I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 60 Battle, Battle

Bailiyuan secretly rejoiced that just in case, he had already taken out a handful of sleep powder from the flowers of Miao Frog Flower, otherwise, he might not be able to put it in Lian, a pink loli.

The battle was officially over. Lian was carried away by two medical personnel and taken to treatment. Bailiyuan was also caught under the armpit by the referee and followed. Although Bailiyuan explained that he sprinkled a sleep-promoting powder , but the medical staff wouldn't just believe that, who knows if Bailiyuan mixed some other things into it, how could he let him go?

In addition to the battlefields and referees that can be seen everywhere in the battle zone, the other thing that can be seen everywhere are medical personnel.

Generally, the ordinary nurses are patrolling outside, in groups of two, while the attending doctors sit in front of various hospitals in the war zone.

Those who are injured and pass out will be sent to the nearest hospital by patrol nurses as soon as possible. On the one hand, it is to prevent the injured from deteriorating, leaving hidden wounds, or even causing death. After all, there are many accidents in battle. On the other hand It's about worrying about what some unscrupulous people will do to people who have passed out.

However, patrol nurses are not those ladies in skirts in common sense. In order to deal with crises, and even save opponents on the battlefield, patrol nurses are the kind of big men whose hands are thicker than your waist, making people feel very safe .

Some experienced patrol nurses still have scars and tattoos on their bodies, and they smell like blood and iron.

"If you want to save the wounded in battle, you just need to defeat his opponent."

This is what patrol nurses often say.


Sitting on a bench in the hospital, Bailiyuan was guarded by two patrolling nurses, which made Bailiyuan very stressed.

"What's the matter? Little brother?" The patrol nurse showed a gentle but ferocious smile.

"no no……"

"Are you a little nervous? It's okay, I'll sing you a song." Another patrolling nurse said in a rough voice.

"Let's just play a song that is popular recently."

"Ahem..." The two patrol nurses cleared their throats at the same time, and took a deep breath. The buttons on the chest of the nurse skirts almost didn't let the patrol nurse's bulging chest muscles pop open.

Then, the two patrol nurses began to sing together, "Learn to meow with me, meow~meow~meow~meow..."

The two patrolling nurses are also professionally accompanied by cute cat claw movements.

Baili Yuan felt his body trembling from the sound waves on both sides.

What trembled even more was Bailiyuan's young heart.

The results of the examination came out soon, and it was true that Lian had just fallen asleep, and there was no danger at all.

The two patrol nurses who were still thinking about it left and continued to patrol.

At the same time, Bailiyuan was liberated.

Bailiyuan took a deep breath, took a sip of water to suppress the shock, and calmed down.

But Bailiyuan didn't leave directly, but sat on the bench in the hospital summarizing the battle between himself and Lian.

This is a habit that Shedu let Bailiyuan develop.

This ending was indeed related to Lian's difficulty, but Bailiyuan itself also exposed many shortcomings.

The first point is that Bailiyuan's battle rhythm is not well grasped. From the beginning, although Lian has the upper hand, Lian quickly mastered the rhythm. If Lian's firing of the signal flare is directly interrupted, the battle will be much easier. The process And the ending will be clear.

The second point is the problem of coping. Bailiyuan felt that his cultivation of mental state was not in place, and he could not calmly confront the enemy. Moreover, because of Lian's attack, he was distracted, so Lian caught the opportunity twice and was almost defeated. .

The last point is the issue of the display of strength. Although the normal training looks very good, but once you really face the enemy, there are not many things that can be fully displayed, so you are beaten in a hurry, because all the training results are not yet available. It didn't become Bailiyuan's instinct.

The fight with Yana at the beginning was entirely because Yana was too good.

But when Bailiyuan really met his peers with rich combat experience, it paled in comparison.

It is also very simple to solve this problem, that is to fight!

Constantly fighting, constantly encountering different enemies, constantly gaining experience, and finally, transforming these experiences into strength in the battle.

This is a long-term, uninterrupted exercise.

After thinking through this, Bailiyuan felt a lot more relaxed. What he encountered was not an unsolvable problem, as long as there was a problem, it would be fine.

Moreover, Bailiyuan is not without gains. The biggest gain is that the tacit understanding between him and Miao Frog Flower has improved, making it easier to command. Although this tacit understanding has not improved much, it cannot be improved by ordinary training. .

Moreover, Bailiyuan has a better understanding of Frog Flower's strength and character, and has a deeper understanding of how to cultivate Frog Flower in the future.

After moving his shoulders, Bailiyuan jumped off the hospital bench and went outside, preparing for a few more fights.

During the time in Daxue Mountain, Bailiyuan felt that it was necessary to cooperate with all the elves he brought out for several battles.

Bailiyuan returned to the novice area. The advanced area in the novice area is very large. Bailiyuan changed the direction. This time, he didn't wait for anyone to challenge him. Instead, he looked around and found one that didn't look good, so he went straight up challenge.

None of the children who can hang out here are good babies, and the other party readily agreed to the challenge.

"Come out, flame chicken!"


Half an hour later, Bailiyuan changed direction again and picked another one that didn't look pleasing to the eye.

"Come out, Nine-Tails!"


Another half hour.


In the afternoon, Bailiyuan soaked in the novice area and experienced more than a dozen battles, large and small.

Although the strength of the elves is not weak, the novice area is not all soft persimmons that can be manipulated by others, let alone the advanced area.

However, generally speaking, there are more wins than losses.

Because the battle field was large enough, no one seemed to notice Baili Yuan, a trainee summoner who used different contracted beasts in every battle.

When the time reached half past eight, Bailiyuan stopped the battle.

This kind of battle frequency can only be achieved by Bailiyuan with a strong physique. If it were a real five-year-old child, he would have been exhausted long ago.

However, although the battle was exhausting, it was also rewarding.

During the battle, Bailiyuan discovered a very interesting thing. Few referees or children asked about Bailiyuan's age. Well, no one even cared about the authenticity of the name, and Bailiyuan had heard many names that were obviously fake.

For example, "Alice, Dark Moon, Ice and Snow..."

But even if someone asked out of curiosity, Bailiyuan reported a fake age after thinking about it. The five-year-old heraldry seems to be very dazzling. Let's fight honestly and don't always think about making big news. .

After the battle ended, Bailiyuan dug out the map, found the location of the battle hotel, and moved to the battle hotel. Bailiyuan still remembered Shedu's advice. If the battle hotel was not before nine o'clock, maybe Shedu would make a move. what come.

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