Chapter 667 So, try harder

Accompanied by a blinding white light is an explosion!


The wind and waves generated by the explosion blew the surrounding people further away.

"This power..." Misaka Mikoto felt the wind and waves, and hid behind the bunker.

The corners of Jiang Chen's eyes twitched, and he also found a bunker near Misaka Mikoto to hide.

No matter Misaka Mikoto or Jiang Chen can do this level of explosion, but the problem is that it is absolutely impossible for them to release such a powerful skill casually.

"It was able to cause this level of damage to the fantasy beast in one breath."

Misaka Mikoto guessed Bailiyuan's identity, she had never heard of someone with such strength in Academy City, and the ability seemed to be controlling light.

And Jiang Chen has a preliminary understanding of Baili Yuan's strength - although Baili Yuan has cooked delicious food, but he is a group of friends rated as a sixth level!

The group of friends in the group also fell into a brief calm after seeing the power of Baili Yuan's move.

They suddenly realized what kind of power this seemingly "good boy" Bailiyuan controlled.

Bailiyuan always acted like a good boy in the group, which was too deceptive to the group friends, making them subconsciously ignore the fact that he was a big boss.

"This is a master!" Ah Fu, who was awakened by the wind and waves, made his own judgment.

Bailiyuan was still floating in the air, looking down.

This move "Controlling the Light Ninety-Nine" is a move created by imitating a skill "Susano Ninety-Nine" of Uchiha Shisui's Susano.

It is very powerful and covers a large area, and it is a range-based explosive move.

After the explosion disappeared, smoke and dust enveloped the venue.

Bailiyuan frowned.

The target has been seriously injured, but it is not dead, but is constantly recovering.

"Quick recovery? Or immortality?" Baili Yuan was a little strange.

"Fantasy Beast has a strong self-healing ability." Misaka Mikoto ran out from behind the bunker and shouted: "Delay time, don't let Fantasy Beast destroy the nuclear power facility, my friend is going to play the healing music of Phantasm Mitsu, must delay Live fantasy beast!"

While shouting, lightning flashed on Misaka Mikoto's body, as if she was about to strike.

Bailiyuan rubbed his nose.

"Understood, leave it to me!"

Bailiyuan probably understood what it meant.

"This monster wants to attack the nuclear power facility, right? Then I will destroy the nuclear power facility first, so that this monster cannot get the nuclear power facility."

Misaka Mikoto: "???"

"Haha, just kidding, let's liven up the atmosphere." Bailiyuan smiled, but he also roughly understood Misaka Mikoto's meaning.

"What the hell is this fantasy beast..." Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes. He was somewhat familiar with the ability system of the fantasy beast, but he couldn't see it clearly.

"It's enough to restrict the actions of the fantasy beast, leave it to me." Jiang Chen showed a confident smile.

"Restricting movement?" Baili Yuan stretched out his hand.

Before Jiang Chen could act, four light barriers appeared around the fantasy beast, and then connected together, trapping the fantasy beast inside.

"Successful?" Mushan Chunsheng came out from behind the bunker, looking at the situation outside.

However, things are obviously not that simple.

The fantasy beast flew into the air, and at the same time, its size further expanded.

Bailiyuan blocked the last gap, but the fantasy beast slammed into the barrier fiercely, and then unexpectedly began to absorb the power in the barrier of light.

Bailiyuan felt that the super power in the barrier of light was being consumed rapidly. If the super power was completely consumed, the light controlled by the super power would dissipate and could no longer be used for fighting.

And when the fantasy beast washes its superpowers, its own strength and size are also further expanded.

"This...impossible! Why can the fantasy beast absorb other powers?" Mushan Chunsheng murmured in disbelief, she was a little confused why the fantasy beast could directly absorb Bailiyuan's power.

Mushan Chunsheng speculates that this may have something to do with Bailiyuan's power type, because Bailiyuan's ability is different from the superpower of this world, so unexpected changes occurred when facing fantasy beasts. If you want to study the specific reasons, Observation and research are needed, but it is obviously impossible to directly see the gap.

But what is certain is that the fantasy beast can absorb the power of Bailiyuan!


