I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 74 Tour on the tip of the tongue

The night passed quickly.

The next morning, Bailiyuan got up early, and the igloo was obviously not a good place for a lazy bed.

After stretching his waist, Baili Yuan felt that he had completely recovered.

Looking at Xanadu lying beside him, Bailiyuan smiled.

Jiuwei looked up at Bailiyuan, yawned, and fell asleep peacefully.

Xanadu and Nine-Tails kept vigil last night. Although nothing happened afterwards, they didn't dare to sleep deeply.

Now that Bailiyuan has woken up, they can rest in peace for a while.

Although Chao Neng Miao Miao was also keeping watch outside, she fell asleep early. Hearing Baili Yuan's voice, Chao Neng Miao Miao woke up and sat up. She was still expressionless, but she looked like she had just fallen asleep. The peculiar daze when waking up.

Looking at the holes in the ice wall in the distance, Super Miaomiao always felt like he missed something.

where am I? what happened last night What's for breakfast this morning?

Bailiyuan didn't bother the three elves, but walked out of the igloo and stretched.

At this time, the wind and snow had stopped, and the sun was shining brightly.

Taking a breath of fresh air, Bailiyuan released the flame chicken.

The flame chicken can not only deal with danger, but also bring warmth to itself.

"By the way, I seem to have killed a scorpion last night."

Thinking of this, Bailiyuan walked around the igloo with the flame chicken.

Finally, an ice-blue scorpion more than one meter long and half a meter high was found at the base of one wall of the igloo.

At this point the scorpion was dead.

Opening the body of the scorpion, Bailiyuan found that there were three wounds on the body of the scorpion.

One on the abdomen, one on the side of the body, and finally the fatal one on the head.

Bailiyuan scratched his head, the scorpion's life was really bad.

The ice scorpion is a ferocious monster that is common in the wild in Daxue Mountain. It is of ice attribute and likes to attack creatures at night. It usually acts alone.

The most difficult thing to deal with is the scorpion venom of the ice scorpion, which is a kind of cold poison, which is difficult to get rid of, making the ice scorpion not strong, but very difficult to deal with.

Bailiyuan took out the lightsaber again and adjusted the length so that the lightsaber was only ten centimeters long.

Coming to the tail of the ice scorpion, he raised his sword and lowered it, cutting off the barbed limb of the ice scorpion's tail.

The barbed limbs on the tail of the ice scorpion store the scorpion venom of the ice scorpion, which is also the only place where the ice scorpion carries the poison. The scorpion venom of the ice scorpion has medicinal value and can also be used to cultivate contracted animals. At the same time, Barbs are sharp and make for nice gear too.

Putting away the limbs, Baili Yuan looked at the ice scorpion again.

The remaining part of the ice scorpion is not of much use.

"It would be a shame to waste such a big ice scorpion here..."

Half an hour later, Xanadu and Jiuwei were awakened by a seductive fragrance.

Looking at each other, Xanadu and Jiuwei walked out of the igloo.

"Hey, wake up, let's have breakfast."

I saw that outside the igloo, the flame chicken was breathing flames, and the super-powerful Miaomiao used superpowers to control a huge scorpion to roll back and forth to make it evenly heated.

And Bailiyuan brushed the surface of the scorpion with seasoning and a brush.

Next to it, there are other elves waiting for the meal, and there is a plate in front of each elf.

Another half hour passed.

"Turkey Roasted Ice Scorpion" has been wiped out.

Even if the small ice rock pillar doesn't eat, if a one-meter-long ice scorpion is divided, each elf doesn't eat much, not to mention that the ice scorpion has very little meat, and it's just a shell.

Iron Armored Rhinoceros and Little Fist Stone, the two brothers with good teeth, even ate up the shell of the ice scorpion.

Bailiyuan lay on the snow looking at the sky, sat up suddenly, and knocked his hand.


The elves all looked at him.

"Since you can't win this tour, go back when you're full!"

Bailiyuan's decision was agreed by all the elves.

Occasionally going out for a picnic is also a good choice, not to mention that hunting itself is also a part of the Daxueshan tour.

After packing up the garbage, Bailiyuan led the elves to pick a random direction from the location of the igloo, and started to sweep all the way.

Shanaido and Super Miaomiao are responsible for finding prey with superpowers, while the other elves are responsible for solving each other.

The edible ones are added to the "Turkey BBQ" series, and the inedible Bailiyuan is also included.

Along the way, besides enjoying the delicious food, Bailiyuan and the elves also gained a lot.

Bailiyuan has harvested a lot of useful materials. The Flame Chicken, who has been on the road of explosion, is rapidly increasing his control over flames. Super Neng Miaomiao's proficiency in superpowers is also rapidly increasing. Other elves have also gained battle experience. .

In the process of searching for ingredients, Bailiyuan also found some flags. These flags should be the flags that the children need to scan with their bracelets. Bailiyuan tried it. Sure enough, the flags on his own road could not be scanned at all.

However, according to the flag, Bailiyuan can also estimate that he has not gone astray, although he still doesn't know how to go, but as long as he keeps going, he will be able to go out.

A great man once said: The greatest, most permanent, and most universal art is that of a man pretending to be a woman.

Ah, no, it’s not this sentence, it’s—there is no road in this world, and when there are many people walking, it becomes a road.

So... let's go.


Time flies, and the Daxueshan tour only has a one-day time limit. As the end draws to a close, a figure finally appears in the sight of everyone at the finish line.

The crowd waiting at the finish line cheered.

Although the starting point will not be announced to the public, the location of the end point will be announced after the start of the Daxueshan parade, and the parents and audience of the children can wait at the end point for the children returning from the parade.

"There is still an hour before the time limit, finally! Finally! Finally, the little warrior has returned!" the host cheered, enlivening the atmosphere.

"Let's cheer for the little warrior!" the host shouted loudly.

"Come on!"

"Come on! Don't give up!"

"It's almost the end!"

"Learn more about Xueshan Haircut!"

Finally, the child reached the finish line, but obviously looked a little tired, but with a smile on his face.

The child's parents came to the child's side immediately, and the staff and medical staff followed closely.

The staff were responsible for checking the child's bracelet, while the medical staff began to check the child's body. After some inspection, it was found that the child was fine except for being a little tired.

At this time, the staff's inspection results came out, and the results were sent to the host.

The host looked at the result in his hand and fell silent, and the audience also fell silent with the host.

Finally, the host spoke and smiled.

"Let's congratulate Sol of the junior group for completing the tour and becoming the champion of the junior group! Winning the title of tour brave!" The host shouted loudly.

The crowd seethed.

And this time...

On the snowfield, Bailiyuan wiped his nose, watching Jiuwei dragging a ferocious-looking but fainted white bear back from a distance with its tail.

Bailiyuan stood up and patted the flame chicken.



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