Chapter 586 Tear~ It's gone

In the end, Baili Yuan took Guangming Silkworm away.

Although it is difficult for bright silkworms to evolve, according to Andy, it is actually easier for bright silkworms to evolve if they are around a light-attribute energy source, and the so-called light-attribute energy source is Bailiyuan.

Andy's suggestion to Bailiyuan is that if the bright silkworm hasn't evolved, don't contract the bright silkworm for the time being, raise it first, see the situation, and see if the bright silkworm is suitable for Bailiyuan's contract after it evolves.

In addition to the bright silkworm, Andy also said that the academy will provide Bailiyuan with all the consumption before the bright silkworm evolves, that is, the mulberry leaves for feeding the bright silkworm.

In fact, although bright silkworms eat a lot, mulberry leaves are not as expensive as imagined. Bailiyuan can easily afford the money himself, and it is not as expensive as he spends on feeding his group of friends every day.

As for the heart-shaped shell and the heart-shaped leaf, Bailiyuan also asked Andy, and Andy said that she didn't know these two things, but they looked very special, let Bailiyuan put them away, maybe they can be used in the future Came across material on both of these things.

In the research institute, Bailiyuan teased the bright silkworm for a while, and then put the bright silkworm and a bunch of pleasing plants together.

This plant was also brought back by Frog Son, and it is growing very well now.

The things Frog brought back were always special, but most of them were useless.

The blue fire monster brought back before is still in the home space of Bailiyuan. Even Caroline doesn't have any good application methods, let alone release this monster.


Finally, it's time for the end-of-term training.

The first and second grades have a total of four school years, and the four school years are separated. In the school year, Bailiyuan has a total of ten classes, which are divided into five groups, each group has two classes, and each class has thirty students. Group of sixty people.

The end-of-term training is one of the few cases where students can leave the academy, but they are not allowed to move freely. The students will be taken to various special places for training. The first and second grades are mainly cultural classes, and the end-of-term training has become the most important opportunity for the first and second grades to train their coat of arms abilities. Moreover, Many students will have a new mental outlook after the training.

The time for the final training is two weeks, about half a month.

For half a month, there will be instructors who will observe secretly and make comprehensive judgments for the students based on their performance, which will ultimately affect the third grade's subject assessment.

Bailiyuan is in the second class, and the second class and the first class are a group.

In other words, Annie and Daisy will be in the same group as Baili Yuan, and Shazi will be in the same group.

Early in the morning, after Bailiyuan packed his luggage, he went out to line up with Annie and Daisy.

Because they are going to the wild, the students have to make preparations in advance, but most of the first-year students are apprentice coat of arms, and the coat of arms apprentices have limited space, and the students can only carry one more backpack, and, The college will also distribute some necessities. Fortunately, under normal circumstances, the training locations have residences, so the students don't have to carry their own tents.

Bailiyuan's stuff is in the space, and Daisy and Anne's items are also in Anne's heraldry space.

All the students stand in groups.

Because it was the first time to go out for the end-of-term training, the new first-year students were a little excited, and there were many students who had inquired about the training and shared the information they found with others.

Soon, a train team arrived.

"All the students get on the bus with the head teacher. The instructor is already waiting for you at the training site. The head teacher must take good care of his students and ensure their safety. The teaching assistants must take their own responsibilities, and the students must actively participate in the training. Finally, I wish you all a new harvest." The dean Yue Xuan spoke in front, but Andy didn't show up.

"Now, all students get on the bus in an orderly manner!"

The class teachers began to lead the students to the vehicles that had been arranged earlier.

Following the teacher in charge, Bailiyuan came to the location of the vehicle, and he also saw the four assistant teachers who were training this time.

Each group is assigned four senior students as teaching assistants.

Bailiyuan quickly looked at the four of them.

Blonde, blue, red, brunette, okay, over, lost interest.

Although Bailiyuan lost interest in these four teaching assistants, this did not prevent the four teaching assistants from introducing themselves.

"Hi everyone, I'm the assistant coach of your group, and my name is Oston." The blond man said with a smile.

The self-introduction of the blond man caused a burst of exclamation from the students.

Baili Yuan moved his ears.

Is this blond guy famous?

"He is the president of the student union of this session of the college, the first batch of fifth grade students, the fifth place, and the title is the Lion's Gold." Shazi's voice without emotion rang in Bailiyuan's ear.

Speaking of which, there is a student council in the academy... Wait!

Bailiyuan looked back at Shazi.

"When did you come here?"

"I've always been here." Shazi looked at Bailiyuan calmly, and Bailiyuan shuddered when she saw it.

"Ahem, then why do you know so well?"

"Because I wanted to destroy the academy before, I collected some information, and the top ten information can be easily collected."

Bailiyuan opened his mouth, but didn't answer.

"My name is Angelo." The blue-haired man said with a smile.

"The first phase of the fifth grade, the vice president of the student union, ranked seventeenth." Shazi added.

"My name is Aiwen." The red-haired man said.

"First term of fifth grade, student council member, ranked nineteenth." Shazi continued to add.

"My name is Xu Hong." The last black-haired man said.

"Together in the fifth grade, members of the student council, ranked twenty."

Bailiyuan looked at Shazi, and Shazi looked at Bailiyuan.

"Honestly, how much do you really know?"

"Everyone on the list knows it."


Bailiyuan felt that there was a reason why Shazi failed to attack the academy, how could it be possible to memorize these useless things in one day?

"Caroline, help me count the list of beauties in the college." Bailiyuan said to Caroline secretly.

"Aren't you the same as Sazi?"

"no the same."

"What's the meaning?"

"Her goal is the academy, and my goal is these young ladies who are on the list."


Soon, Caroline compiled a list.

"Did you see it? This is the list of famous ladies and sisters on the list."

"Give it to me..."

"Tear~delete, it's gone!"

Bailiyuan opened his mouth.

"What the hell do you mean?"

"I just want to see your uncomfortable expression."

"Are you a devil?"

When Bailiyuan was fighting with Caroline, they also got into the car.

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