Chapter 585 Bright Silkworm

"why why……"

The referee came to 296's side and patted 296 on the shoulder.

"Don't comprehend this kind of skill that relies on eye locking next time, your future is still long."

Bailiyuan had already withdrawn the Zanpakuto and left the forest arena.

The success of Bailiyuan's qualifying challenge also received a lot of congratulatory voices.

Diana brought the three girls to Bailiyuan.

"As expected of the man I like, he is very capable." Diana said.

"Thank you." Baili Yuan nodded his thanks.

"Don't be nervous, I won't take you as a target for the time being, but I believe that I will not be worse than you in the future!" Diana said.

After speaking, Diana left.

Then Daisy and Annie came along.

"Brother Xiaoyuan is so handsome." Daisy looked at Bailiyuan with bright eyes.

Bailiyuan scratched his head and smiled.

"Heh." Annie smiled, and Bailiyuan shrank her neck.

Annie is an existence no less powerful than Andy, and Bailiyuan has no confidence in front of Annie.

"Xiao Yuan, congratulations." Luo Er pulled Wu Geng Yue to congratulate Bai Li Yuan.

Future wanted to come over, but thinking of Bailiyuan writing on her lap, he finally took back his steps, turned and left.

Zhuang Sheng and others also came over, and there was a burst of amazement around Bailiyuan.

At the same time, the people from the diving department also came.

"Xiao Yuan, drink tea." Shi Tian handed Baili Yuan a cup of tea-colored drink.

"What's this?"

"Oolong tea."

"Why does oolong tea smell like wine?"

"Maybe it's fermented."




Time passed slowly, and half a month passed quickly. Bailiyuan continued several qualifying matches one after another. Now Bailiyuan's ranking is 203rd.

However, Bailiyuan did not continue to challenge, because the day of the final training soon came, and after the final training came back, it was the final final exam!

On the way to the research institute, Bailiyuan began to make plans for the future.

After the final training is the final exam. After the final, you need to go to Pokémon World, because the Silver Conference will start in the summer, and it will take about a week. After attending the Silver Conference, you can try to travel through the Ultra universe again .

Then there are two options, one is to use the super-space-time toilet for a directional time travel, and the other option is to use a chat room to travel through time and space.

Now Bailiyuan's feeding has gained a lot of popularity in the chat room, and many people have invited Bailiyuan to their world as a guest, but Bailiyuan prevaricates it with the reason of "not yet on vacation". Of course, Bailiyuan also harvested a lot of interesting little things, Bailiyuan felt that it was time to make further profits for himself through the chat room.

Then grow yourself, stronger and stronger!

For a moment, Bailiyuan was full of pride.

"One day, I want to be able to hide my eyes no longer..."

"Xiaoyuan, your frog son is back."


Hearing the news from Caroline, Bailiyuan quickened his pace and arrived at the institute soon.

The five Pokmon are still in the petri dish, Caroline has started a new research topic, and the huge Galatron stands in a corner of the research institute.

The frog son who had been missing for more than half a month reappeared in the research institute, wearing a sweater at this time.

"Quack quack."

"Good boy, thank you for your hard work." Baili Yuan rubbed Frog's son's head, and then began to check the present that Frog brought back for him.

This time, the frog son brought back two things, and two photos.

The two photos were taken in the forest and by the sea.

One of the things I brought back was a heart-shaped shell, and the other was a heart-shaped leaf.

"What are these two?"

"show me."

Caroline placed the two objects onto the scanner with a robotic arm.

Soon, Caroline's scan was over.

"These two things seem to be some kind of contract."

"Contract? But I don't feel anything."

"Maybe your way of feeling is wrong, but I don't have information about these two things in my database, you can ask Miss Andy for it, by the way, Miss Andy also sent a message today, your contracted beast arrive."

"The contracted beast has arrived?"

Bailiyuan grabbed two things, then walked out again, and walked towards Andy's dean's room.

However, when Baili Yuan just opened the door of the dean's room, he felt a flash of light in front of him, and he was almost blinded by the flash.

"Ah, my eyes!"

"Okay, close the light, it's not the enemy." Andy's voice sounded.

The light then dissipated.

Bailiyuan rubbed his dazed eyes, but fortunately Bailiyuan's vision recovered quickly.

"Really, I can't stand such a little light." Andy said mockingly.

"You have the ability to take off the blindfold when you say that!"

"I won't!"

At this time, in the dean's room, Andy was sitting on his chair drinking black tea, but wearing a blindfold on his eyes, and on the table in front of Andy was a finger-long, fat , a creature like a silkworm baby.

And the silkworm-like creature is staying in a luxurious-looking box, and there are many delicious special leaves in the box.

Silkworm Baby looked at Bailiyuan curiously while eating the leaves.

Bailiyuan walked to Andy's desk and looked at Silkworm Baby carefully.

"This is my new contracted beast?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"That's right." Andy seemed sure that the light was gone, and finally took off the blindfold.

"Is it really capable of fighting?" Baili Yuan asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you see its ability just now?"

"Wag your eyes?"

"That's right, in addition to the ability to glow, it also has the ability to distinguish smells. If eating is also considered an ability, then it has three abilities in total. Isn't it great?"


Bailiyuan opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say.

"But don't underestimate this silkworm baby." Andy pushed the silkworm baby in front of him to Bailiyuan.

"Oh? Is there anything special?" Baili Yuan became interested.

"It probably ate it!"


"Wait, I haven't finished talking yet, ahem." Andy cleared his throat.

Bailiyuan looked at Andy.

"This silkworm baby can evolve."

"Evolution? What's after evolution?" To be honest, Baili Yuan didn't have any memories of this kind of silkworm baby that would glow.

"Let me introduce this baby silkworm to you. This is a mutated ice silkworm named Bright Silkworm."

Bailiyuan knows that the ice silkworm is a kind of creature that is abundant in the northern ice fields. It can spit ice silk, which is a very popular clothing material, but ice silkworm is not a good choice for contract beasts. Of course, if it is a living creature It's normal for a summoner to contract some ice silkworms, but it's much worse for a battle.

"Because light-type and dark-type creatures are relatively rare, bright silkworms are still relatively rare, and the number of bright silkworms is also very small. Bright silkworms have lost the ability to spin silk, but they have the ability to release strong light. The most precious thing about bright silkworms is that the evolution of bright silkworms is different from the evolution of ordinary ice silkworms!"

"Different? What's the difference? Bright Moth?"

"Of course not." Andy rolled his eyes beautifully.

"After the bright silkworm evolves, it will shed its body and become an elf!"

"Elves?!" Baili Yuan was taken aback. The elves in the world of coats of arms are different from the elves in the Pokémon world. The elves in this world are special existences born from nature and control some of the forces in nature.

And there is also a special profession - elf envoy.

At the beginning, Ying Lili was an elf envoy, and her elf was a golden puppy.

Elves are extremely rare.

If this bright silkworm can really evolve into an elf, then the value of this bright silkworm will be even higher!

"However, the problem is..."

Andy's face turned serious.

"Problem?" Baili Yuan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The problem is that bright silkworms are difficult to evolve, and some bright silkworms can't evolve until they die!"

The bright silkworm in the box nodded cooperatively as if understanding Andy's words.


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