"Yes, let's not talk about why the fantasy beast can absorb your power, let me first talk about how you can defeat the fantasy beast... The common sense used to deal with ordinary creatures will not work against fantasy beasts, any damage to the body surface It will not affect its essence. The super regeneration ability and growth speed are very incomprehensible, but... According to my scan, there is a core in the body of the fantasy beast. Destroying this core may completely solve the fantasy beast! said Caroline.


"Your attack didn't hit the core just now. The fantasy beast can absorb your power. Even if you can shatter most of the fantasy beast's body because of the impact and explosion, but with the fantasy beast's size and instinct, it can also be destroyed by your attack. Protect your core, and at the same time recover quickly by absorbing your strength." Caroline continued.

"That is to say..."

"It's hard to beat a fantasy beast with superpowers alone."


Bailiyuan suddenly felt a toothache.

And after seeing that Baili Yuan's moves were ineffective, Jiang Chen also made a move.

"Spine Broken Spear!"

Jiang Chen rushed towards the fantasy beast, and then shot the fantasy beast into the air, right away from the direction of the nuclear power facility.


But A Fu did not know when he appeared in the direction where the fantasy beast was sent flying.

Alfred's eyes narrowed.

"The giant ax chops..."


Ah Fu was knocked and flew out.

And there was only an echo in the air.

"The crow...flying."

Jiang Chen scratched his head.

"I really didn't mean to, haha..."

Well, Jiang Chen got confused... Probably.

However, Jiang Chen and Misaka Mikoto also seized the opportunity and started to attack the fantasy beast.

However, Fantasy Beast also began to use a variety of superpowers to fight back.

Bailiyuan fell to the ground, thinking about the situation.

It's not that he can't cause damage to the fantasy beast, but it is difficult to penetrate the core of the fantasy beast, and his super power is likely to be used as a nourishment for the fantasy beast.

"In other words, it's not without chance!"

However, Bailiyuan didn't continue to attack, because at this moment, special music resounded throughout Academy City.

"It's a treatment procedure!" Kiyama Haruhime breathed a sigh of relief, "Catch up."

"The fantasy beast's self-healing has stopped!" Jiang Chen's voice came from a distance.

"I'm so sorry, the game is over!" Misaka Mikoto also flashed lightning.

"It's now!"

Bailiyuan also moved.

"Use my strength as nourishment, although I don't know how you did it, but..."

The place must be found!

Bailiyuan appeared in front of the fantasy beast in a blink of an eye, and put a hand on the fantasy beast.

Platinum egg +1

Before it was over, Bailiyuan's hand that was pressing on the fantasy beast glowed with light.


The light brought an explosion, and the huge body of the fantasy beast was blasted apart, which also shattered the fantasy beast's counterattack. Most importantly, after the explosion, the core of the fantasy beast's body was finally exposed.

"So strong!" Jiang Chen's eyes twitched.

The fantasy beast can no longer heal itself, but its own strength is still there, but it is still smashed by Baili Yuan's blow. This feeling is astonishing as breaking a mountain with one punch.

"Sorry." Misaka Mikoto said in a low voice.

Fantasy beasts were born out of the desire and yearning for superpowers of the low-powered and the powerless, including Misaka Mikoto's friends, and Misaka Mikoto is one of the top figures in Academy City.

Regarding ability, it has nothing to do with fairness or not, but Misaka Mikoto also learned about the hearts of those capable people living at the bottom through this incident.

"I understand, your feeling of not being rewarded for your hard work, but you used to work hard too! So, don't shrink back, and don't lie to yourself anymore..."

Misaka Mikoto flicked a coin with a smile on her face.

"So, try harder!"

This sentence is what she said to all those who have fallen into the illusion of the master, and she believes that this estimation will definitely be conveyed!

The coin surrounded by electric light shot out, penetrated the body of the fantasy beast, and hit the core.

"This is... level 5!"

Baili Yuan, who appeared in the distance at an unknown time, watched the scene where the lightning flashed out from the fantasy beast's body and shattered the core.

"This power is not a joke."

Bailiyuan quickly learned about this world from Caroline.

Finally, Bailiyuan saw the figure who made the blow.

"Denkishi, Misaka Mikoto!"

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