Chapter 616 Xuemei: My neighbor's sister is going to be the champion


The relationship between humans and Pokémon is a commonplace issue in the Pokémon world.

In ancient times, the relationship between humans and Pokémon was not as harmonious as it is today. The two sides often fought. Pokémon was called "Warcraft" in that era. Some powerful humans were even able to tame Pokémon and use them for themselves. Putting on armor and fighting around, these human beings are called "Warcraft Envoys".

Those powerful existences in Pokémon are revered as gods by humans, that is, the modern legendary Pokémon, or they are called mythical beasts.

However, there are still human beings who want to attack these "gods", and finally ushered in an unimaginable disaster. It has been passed down to this day, and there are still many legends of that era in various regions.

In modern times, mythical beasts have left the sight of human beings. With the development of science and technology, human beings are no longer helpless, and the relationship between human beings and Pokémon has also changed. There are also conflicts and chaos. What is not lacking is fighting. With the invention of Pokémon Ball, the profession of trainer appeared, and the relationship between humans and Pokémon officially entered a new chapter.

As Pokémon and humans spend more time together, the relationship between the two changes radically, broadly starting to grow closer.

However, in many cases, the relationship between humans and Pokémon still cannot get a unified attitude.

Some people think that Pokémon is their best partner and family, but some people still think that Pokémon are tools, beasts, and commodities. Pokémon have different attitudes towards humans. Some are close to humans, while others are still hostile to humans. Humans are considered food.

However, the former has been recognized by more people and Pokmon, and has become the mainstream of society, because as the official organization alliance of human beings, it has also expressed its attitude-humans and Pokmon are both indispensable to this world. Both parties should coexist in harmony and protect the world we love.

The latter, of course, becomes "contrary to common sense", and many of those who hold this attitude have become so-called "members of dark forces", such as poachers and Team Rocket.

There is no clear statement about the Pokémon trade.

Buying and selling trade is prohibited, but exchange and capture are not prohibited. Some video game cities even have a project to exchange points for Pokémon, and the distribution of initial elves for newcomer trainers is not a transaction?

However, at least as an official alliance, it is doing well on the bright side. Almost all official alliance event rewards will never appear in the rewards of the word "Pokémon", which also shows the attitude of the alliance-Pokémon is not thing.

But now Angela said that the reward for the champion of the league conference is the elf? ? ?


Bailiyuan looked at Angela.

Angela smiled and didn't speak.

Bailiyuan: "..."

Two kinds of people are the most annoying, one is half-talking, and the other is smiling and not talking.

Angrily want to transform.

Chestnut's battle soon came to an end.

At this time, there is only one elf left on both sides.

Charmanders on bay leaves.

"Little Charmander, Flame Charge!" Li Zi shouted.

"Bay leaf, flying leaf sharp knife!"

Flame charge?

Bailiyuan blinked.

"This skill..."

"It's a genetic skill. Lizi's family seems to intend to let Lizi follow the path of a fire trainer. In the future, there may be an extra fire master in the Chengdu area." Angela laughed.

"By the way, my Charmander also has hereditary skills, which are the evil type's siege, bite, and crush. One of my Charmander's parents should be an Arbor snake. Lizi's family really cares."

Angela's research topic is evil-type skills. The little charmanders given to Angela inherited evil-type skills, and there are still three of them. Lizi's family really has a heart.

However, Charmander actually inherits fire-type skills, flying-type skills, and dragon-type skills best. It is a very good genetic skill, after all, it is recognized that the dragon element is strong.

Therefore, in terms of value, the value of Angela's Charmander is slightly lower than Chestnut's Charmander, but the Charmander who has inherited three evil skills is not as bad as Chestnut's Charmander, and has inherited evil skills The skillful Charmander suits Angela's liking.

Giving gifts is not about being precious, but about matching what one likes.

It is wrong to give a statue of Jesus to Christians, even pure gold.

But, regardless of Charmander's value...

"None of them are mine..." Baili Yuan was a little melancholy.

Angela looked at Baili Yuan amusedly, and then Angela made a sound.

"The game is over, and the result is out."

Baili Yuan sat up.

"Bay leaf loses the ability to fight, winner, chestnut player!"

Angela smiled and looked at Chestnut who was cheering with Xiaolong off the field.

At this time, Lizi looked extremely excited and happy, even though Lizi's road was almost here, because the player who was defeated by Lizi was even less likely to be the opponent of Dusher who defeated Lizi.

"This is how a normal child should behave." Angela looked at Baili Yuan and said.

"What's up~"

Bailiyuan and Angela walked out of the auditorium and waited for Lizi in the contestant aisle.

Both of them congratulated Lizi without hesitation, and there was a smile on Lizi's face.

"I'm here, you guys have to work hard."

Angela and Bailiyuan nodded.

"However, although I'm here, I will come again in the future, and I will definitely achieve excellent results in the league meeting with my partners."

"It doesn't have to be at the Silver Conference in the future." Angela said suddenly.

Both Lizi and Bailiyuan looked at Lizi suspiciously.

"After the tournament, I'm going to travel to the Fengyuan area. There are new elves there, and there are more prosperous gorgeous contests and fashion circles. There is also an alliance conference there. Do you want to go together?" Angela asked with a smile road.

Chestnut nodded vigorously.


Bailiyuan looked at Angela, he could feel that Angela's trip to Fengyuan area was not a temporary idea, but Bailiyuan didn't care about so many things.

But when the three of Bailiyuan left the arena and returned to their residence, they met an unexpected person.

Xuemei was waiting for him outside Bailiyuan's room.

Both Angela and Lizi recognized Xuemei as Bailiyuan's first opponent, and they both showed ambiguous eyes.

Bailiyuan looked uncomfortable for a while.

"What's the matter?" Bailiyuan stepped forward and asked curiously.

Xuemei also saw the three of Bailiyuan.

"You are really welcome." Xuemei said with a smile.

Bailiyuan shrugged.

"I've come to say goodbye."

Bailiyuan was taken aback.

"Aren't you going to finish the conference?"

"No, there was still time for the competition, but there is no need to stay here anymore. I have tested your opponent for the next round. It is not your opponent. It must be you. I will stay here It's meaningless, I can only wish you a good ranking." Xuemei shook her head and said.

"In such a hurry?"

Xuemei sighed.

"It's still a bit urgent. I'm going home to attend the coronation ceremony of my neighbor's sister."

"The coronation ceremony?" Baili Yuan was taken aback.

Xuemei smiled.

"That's right, my neighbor's sister is going to be the Sinnoh champion. We played very well when we were young, so she invited me too."

"Can I ask what is the name of your neighbor's sister?"


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