clearly treated differently.

Doyle, however, frowned.

Not answering the call?

Refuse to call?

Only with the mage for a while?

And there is this wisdom...

"Wait, the familiar who can refuse the summoning of the mage is..." Doyle's expression changed as he thought of something.

"Della, bring your familiar and me first." Then Doyle summoned his own familiar - a huge tree man.

"Everyone play with my familiar first... Gru, thank you for taking care of these children."

Tree figure Gru nodded.

Then, Della and Doyle took Baili Yuan to the magic tower in the distance.

However, Bailiyuan was lying on Della's head, and Della was holding a book.

"Daju, you are so heavy."


Bailiyuan ignored Della, but continued to look at the book in Della's hand.

As for the name on the book——

"Moon Magic: From Beginner to Master"

If it weren't for Moon Magic's sake, Bailiyuan could be a cat here with peace of mind?

That's right, this world has a complete inheritance of moon magic, and Della's family is the one that uses moon magic.

Bailiyuan probably understood the meaning of that existence——

Want to learn the magic of the moon? Then learn it yourself, the magic of the moon is in this world!

However, what Bailiyuan was more curious about was what was the real purpose of that existence that threw him into this world.

Bailiyuan doesn't believe that that existence just simply doesn't want to see Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan patted Della on the head.

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