Chapter 763 Attacking Monster

Bailiyuan answered Ankang's second and third questions truthfully.

For example, Bailiyuan traveled to other worlds, and was trying to see if he could go back, but ended up in this world. Regarding Bailiyuan's experience, both Ankang and Shirakawa Junko were surprised, but their moods were different.

Ankang was amazed by Bailiyuan's experience, while Bai Chuanjunko lowered his head and thought.

As for the third question, Bailiyuan's answer is no.

What does it have to do with the chaos in this world that I have traveled through?

And Ankang also confirmed the guidance of the God of Fate before, that there is indeed someone manipulating everything behind everything, this is Ren Jie's discovery.

"Xiaojie fought the opponent before, but let the opponent run away. No, it should be said that if Xiaojie hadn't run fast, he might have been counter-killed. Although the opponent's strength is not particularly strong, it is not weak either." Ankang said.

Bailiyuan nodded.

And Junko Shirakawa didn't say anything like "why didn't you report it?" After all, this kind of thing is hard to explain.

"I also used some means to find the other party, but I didn't find anything." Ankang shook his head, "The other party's hiding methods are really superb."

"Then can we confirm whether the other party is a blue star or a cosmic person?" Junko Shirakawa asked.

Junko Shirakawa thought about the landing of the space shuttle before, but the origin of the other party must also be confirmed.

After the space shuttle that Bailiyuan met before fell to the blue star, the people in the space shuttle were not found, but following the clues, only the obelisk was found, and now the obelisk is in Bailiyuan's hands, stuck Lorraine made a simple analysis and found no major problems.

Then all the clues were cut off, and now a suspicious person appeared, Junko Shirakawa couldn't help but associate the two things.

Ankang nodded.

"Xiaojie's judgment is...the other party is from Blue Star! But he has special abilities, and there is also a very strange book." Ankang said.


Both Bailiyuan and Baichuan Junko were taken aback.

"Is it a book? Is there a full-color version? I like older sisters with big breasts and round buttocks." Baili Yuan cheered up, and then sniffled.

Shirakawa Junko: "..."

Ankang: "..."

At this time, the communications between Junko Baichuan and Ankang both rang.

But the difference is that Ankang's is the communication of the emergency assembly, while Shirakawa Junko's is the communication from the executive officer.

"Captain Bai Chuan, a monster is flying in the direction of Universe Village!"

"What?!" Both Junko Baichuan and Ankang stood up.

Bailiyuan looked at the two of them, then sniffled again.


They are not the only ones in the universe village, there are also many aliens living there. If something happens to these aliens, it may cause problems between the planets!

Such words are not alarmist. With the continuous development of Blue Star, Blue Star is also continuing to conduct diplomacy with other discovered alien intelligent creatures. Now some aliens in the universe village represent their own planets or bring The mission came to Blue Star.

How could it be possible for them to have such an accident? !

Of course, in order to protect their safety, the location of the universe village is very secret, and there is a very strong security outside, and its combat capability and equipment are second only to the Blue Star Defense Force.

However, the fact that the executive officer is speaking in person now means that the security team outside cannot be absolutely sure to intercept the attacking monster.

Sure enough, the executive continued to speak.

"The monster that appeared this time is very special. Not only can it negate our attack, but it also has a powerful laser attack ability. Now it has broken through the second line of defense and is advancing towards the last line of defense!"

"I hope Captain Bai Chuan will respond in time, and... please, Team Ankang."

After speaking, the executive officer cut off the call.

At the same time, the executive officer walked out of his office quickly, and the beautiful secretary trotted behind him.

"Let everyone get ready, this time I will go there personally, by the way, bring our big baby!"



In Bailiyuan's residence, Ankang also stood up and picked up his combat helmet.

"I'll go first."

Ankang looked at Bailiyuan.

"Take Xiaoyuan and leave first, his condition is not suitable for fighting!"

Bailiyuan sniffled.

And Ankang left quickly.

Junko Bai Chuan didn't take Baili Yuan away directly, but looked at Baili Yuan.

"Yuanjun, do you have any plans?"

Although Bailiyuan's current situation seems a little bad, and his head seems to be a little insufficient, but this does not mean that Bailiyuan is really mentally retarded.

Bailiyuan obviously also understood the current situation and knew that he was not suitable for fighting.

But he didn't choose to leave.

"Let's see the enemy's situation first." Bailiyuan said, and then Caroline controlled the robot and chased after Ankang, ready to see the enemy's situation.


On the other side, the last direction of the universe village, the battle has already started at this time, but the battle situation is very bad.

The attacks of the security team were neutralized in front of the enemy, but the enemy was able to use powerful laser attacks to cause heavy losses to the security team.

However, compared to casualties, the monster's flying speed has not slowed down, and its direction has not been changed.

Just when the battle situation was about to collapse, a ray of light fell on the monster.


The monster was shot down from the air for the first time, and the light also fell on the ground, and a tall red figure appeared from the light.

"It's Ultraman Nesser!"

The soldiers smiled.

And Nesser Ultraman also quickly looked at the enemy this time after landing.

The enemy is black as a whole, in the shape of a human, with a black iron mask on his head, black chains wrapped around his arms and body, and black air is rising from the mountain.

Under the mask is a sheep's head, with blood-red eyes, which looks extremely hideous and terrifying.

Behind the monster is a pair of tattered wings, but they can be used to fly.

After briefly looking at the enemy, Ultraman Nesser moved!

Ultraman Nesser charged towards the monster.

The monster clasped its hands together, and a black laser shot at Ultraman Nesser.

Ultraman Nesser dodged in a hurry to avoid the laser attack, but continued to rush towards the monster without slowing down.

After Ultraman Nesser approached quickly, he flew up and kicked the monster.

However, the monster did not move at all!

Ultraman Nesser raised his head, and looked at the monster through the iron mask.

The monster let out a mocking laugh, as if laughing at Ultraman Nesser's self-deprecation.

Nesser Ultraman felt bad and wanted to retract his foot, but was grabbed by the monster.

Ultraman Nesser tried hard to pull back his feet, but the monster's hands firmly grabbed Ultraman Nesser's ankles like handcuffs.

The monster's other hand slowly lifted up, and a black halo condensed in its hand.

Then the monster took a step forward and pressed the black halo in its hand on Ultraman Nesser's chest.


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