I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 777: The Figure in the Darkness

While Bailiyuan rushed into the darkness, the battlefield on the other side also changed.

Seeing the three figures surrounding him, Walls also exploded.

Walls stood up abruptly.

"That's enough! You imperfect lives! I am a follower of original sin, the executor of the great world reset! Let me tell you, I won't be caught by your sinful lives...Pfft!"

Susano's green spear pierced through Walls' chest, and then passed through Walls' chest, and Uchiha Shisui followed Susano and appeared behind Walls with a blank face and a pair of The kaleidoscope Sharingan slowly rotates.

"So much nonsense!" Uchiha Shisui said expressionlessly.

However, what is surprising is that Walls' body did not just fall down, but looked at the big hole in his chest in horror.

Ultraman Dora was startled, but was patted on the shoulder by Ultraman Sykes.

"Don't worry, it's just that its vitality is strong. It has already lost, and it wants to continue fighting unless it has some cards."

Ultraman Sykes breathed a sigh of relief, his energy was running out and he couldn't continue to fight, fortunately...


Suddenly Walls let out an ugly scream.

"How could I fall here! I haven't transformed the life in this world into a perfect life!"

Ka Ka Ka...

Cracks appeared in the metal mask on Walls' face.

"Strength, I want stronger power! Even if it is to fall into a deeper sin... breaking the surface!"

Walls suddenly clawed at the metal mask on his face.


The metal mask on Walls' face shattered, revealing a hideous face like a skeleton, and a massive amount of black gas erupted from Walls' body.

"What?!" Everyone was shocked.

The scar on Walls' chest recovered instantly, and at the same time, Walls' body became more bloated, with many strange dismembered organs appearing on his body.

If it is said that Walls can still maintain a human form before, but now, Walls is completely monster-like, and his height has exceeded 60 meters.

"I want you to die!"

Walls rushed towards Altman Sykes.

Ultraman Sykes was startled, and hurriedly pushed Ultraman Dora away, but Ultraman Sykes himself was held in the hands of Walls and screamed.


The power of darkness erodes the body of Ultraman Sykes, making Ultraman Sykes' body that is already on the verge of limit worse. However, Ultraman Sykes does not return to a human body, but the light on his chest The flickering became more intense.

"Sikes!" Ultraman Dora exclaimed, and then rushed to Walls, but was opened by the dark force and fell to the ground.

Uchiha Shisui appeared beside Ultraman Dora with a blink of an eye.

"Ultraman Sykes will die if this continues." Uchiha Shisui said in a deep voice.

"Then what should we do?" Altman Dora got up and asked anxiously.

Shisui Uchiha looked at Ultraman Dora.

"You prepare your most powerful attack, and I will try to immobilize the enemy!"

"Where to attack?"


Uchiha Shisui didn't know whether his other gods could affect Walls. After all, the power of Walls was much stronger than him at this time, but Uchiha Shisui didn't think his other gods would be completely lost. Effect.

Galatron and Ultraman Nesser, who were fighting in the distance, could not support this side, and Bailiyuan entered the darkness.

So, now we can only fight!

Uchiha Shisui didn't believe it, and smashed Walls' head, and Walls was still alive.

Even if it can... Then Ultraman Sykes can be saved at this moment.

However, at this time, a lot of ammunition and various attacks fell on Walls.

Shisui Uchiha and Ultraman Dora looked in the direction of the attack.

The battleship did not know when it came over.

The executive officer looked at the situation below and licked his dry lips.

"Although our main target is the enemy in the dark, it doesn't mean we can only watch at this time, um... Everyone pay attention when attacking, don't accidentally hurt the Ultra fighters."

Shisui Uchiha and Ultraman Dora looked at each other, then nodded to each other.

The battle begins!


Bailiyuan entered the darkness, and then stopped.

To Bailiyuan's surprise, the darkness was not a city, but nothingness, it seemed like another world!

The light is dim.

The reason why Bailiyuan stopped abruptly was because in front of him was a bottomless abyss!

It's as if there is no gravity here, and at the same time, the sound from outside cannot be transmitted into the space, and the situation outside cannot be seen clearly.

A piece of rock is floating in the air, and above the rock is a high platform.

Easter eggs are there!

Bailiyuan flew up, although this didn't look like a normal world, it didn't affect the flight, and there was gravity, even though the rocks were floating in the air.

Bailiyuan landed on the high platform.

It's like a square here.

In the center of the platform, there is a throne, and a figure sits lazily on it.

I can't see the shape of the figure clearly, because the figure doesn't look like a living thing, both the skin and the clothes are the color of a distorted light, but judging from the body shape, the other party looks like an adult woman wearing a long skirt.

And in front of the woman, a ball of light was floating, showing the situation outside, and at the same time, there was a black aura around it submerging into the ball of light.

Around the figure's throne, a black ball of light condensed out, then turned into a black light, and shot out. This was the means of attacking Baili Yuan and the others just now!

The easter egg is on the chest of the figure!

"I didn't expect to be face to face directly." Bailiyuan smiled, this is not good news, and here, he can't sense the existence of the spirit world, so naturally he can't enter the spirit world.

The figure also noticed Baili Yuan's arrival, and then looked at Baili Yuan.

And Baili Yuan also felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Interesting souls, which should be bright souls, are attached to the sins of human beings, but this attachment seems so natural, one body with two souls? No, it turned out to be one soul."

The figure stood up slowly, with great aura on his body, and as the figure stood up, the black light ball no longer condensed, and the light naturally stopped.

The figure opened its hands.

"Want to follow me?"

"Chasing a fart!"

"Really? It's a pity!"

The tone of the figure seemed to be really regretful.

Then, a black ball of light condensed behind the figure again, and then turned into a black light, and the target... turned into Bailiyuan!

Bailiyuan retreated hastily.

The light fell on the platform, but did not shake it.

"Should we start a fight if we disagree?" Baili Yuan nodded slightly, and the light in his body bloomed.

The black light struck again.

But this time Bailiyuan didn't choose to dodge, but raised his hand to shatter the light!

The light dissipated, and a tall figure appeared on the platform——

Holy mount form!

"Hmph, what else is there to do, use it!"

However, Baili Yuan's trembling hand proved that the blow just now was not so easy to catch.

But the momentum cannot be lost!

Then, eight balls of light appeared behind the figure, four on each side of the figure's body.

Bailiyuan: "..."

"I think we can sit down and talk about..."

Then, the eight light spheres turned into eight black rays and shot towards Bailiyuan, each of which was full of power.

Reply tomorrow_(ωゝ∠)_

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