I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 61 Battle Hotel

There is only one battle hotel in the battle area of ​​Daxue Mountain, but even if you look at it from the map, you can clearly feel the size of the battle hotel.

The battle hotel is on the left side of the Daxueshan camp, not far from the novice area. Sitting on the body of Miao Frog Flower, Bailiyuan came to the battle hotel more than ten minutes later.

When it came to the Battle Hotel, Bailiyuan's feeling for the Battle Hotel became more intuitive.

The structure of the battle hotel is completely like an enlarged duel field!

At this time, there was a lot of voices in the battle hotel.

At the prompt of the staff, Bailiyuan put away the Frog Flower.

Bailiyuan didn't see Shedu and Mary, and it was more than ten minutes before nine o'clock.

The sunset time of Daxue Mountain is very late, usually after ten o'clock, and it is not dark at the university at this time, and it is said that the night at the university is also very short, the longest is only six hours.

Bored, Bailiyuan squeezed into the crowd, in front of the description of the battle hotel, and looked at the description of the battle hotel.

The battle hotel is a special hotel. Here, the only way to get a room is to fight.

The right to use the room can only be obtained by defeating the guard of the room. If the room already has a user, the right to use the room can only be obtained by defeating the user. The challenger will have a safety period of twelve hours after winning. Yes, the challenger only has two chances to challenge in total, and the second challenge can be launched after ten minutes.

If the user wins, six hours of safety time will be awarded.

In the battle hotel, it is divided into four areas, corresponding to the trainee heraldry, junior heraldry, intermediate heraldry, and advanced heraldry. The higher the level of the area, the better the treatment of the room, and the number of rooms also increases. The less you have, you can leapfrog challenges, but you cannot challenge areas lower than your own strength level.

Except for the probationary area, free meals are provided in other areas.

There are rooms around it, and the battle area is in the center of the battle hotel. The sound insulation in the room is very good, so you don't have to worry about being affected by the sound of the battle.

Multiple people can live in the battle room, but the ownership of the room is not allowed to be transferred. The owner of the room only allows other people to enter the room when using the room.

"This is a battle rule set for fighting." Baili Yuan sighed.

"That's why it's called the Battle Hotel." Shedu's voice suddenly sounded from behind Bailiyuan.

Baili Yuan turned his head, and at some point, Shedu and Mary were already standing behind him.

"How did you find me?" Baili Yuan asked.

Shedu smiled and pointed to the bracelet on his hand.

The bell on the collar around Baili Yuan's neck rang.

"Tsk." Baili Yuan's mood suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

Mary looked at Bailiyuan with a smile.

"The battle hotel was built to solve the ever-increasing flow of people in University Mountain, but I didn't expect it to be welcomed by many people once it was launched. Those who came for the battle liked this model very much, and tourists I really want to try this kind of interesting battle rules, and the battle hotel has gradually become a characteristic building in Daxueshan. There are even many people who only like to live in the battle hotel. Sleep in your clothes, and by the way, tents are not allowed outside the battle hotel."

No tents allowed?

Thinking of the cold wind in Daxue Mountain, Bailiyuan shivered, feeling cold just thinking about it.

"Gather here, are we going to live here today?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

Shedu nodded.

"That's right."

"Then Mary..."

"Don't worry about me~" Mary smiled, "I live there."

Mary pointed to a very luxurious hotel in the distance.

"There is the Glory Hotel, and all those who have won the Lifetime Achievement Award will have a room of their own there."

Bailiyuan suddenly remembered that Mary seemed to have won the "Lifetime Champion Achievement Award" in the nanny competition, which meant that Mary had her own room in the Glory Hotel?

It really is……

Why does the Lifetime Achievement Award of Lao Shizi's nanny competition have such benefits! ! !

"I'll go there first, I hope you find your own room." Mary said to Shedu and Bailiyuan.

Shedu and Bailiyuan nodded to Mary, and Mary turned and left.

"Okay, let's go in too." Shedu said suddenly.

"Wait, what if you fail both challenges?" Baili Yuan asked suddenly.

Shedu glanced at him.

"Sleep outside!"

After speaking, Shedu walked towards the high-level area.


Baili Yuan's eyes became firm, absolutely not sleeping outside! Such a cold day will kill people!

Bailiyuan walked towards the practice area.

In the lobby of the probationary area, Bailiyuan applied for the battle.

"This is the card in your hand, number ninety-three, please wait patiently, the battle will start in five minutes."

Bailiyuan nodded.

There are one hundred battlegrounds in the probationary area, and my battle should be on the ninety-third battleground.

Sitting in the waiting room, Baili Yuan adjusted his state.

Because they didn't expect to fight at night during the day, they fought fiercely. At this time, the elves were exhausted, and they couldn't exert their full strength for the time being. They would definitely be at a disadvantage in the next battle.

If it doesn't work...you can only do it yourself!

Bailiyuan touched his chest, and what came out of the silver egg he found from Yinglili gave Bailiyuan the confidence to fight in person, but today, in order to exercise his ability to command the elves to fight together, and Not used.

Moreover, that thing is also limited in use, besides, Bailiyuan knew that if he went up to fight by himself, he could only deal with some melee professions.

Soon, five minutes of preparation time passed.

Bailiyuan followed the staff to the Battlefield No. 93.

When Bailiyuan saw his opponent clearly, he smiled.

Because, the opponent is a melee class!


On the other side, Shedu's battle has also begun.

However, when Shedu saw the appearance of his enemy clearly, his face seemed to become more rigid.

A woman was standing opposite Shedu, also looking at Shedu, with a look of surprise in her eyes and a bright smile.


Ask for tickets~

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