I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 764 The crime of greed, mammon

Nesser Altman cried out in pain and was sent flying, with black lightning flashing on his body, looking very painful.

The monster looked at Ultraman Nesser, raised his hand again, and the power gathered in the monster's hand again.

"Cover Ultraman Nesser!"

The gunfire sounded again.

The monster had to stop what he was doing and dodge, but this also angered the monster.

The monster opened the distance, waved its hands, and several cursors shot at the army below.

The pressure of the artillery fire suddenly decreased a lot.

At this time, the Blue Star Defense Team also arrived, and the three teams dispatched at the same time to focus on the monsters.

"How's the situation?" Ska team captain asked in the public channel.

"The situation of the monster has been analyzed, mainly about the monster's attack and defense methods..." The representative of the analysis department quickly talked about the results of the analysis in the channel.

"The monster's defense method is to condense a special energy layer on the surface of the body, but it is not invincible. The energy layer has its own upper limit of defense. As long as a single attack does not exceed the defense limit, no matter how many attacks it is, it cannot be broken. The energy layer defense of the monster, and the consumption of the energy layer defense can also make up for itself, the energy layer can offset the attack, so it seems that our attack is ineffective, but if the energy layer defense is broken, the monster will form a defense again. It will take some time."

"At this time, the monster's own body defense does not seem to be as strong as the defense of the power layer, but it is still very strong. It can be seen from the monster's ability to receive a flying kick from Ultraman Nesser. This may be Monsters are not considered weaknesses, Ultraman Nesser has broken the monster's defense just now, the monsters can no longer ignore our attacks, they may be worried that they will be injured, so now the monsters will dodge our attacks."

"The monster's attack method is very powerful, and its strength is also very strong. It is higher than Ultraman Nesser. It does not have a very good defense strategy, but what is certain is that every time a monster uses a laser-type move, it will temporarily consume part of its own energy. , but these abilities will be replenished soon, but such a decrease and increase will delay the time for the monster to rebuild the energy layer defense."

"Finally, there is another guess that has not been verified, that is... the monster may have the means to absorb the energy generated by the attack to replenish itself, so please be careful."

"The offensive suggestion is to take advantage of the monster's energy layer defense being broken, lure the monster to use laser attacks, delay the reconstruction of the energy layer defense, and then take advantage of this opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the monster's body!"

After hearing the words in the headset, everyone nodded, and then the captains began to arrange the battle.

"The energy layer defense on the surface of the monster's body is about to recover. Time is running out. Everyone speeds up the attack, some are responsible for restraining the monster, and the rest attack with all their strength! Use the strongest firepower!"

"Leave the matter of restraining the monsters to our Ska team!"

"Try to delay the time, even if the monster successfully rebuilds the energy layer defense, we can wait until Ultraman Nesser recovers, and then break the monster's defense again."

"Secretary, where is my fucking big baby, bring it here, fuck it! Fire! Fire!" The voice of the executive officer appeared on the channel.

[System prompt: The executive officer was asked out of the communication channel because of his aggressive words. 】

The channel was silent for a second, and then one voice after another sounded again, order after order was delivered in an orderly manner.

However, the "big baby" in the commander's mouth was indeed arranged into the tactics.

In the temporary command room near the battlefield, the secretary walked towards the executive crouching in the corner with a cup of tea.

Grievance·Executive Officer Limited JPG.

"Thank you." The executive took the tea.

The secretary smiled.

"You know, I'm not usually like this." The executive officer said with a cup of tea, "Isn't it because I haven't been on the battlefield for a long time, and I'm a little excited."

"I understand." The secretary smiled comfortingly.

"No, you don't understand."


The secretary ignored the executive officer, and the executive officer squatted in a corner whispering bbbb...


Although the Blue Star Defense Team attacked the monster, they failed to deal with the monster, and even did not cause any serious damage to the monster. The defensive power of the monster itself was higher than imagined.

Although the defensive power of the monster body is slightly lower, it is not that fragile. To cause damage to the monster, it must continuously attack with heavy firepower, but the monster did not give the Blue Star Defense Team so much time.

When the "big baby" was about to be used, the monster rebuilt a new energy layer defense.

Ultraman Nesser also stood up again, but from his undulating big chest muscles, it can be seen that the monster's attack just now made him very uncomfortable.

Ultraman Nesser once again assumed an attacking posture, confronting the monster head-on.

Bailiyuan and Shirakawa Junko also came to the battlefield.

Bailiyuan looked at the platinum fuck and the glory eggs on the monster, and roughly understood the monster's strength.

At the same time, Caroline also collected information about the monster.

"Almost perfect defense means, powerful attack means, the ability to absorb energy and absorb energy, as well as its own powerful strength and defensive attributes, if the energy replenishment speed of this monster keeps up, then the strength of this monster will definitely become even stronger Terrible!" Caroline said.

At that time, the monster can completely strengthen its own defense and strengthen its attack while absorbing the energy of the outside world. The strength of the monster will definitely be more terrifying and more incomprehensible.

But even at this level, Ultraman Nesser feels a little helpless. Although Ultraman Nesser broke the monster's defense once, it was because of the monster's unpreparedness and his own efforts. Now , If you want to find a chance to break the monster's defense, it is obviously not so easy.

This is indeed the case. When Ultraman Nesser tried to attack, he found that the monster's energy layer defense became stronger!

And the monsters always intentionally avoid being hit by Ultraman Nesser's powerful attacks, and the attacks of other people are all ignored by the monsters.

In the past, the artillery fire that could delay the monster's footwork had no effect at all in front of the monster's energy layer defense.

Unless he uses a more powerful ultimate move, it will be difficult to break through the monster's defense, but will the monster really give him time to use the ultimate move?

As for those normal attacks, the monsters ignored them like the attacks from the Blue Star Defense Team.

Long-range attacking monsters have lasers, and Ultraman Nesser will not be given the opportunity to condense the light to attack.

Melee attacking monsters have strong strength and defense, and Ultraman Nesser's melee attacks can hardly break through the monster's energy layer defense.

Things are getting worse for Altman Nesser.

The monsters also have new moves.

There was a clatter, and the chain wrapped around the monster was thrown out by the monster, and then, taking advantage of Ultraman Nesser's unpreparedness, it wrapped around Ultraman Nesser's neck.

The monster's hand pulled the chain forcefully, and Ultraman Nesser was pulled down to the ground.

Then the monster exerted strength in its hands, and Ultraman Nesser was dragged towards the direction of the monster.

"No, Ultraman Nesser is in danger!"

"Support quickly!"


"what to do?!"

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