Chapter 776 He is fighting

"It's hard to handle!" Baili Yuan exhaled.

Although Bailiyuan fought against the supreme powerhouse and survived, but because of many accidents, that overwhelming power is still unforgettable for Bailiyuan, and... don't forget, the girl back then The dark giant doesn't have a high IQ, it just purely attacks.

And the enemy he will face now is obviously intelligent, and not low in intelligence.

Computer mode and PVP mode are completely two concepts.

However, it cannot be withdrawn!

"Get rid of it before it officially becomes the supreme class!" Baili Yuan made a decision.


The light bloomed again.

Bailiyuan briefly observed the situation on the battlefield, then changed into a normal adult form, and landed on the ground.

"Another giant of light!" Walls whispered, but he didn't look panicked.

"But even so, so what?"

Then Walls was kicked in the face by Ultraman Sykes and Ultraman Dora and flew out.

Walls fell to the ground, covered his face, and shouted at Ultraman Sykes and Ultraman Dora: "You are too much!"

However, what responded to him was a more violent attack.

A space passage unfolded, and a warship slowly drove out.

It was Bailiyuan's home space, and it was the first time that Bailiyuan launched a battleship to participate in the battle.

However, at this time, there was a white mask on the battleship.

This layer of light shield is not only a protective cover, but the energy also contains the light component of Bailiyuan, which makes this light shield have a certain sacred attribute, which can block the ability to make people stunned.

However, due to the external environment, combat cannot leave the scope of the mask, whether it is a human or an elf!

At this time, on the battleship, the combat system has already been activated.

The folding space unfolded again, and Galatron flew out under the control of Caroline.

All kinds of powerful weapons appeared on the deck one after another.

As for the lack of manpower?

Miss Misaka is here!

The two thousand Misaka sisters all moved into action, all armed and standing neatly on the deck with their spirits at their sides.

Not to mention how the fighting power is, it is indeed very imposing.

To be honest, when the members of the Blue Star Defense Team saw these two identical Misaka sisters with expressionless faces, they were really taken aback.

After hearing Caroline's explanation, the members of the Blue Star Defense Team felt a little more distressed for the Misaka sisters.

However, now is clearly not the time to talk about feelings.

The remaining combatants of the Blue Star Defense Force also appeared on the deck.

During this time, they also discussed the battle plan.

"Battle begins!" the exec yelled.

"Team Rand, fight!"

"Oshen team, fight!"

"Ska team, fight!"

Although there are very few people left, everyone's eyes are equally firm.

"However, what about the Ankang team?" A member of the Ska team asked suspiciously. He did not see Ankang, and there was no Ankang's voice on the public channel. He couldn't help but feel a little worried.

A member of the Oshen team patted him.

"The Ankang team is fighting his battle!"

The members of the Oushen team looked at Ultraman Nesser who was fighting.

"And we, too, have our battles!"

After getting along for so many years, how could you not notice it at all?

"The battle is won, our captain treats everyone to barbecue!" The Oushen team member said to the Ska team members beside him with a smile.

Oushen team captain: "???"

When the members of the Blue Star Defense Team and the Misaka sisters were preparing for battle, the elves of Bailiyuan were also getting ready. Although they couldn't release the mask, they also had long-range attack methods!

However, Uchiha Shisui appeared outside the shield, ready to participate in the battle.

The souls of Uchiha Shisui and Baili Yuan are bound, and they are warmed by Baili Yuan's power in the guardian spirit space, and the body also has sacred power.

The flame chicken looked at the figure of Uchiha Shisui running away outside, raised his paw, and didn't know what he was thinking, but a little light appeared on the flame chicken's paw.

Although it is rare, it is very pure, leaping like a flame.

"Flame Chicken, what's the matter?" Xanadu came over and asked.

The flame chicken closed its paws, the light disappeared, then turned and left, but the flame chicken's words still fell into Xanadu's ears.

"It's nothing, the next battle will be left to you."

As the most powerful existence among the elves, Xanadu will naturally contribute the most in the subsequent battles.

Xanadu looked at the flame chicken's back and blinked his eyes.

"Let's work together, everyone."

Not being able to get out of the shield will have an impact on everyone's strength.

Baili Yuan nodded to everyone in the battleship, and then ran into the battlefield.

The battlefield at this time is divided into two parts.

One part is Ultraman Sykes and Ultraman Dora are beating Walls, and the other part is Ultraman Nesser who is entangled with the existence in the dark, but the situation of Ultraman Nesser is very different at this time. Not very good.

"Caroline and I will help Ultraman Nesser, and you will help Sykes and the others get rid of that monster." Bailiyuan said to Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui nodded, then turned and rushed towards Walls.

At the same time, a pair of kaleidoscope sharing eyes opened instantly, and then spun wildly, green chakra emerged from Uchiha Shisui's body.


Galatron controlled by Bailiyuan and Caroline also came to Ultraman Nesser.

"How is the situation now?" Baili Yuan asked.

"As you can see, it's not very good, the enemy's strength is too strong!" Nesser Altman said, panting, "and the enemy has occupied a city,'s hard to fight back!"

Bailiyuan understood what Ultraman Nesser meant, because the other party was in the city, and Ultraman Nesser could not attack, after all, there was another city over there.

And if you want to attack the opponent, you will inevitably accidentally injure the comatose people in the city.

Although in many cases, a small number of people can be sacrificed in order to save the majority of people, but because of the position, more often there is no way to make a choice-the majority of people cannot be sacrificed, and the small number of people cannot be sacrificed.

Children only make choices, and Altman Nesser chooses everything. Although he is very greedy, behind this greed is often a heavier responsibility and pressure.

"Is it only possible to enter the darkness?" Baili Yuan said.

Because you can't attack blindly, you can only enter the darkness and find out the enemy. This is also the most effective way for the time being.

"Help me contain the enemy..." Ultraman Nesser said slowly.

"I'll go!" Bailiyuan stepped forward and said, interrupting Ultraman Nesser.

"No, I'll go, you help me contain the enemy's attack!" Nesser Altman shook his head and said.

But it was rejected by Bailiyuan.

"Don't forget, now I am more resistant to the opponent's power, and I have a clone, which is very powerful!"

Altman Nesser hesitated for a moment, but nodded.


The enemy attack strikes again and there is no time for indecision.

Baili Yuan nodded, and then rushed into the darkness.

As for the clone...he only has one fear clone left now, because the other clones have not been resurrected, including the sorrow clone, but he is not going to tell Ultraman Nesser about this.

Although Caroline knew about this matter, Caroline didn't say anything, because Caroline and Bailiyuan were one.

Moreover, compared to Ultraman Nesser, he is indeed more suitable for exploring the way with more means.

Baili Yuan stared at the position of the egg in the dark——

The enemy is there!

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