Chapter 615 Special Reward

The first battle of Bailiyuan was over, and there was another battle to come. Each player in the three-player round robin had to participate in at least two battles.

What reassures Bailiyuan is that Bailiyuan's opponent in the next match is not an opponent like Xuemei, but an ordinary trainer named Hu Le who has been traveling for two years.

In other words, the difficulty is much smaller.

However, it is Xuemei who will fight Hu Le first, and it will be tomorrow.

The battle between Bailiyuan and Hule will be the day after tomorrow.

Angela's battle was also over, and she won easily.

However, it was not so smooth for Lizi, and Lizi lost the first battle.

When Bailiyuan found Angela after the game, Angela was outside Lizi's door, and Lizi locked herself in the room.

"What's the matter? Was he beaten into autism?" Baili Yuan asked suspiciously.

Angela patted Baili Yuan's head.

"Don't make sarcastic remarks at this time, this is the information of her opponent in this match."

Bailiyuan curiously took the information given to him by Angela, and flipped through it.

"Ducher...the name is interesting."

It just so happened that Shedu's name was reversed.

"Dushe, a local trainer in the Chengdu area, is a very promising rookie trainer." Angela said, "I have been traveling for three years, and my strength is very strong. I have won many competitions, and I can be said to be a talented trainer. , can also be regarded as Li Zi's predecessor."

Bailiyuan looked through Du She's elf information.

"Sharp crocodile, one-horned rhinoceros, flaming horse, owl, electric dragon, shuttlecock cotton... There are so many types of elves." Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"The most important thing is that they are all well bred. In this match, Dushe only used the crocodile and flame horse to defeat all three elves of Chestnut."

"Where's the chestnut lineup?"

"Fire Beast, Big Tail Stand, and Fast Swimming Frog are the three of the only four elves that have finally evolved in her hands."

Although Lizi traveled with Angela, he was a rookie trainer who came out in the first year after all.

Today, there are only eight elves in Lizi's hands, four of which are the final evolution type, namely Firestorm Beast, Guo Guoweng, Dawei Li, and Fast Swimming Frog. The other four are not the final evolution type, namely Charmander, Shuttleflower, Wu Wave and six tails.

"I also watched the video of Lizi's battle. The reason why Lizi was like this was not only because he lost, but the Firestorm Beast forcibly inspired the fierce fire characteristics for Lizi, and forcibly replaced Dushe's flame horse. He was seriously injured. Treatment at the center. Tomorrow's game may not be able to play. Dawei Li and Fast Swimming Frog are also in the Pokémon Center. I went to see it. Fortunately, none of them are life-threatening. After returning from the Pokémon Center, Chestnut has been shutting himself in the room In." Angela said helplessly.

Bailiyuan understood that Lizi might feel guilty because the Pokémon were injured.

This kind of situation is very common among trainers. Trainers are prone to have various thoughts because of their relationship with elves. If they can't think about it, they will go to extremes, have psychological problems, and even go astray.

Moreover, the more intense the emotion, the greater the response when stimulated.

When those veteran trainers faced this situation, they would either self-regulate, or they would already be insane.

Therefore, Pokémon University has successively set up psychological dredging majors related to it in recent years, not only for the study of Pokémon's psychology, but also for the psychological enlightenment of trainers!

"What should we do now?" Baili Yuan asked.

"I can only hope that she wants to open it by herself. I will persuade her again. I hope she will open it. But it doesn't matter. It's the first time for her. It's normal to have some discomfort. After more times, she will get used to it, and she will also understand it." I feel the beauty of it." Angela said with a smile.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"By the way, if she decides to give up being a trainer, remember to ask me if the Charmander can be transferred..."

The door of the room opened suddenly, and Chestnut stuck out his head.

"Do not turn!"

Li Zi seemed to be a little angry, her cheeks were bulging with anger.

Baili Yuan pinched Li Zi's face casually, then looked at Angela.

"Look, let's open the door."

Angela: "..."


If she hadn't known Baili Yuan's goal, Angela would have almost believed it.

"I'm going to beat you today!" Chestnut took out a poke ball.

Bailiyuan: "..."


Both Bailiyuan and Angela's next matches will be on the third day, and only Lizi will have a match on the second day.

Both Bailiyuan and Angela went to watch Lizi's second game.

Sitting in the auditorium, Bailiyuan bought three drinks from Musashi, distributed one to Angela, and reserved the last one for Lizi.

That's right, Musashi from the Rockets trio.

Bailiyuan sipped his drink, looked at the busy Musashi and Kojiro, his thoughts diverged.

The Rockets trio can be said to be well-known, but in the real world, the Rockets trio look like nothing more than ordinary people.

Bailiyuan was taken aback for a moment, and said, will the money he bought for the drinks become the activity expenses of Team Rocket's trio? In the future, Pishen was arrested, does it also mean that he also has his help?

Thinking about it this way is a bit awesome, akimbo for a while~

At this time, Lizi had already settled down, and although there was no confident smile on her face, she became more and more calm.

Bailiyuan knew that Charmander was impossible...

Lizi's opponent this time is not that strong, but Lizi's strongest Pyrobeast can't play today, so the final outcome is somewhat unpredictable.

Bailiyuan and Angela watched the game on the field while thinking about the possibility of Lizi winning.

"By the way, I remembered something." Angela said suddenly.

Bailiyuan looked at Angela.

"I heard that the top three of the conference have special rewards."

"A special reward?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

Angela nodded.

"That's right, these rewards have not been announced. I only found clues after browsing through some information of the Alliance Conference over the years, and then got a positive answer from Dr. Oki."

"What's the special reward?" Baili became interested.

Traditionally, there will be winners in competitions, and there will be rewards for winners. The same is true for alliance conferences, and because of the specifications of the alliance conferences, the rewards are quite generous.

Generally speaking, the rewards of the Alliance Conference are divided into normal rewards and hidden rewards.

Normal rewards include regular items such as trophies, money, and various props and props. Invisible rewards include sponsor coupons and vouchers. Champions have tickets to challenge the Champions League, as well as endorsements and endorsement fees, but the endorsement depends on victory author's reputation.

However, the champion of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest is more likely to receive endorsement invitations, and the endorsement fees are not low.

Now, the special reward that Angela said made Baili Yuan interested.

And Angela didn't hold back, and spoke directly.

"I heard that there are special rewards for the top three in the conference, and the first place will have a chance to get a Pokémon as a reward."

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