I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 594 Life in the wild


Somewhere in the Corridor of the Forest.

As if he had just experienced a fire, the surrounding area was filled with the smell of burning, and the ground was covered with a layer of ash.

A figure half-knelt on the ground in embarrassment, panting heavily, but raised its head, staring at a small figure standing between two huge bear-shaped creatures.

There was a consistent smile on the face of the small figure.

"You smell like you're burnt."

The figure showed a wry smile.


When Bailiyuan saw Annie again the next day, he couldn't help but blinked, feeling a little dazed.

Annie did come to participate in the training, but instead of standing with the students, she stood with the instructors!

And standing next to the female instructor!

In addition, Annie was wearing a white uniform similar to that of the instructors, but it was one size smaller, and even the two Tibbers were wearing police uniforms.

"Because of her excellent performance, classmate Annie has been promoted to be one of the teaching assistants for this training." The female instructor explained.

Students: ? ? ?

By the way, did Annie show up yesterday?

But the female instructor obviously didn't mean to explain.

Bailiyuan looked at the female instructor, then at Annie, thinking about what happened yesterday.

But... the female instructor seems to have cut her hair short.

The fluttering long hair of the female instructor yesterday has changed to short ear-length hair today, but there is still a heroic feeling.

"This morning is still physical training, continue!" The female instructor said with a normal expression.

The students had no choice but to start a new day of training.

Bailiyuan looked at Annie for the last time, but Annie didn't care about Bailiyuan at all, instead she waved to Daisy.

Then Bailiyuan also started today's training.

Although there are some discussions among the students about Annie becoming a teaching assistant, Bailiyuan knows that Annie becoming a teaching assistant has nothing to do with their training. The situation is still that the female instructor has the right to speak, and Anne is playing with her two Tibbers.

But the students obviously didn't think so.

For the students, Annie was clearly in the limelight, and the most important thing was - no training required!

However, the students didn't dare to say much about Annie's strength, they just silently envied her.

"So, you're still too young." Baili Yuan shook his head as he looked at some envious students.

"You still have the face to criticize others?" Caroline complained.

"I'm over two thousand years old."

"You still know!"

"Is this how Ultraman's 2,000-year-old is calculated?"


Bailiyuan also started physical training. Although this kind of training is really tiring for ordinary students, it is really effective, and it will not make the students exhausted. There is also a special nurse and instructor to accompany them throughout the process.

Shazi also found out about this, so she stopped relying on strength and began to carry out physical training. Although Shazi had her eye on Bailiyuan, this did not hinder her pursuit of strength.

However, this kind of training has little effect on Bailiyuan, or even no effect at all. This is the consequence of too high basic quality, but this kind of training is still a good way to exercise the body for Bailiyuan .

The instructors were responsible for training the students, while the female instructor stood by Annie.

When Annie was playing, she seemed to take the time to say something to the female instructor.

Then, Daisy was called out, and began to be trained by the female instructor herself, commonly known as - open a small stove!

Bailiyuan, who was training with the crowd, opened his mouth when he saw this scene.

Is it really okay to open a small stove so openly? And... why don't you take me! I also want my big sister to train herself!

However, the nine rough guys who were training Baili Yuan and other students obviously wouldn't let Bai Liyuan go just because Baili Yuan wanted to.

"The one over there, the student who cooks delicious food, don't be dazed, hurry up and train!" an instructor shouted.

Baili Yuan withdrew his gaze, then glanced resentfully at the instructor who was yelling at him.

"Offending the cook, are you serious?"

The instructor who just yelled at Baili Yuan shivered, feeling as if something bad was about to happen.

After the morning training is over, it is lunch time, but because the students cook for themselves, the students cannot eat immediately after the training.

Bailiyuan started cooking lunch, and the students who still had physical strength were not idle.

Some students went hunting or picking wild vegetables and fruits in the forest, and some students went around to find clean water sources. It is impossible to persist until the end of the training with the water brought by Bailiyuan and the students, unless Bailiyuan puts The water that Menus swims in the home space is taken out for cooking.

Fortunately, as the instructors said, the materials in the corridor of the forest are enough to support the survival of the students, and there is naturally a source of water.

While it appears that all the trainees are living out in the wild to the best of their ability, there are a few things going on.

"These are not edible, they are weeds..."

"Don't bring poisonous mushrooms back... No matter how beautiful they are, let them be a quiet and beautiful mushroom in the forest."

"What? You were bitten by a snake?... Don't shout, you won't die. It's a non-venomous snake. Just stop the bleeding. By the way, do you want to eat this snake roasted or boiled? "

"Although the water source is very clean, there is no need to put two toads in it to prove it, but since it is brought back, let the two toads cook the soup."

"We only live here for half a month. We don't want to stay here for a long time, and we don't need to bring live wild boar cubs back to raise them in captivity. But since we brought them back, let's eat roast suckling pig as an extra meal at night... What? You Didn’t you bring it back to eat? You want to keep it as a pet? That’s fine, this is also weed for you, and can be used to feed pigs.”


Bailiyuan sighed.

Although the students are capable, they are novices living in the wild, so Bailiyuan checks the things the students bring back before making sure they are edible.

There are even some female students who want to raise wild boar cubs here as pets, just to play, which makes Bailiyuan feel a little headache.

To be honest, Bailiyuan didn't quite understand how that female student snatched the little wild boar out of the hands of the wild boar's parents.

However, despite the stumbling blocks, the students did bring back a lot of edible food, and the experience of the students living in the wild was gradually increasing.

While Baili Yuan was cooking snake soup, a voice rang in Baili Yuan's ears.

"You seem to be very skilled."

Bai Liyuan looked back, and it turned out that he said the female instructor, and the female instructor was examining him at this time.

That's right, it is to examine, as if to see clearly what kind of person Baili Yuan is.

Bailiyuan could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, the more experience you have, the more proficient you will be."

In other worlds, Bailiyuan often lives in the wild.

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