Chapter 668: The Twist's Line of Fate and the Ability of the Avatar of Sorrow!

"Fantasy Beast's ability to directly absorb your superpower should be related to the particularity of your superpower." Caroline was analyzing Bailiyuan.

"According to the comparison of power, although it is impossible to conduct accurate research and analysis, it is still possible to make a rough guess."

"Your superpower comes from the power of the spirit, and the superpower you have cultivated is a reflection of the soul, but the fantasy beast can just absorb this kind of power, and your superpower has been purified, so..."

"This is the same as sugar can dissolve in water, but because your super power is too strong, you can cause damage to the fantasy beast, otherwise your super power can only become the nourishment of the fantasy beast."

"That is to say, in the future when my superpower encounters this kind of enemy, will the superpower be suppressed?" Bailiyuan asked with a frown.

Bailiyuan felt a little uncomfortable. The C position, which was originally good, was forced to be a support by him.

"You can understand it that way, but it's not absolute," Caroline said.

"What's the meaning?"

"Combining the super power information, in theory, if you go further and control your super power to a certain extent, you can completely prevent your super power from being absorbed by the enemy. You have just awakened the super power attribute. The control is not perfect, so you still have a chance, read more the practice manual that Chaomeng left for you, and you will definitely improve." Caroline has been following Bailiyuan, and has a powerful data calculation ability, so although her analysis and judgment may not be 100% correct, there is a great possibility that it will be correct.

As for whether it is really correct, it depends on Baili Yuan's own efforts.


It has been nine hours since I came to this world.

Bailiyuan also has some understanding of this world, except for the battle in the afternoon, Bailiyuan has been understanding this world.

To put it simply, this world is somewhat similar to the world of the Emblem Envoy, because both involve the "supernaturalness of the whole people"!

However, the difference is that the heraldry makes the world truly extraordinary, and in this world, the people who control and have access to extraordinary power are only within a certain range.

Academy City is an area where superpowers and scientific power coexist. Bailiyuan has not found any traces of magic, and Caroline has not collected any information about magic.

However, there are still many bright spots in the science and technology of Academy City. After simply communicating with Bailiyuan, Caroline began to wander in the network of Academy City.

As long as there is a network, it is no different from the back garden for Caroline.

However, there are many interesting things in Academy City, the most important thing is that it is highly technological!

Therefore, Caroline said that she would be offline for a while to invade something called a dendrogram. Anyway, Bailiyuan didn't know much about it, but as long as Bailiyuan needed it, Caroline could come back at any time.

But Caroline hopes that Bailiyuan can keep the network unblocked, that is to say, Bailiyuan should try not to appear in places where the network is blocked.

After all... a sudden disconnection while downloading torrents is very uncomfortable!

After the battle ended, the live broadcast was closed, and Ah Fu and Jiang Chen were nowhere to be found, so Baili Yuan could do some things of his own, or in other words—then it was time to get paid!

At this time, Bailiyuan was taking Nicole aimlessly for a stroll in Academy City.

"It's getting dark..." Baili Yuan sighed.

Bailiyuan looked at the clock in the distance, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Then, it was twelve o'clock.

At this time, there were no people on the streets of Academy City, and the only ones who could still be active on the streets at this time were adults except punks.

"It's twelve o'clock, let's go eat...huh?"

Bailiyuan looked in one direction, because he felt the wave of magic!

In a city full of technology and superpowers, magical fluctuations appeared, which were as eye-catching as fireflies in the night sky.

Of course, people who don't understand magic, don't know magic, and have weak perception ability can't feel magic fluctuations.

"Girl, go home and stay for a while."

After sending Nicole back home, Bailiyuan directly started teleportation and moved to the area near the area where magic fluctuations occurred.

"Is that the room?" Baili Yuan looked at one of the rooms in a very ordinary residential building.

There are two figures of a man and a woman outside the door.


The door was suddenly broken open from the inside.

The men and women guarding the door hurried to the door.

At this time, a strange light was blooming in the room.

"What an amazing wave of magic power!" Baili Yuan's expression became serious.

A colorful egg slowly emerged.

"Are you kidding me?" Baili Yuan swallowed.

"Warning! Section 2 of Chapter 3, confirm that the first to third barriers have all been penetrated, the regeneration preparation...failed..."

In the room, a girl wearing a white nun's uniform was floating in the room, speaking with an emotionless voice that meant nothing.

"At present, in order to protect the 103,000-volume library, we will give priority to attacking intruders... We have successfully analyzed the most effective magic combination against intruders, and started to activate the specific magic 'Saint George's Sanctuary'..."

The two magic circles that appeared in the girl's eyes expanded in one breath, forming two overlapping magic circles with a diameter of more than two meters in front of her eyes, as if they were respectively fixed on her two eyeballs, and the magic circles floating in the air followed She moves with a slight bob of her head.

Afterwards, the magic circle centered on the junction, forming cracks in all directions and extending to every corner of the space, like a defense wall, preventing anyone from approaching the girl.

And the man and woman standing at the door and a teenager in the room who witnessed all this looked unbelievable.

Well, to sum it up in four words - dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the girl narrowed her eyes, and turned her head in one direction. Immediately afterwards, a white light beam condensed from the magic circle, and then shot out suddenly.

The beam of light passed through the sides of the three of them and shot out of the door, and in the direction of the beam was...

"Grass. (verb)"

Bailiyuan looked at the beam of light coming over, with a dazed expression on his face.

However, at this moment, the ring that had been hidden on Baili Yuan's left hand suddenly appeared, and then, the Pot of Fate flew out of the ring, blocking Baili Yuan's face, just resisting the light beam.

Immediately afterwards, a message came to Baili Yuan's mind from the Pot of Fate.

"The fate line of this world has been moved... You have been involved in the fate of this world, so you have to bear the weight of fate... I only help you carry it for 30 seconds~"

Bailiyuan: "???"

Bailiyuan still didn't understand what was going on, but he understood that he only had less than thirty seconds left.

"As a god, you don't last at all, okay?"

Then, the Pot of Fate disappeared.

Thirty seconds are up!

Facing the light against his face, Baili Yuan's face was blurred before he could move in time.

At some point, the egg on the girl who emitted the light beam turned into a supreme egg!


Death came so suddenly.

However, Baili Yuan did not lose consciousness, his body was protected by some kind of power, and he still stood before the light.

"I remember that I seem to have a replacement baby... wait, the replacement baby doesn't seem to be touched... this is..."

The Clone of Sorrow activates!

Ability—to survive!

Resisting Life: Take the place of death once, and at the same time be in a state of being invulnerable to damage for one minute.

Cooldown - 30 days.

The clone of sorrow finally showed his powerful and domineering ability!

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