Chapter 595 Don't Mess With The Cook

"Have you experienced a lot?" The female instructor repeated, as if thinking about something.

Then the female instructor looked at Bailiyuan again.

"I heard that you are Dean Andy's son?"

"Well, ah, yes." Baili Yuan nodded.

"I'm curious about what kind of training you have experienced before." The female instructor said with a smile.

"It's just normal training."

The female instructor shook her head.

"Impossible, I can feel that you have participated in real battles, even... wars, are you really Dean Andy's child?" The female instructor suddenly said seriously.

Bailiyuan blinked.

"You have the temperament of a warrior." The female instructor continued to say to herself.

"It seems that I can't hide my innate unique temperament, alas, I have nowhere to put my excellence." Baili Yuan pinched his chin.

The female instructor was silent for a moment.

"I originally wanted you not to receive training, but now it seems that you still lack training, especially mental training." The female instructor said.

Bailiyuan was taken aback.

"Let's have a discussion, I don't think I need to participate in training..."

"There is no need to discuss it. In fact, Dean Andy has already told you when you came here that you should be trained well."


"So I will increase your training volume according to your situation in the future."

"Then what's the point of what you said before?" Baili Yuan asked.

"It doesn't make sense, because I'm just here to tease you."


The female instructor had inquired, and she had a good relationship with Annie, apart from Daisy, Bailiyuan was the only one.

The female instructor left, but Bailiyuan felt uncomfortable.

"Then, let's all die together!"

Bailiyuan took out the poisonous mushroom that he had picked out under the table.


The students had a very pleasant lunch.

The instructors were also eating the delicious lunch made by Bailiyuan.

"Ah, look at the captain's food, it looks so rich." An instructor said.

"Why is there such a difference? Is it really because we are not the captain?"

"That brat, he doesn't treat him so differently!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you've made that kid anxious, we don't even have the food we have now."

The older instructor saw it more thoroughly, and he could feel that Baili Yuan was not the kind of easy-going child. If Bai Liyuan was really annoyed, maybe he really wouldn't give them food.

When the other instructors heard what the older instructor said, they all shut up obediently.

These days, whoever has milk is a mother, and whoever has food is a father.

The female instructor looked at the rich food on her plate, smiled at the corner of her mouth, then took out her chopsticks and started eating.

Baili Yuan, who was sitting among the students, looked at the direction of the female instructor from the corner of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up when he saw the female instructor eat the food on the plate.

"I've said it all, don't mess with the cook!"


The female instructor was absent from the training in the afternoon. The reason was that the old injury had recurred and she needed to rest.

When Bailiyuan heard the news, he washed the poisonous mushroom in water.

"Let's make some mushroom soup tonight and visit the chief instructor."

Bailiyuan murmured softly, he has a good control over the matter of drugging, these poisonous mushrooms will not cause accidents to the female instructor, and will not leave sequelae, even Bailiyuan will not leave a clue, but the female instructor It's just that it won't be comfortable, Bailiyuan didn't intend to murder the female instructor, but Bailiyuan instinctively wanted to teach the female instructor a little lesson.

Bailiyuan was taken aback suddenly.

"By the way, I still don't know the name of that female instructor."

After sorting out the ingredients for dinner, Bailiyuan also joined the afternoon training.

The female instructor was not there, and Daisy also returned to the team again.

Annie was missing, but she wasn't worried about her, because to put it bluntly, unless Bailiyuan transformed, the people present couldn't be tied together enough to beat Annie.


A day of training is coming to an end.

After dinner, the students dragged their exhausted bodies back to their rooms.

The instructors also left the residence and returned to their camp, taking away the "consolation mushroom soup" prepared by Baili Yuan.

Returning to the room of the residence, under the watchful eyes of Shazi, Bailiyuan lay down on the bed with her clothes on, covered her with the quilt, and gave Shazi the back of her head.

For a day, Auston still didn't find a chance to talk to Bailiyuan.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Auston felt that Shazie was more vigilant towards him today, and every time Shazie stared at him, he felt terrified.

Therefore, after Bailiyuan lay down, Oston also lay down helplessly.

Then Shazi lay down on the bed in peace.

Today is another productive day.


Days passed by, and soon, a week of training was over.

This week, besides training as usual, Bailiyuan cooks for the students and instructors.

Bailiyuan didn't drug the female instructor's food anymore. I don't know if the female instructor discovered something, and she didn't really increase the amount of training for Bailiyuan, but she still gave Daisy a small stove.

And at night, under the "supervision" of Shazi, Bailiyuan lay obediently on the bed, except for chatting with the customer service through the system, he completely cut off contact with the outside world.

Auston also began to wonder if Baili Yuan had done something to Sha Zi, which made Sha Zi follow her.

After all, after getting along for so long, Auston also discovered that Bailiyuan had a bracelet that was of the same style as the decorative ring on Shazi's neck.

Auston and the other three members of the student union have already made up many versions of the relationship between Bailiyuan and Shazi.

Auston wanted to find Bailiyuan because he had his own purpose, and his purpose was to draw Bailiyuan into the student union.

However, because of Shazie, he never got a chance. However, because of this, Auston also had some strange thoughts.

Auston also became interested in Shazie, and he felt that Shazy might also be a rare talent!

Moreover, Shazi's strength is not weak!

He is completely a buried talent!

A week later, Auston set his target on Shazi. Auston knew that only by getting Shazi over first, could he further bring Bailiyuan to the student union!

The student union is also in great need of talents.

After a week of training, the instructors miraculously gave the students a day off. Of course, it was called a miracle because the female instructor spoke.

What made Bailiyuan even more miraculous was that Shazi was not there!

Auston also went out with three other members of the student council.

Because some students gathered together to have a bonfire in the open space, although some instructors were still there, they also needed to be present.

After Bailiyuan prepared enough food for the students, he ran away quietly and entered the forest.

Bailiyuan rubbed his hands, clicked on the system store, and found the door leading to the store.

I have been chatting with the customer service for a week, and now the opportunity has come, and Bailiyuan is finally ready to visit the store over there.

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