Chapter 517 Participate in ranking, the first challenge

Year knife, moon stick, long practice gun.

The knife is "the gall of a hundred soldiers" and one of the most important weapons in martial arts. Since ancient times, people who practice martial arts have used swords the most, and they have also created many sword routines and formed many sword schools.

The same goes for the world of the heraldry.

Although the sword techniques of different sects have their own characteristics, they also have something in common:

1. "Sword moves are heavy and fierce". Compared with the sword, the sword technique is wide open and closed, with fewer changes and undiminished power.

2. "Look at the hand with one sword, look at the walk with two swords", the hand and footwork of holding the sword are extremely important in the sword technique.

The eight methods of the knife are sweeping, chopping, dialing, cutting, sweeping, smashing, chopping, and thrusting.


Morning exercise time.

Bailiyuan stood in the playground, holding a wooden knife, practicing the eight methods one by one.

Bailiyuan could feel that since he started to practice knife skills with a wooden knife, the level of knife skills has been steadily improving. Although the height has not improved, the foundation has become more solid.

Diana appeared near Bailiyuan at some point, her eyes lit up when she saw Bailiyuan who was practicing saber techniques, but she didn't bother her.

Diana didn't come alone, there were three girls behind her.

These four students are all first-year freshmen. It is said that they chose to follow Diana because they were attracted by Diana's magnanimity. Diana did not take the initiative to subdue her, because Diana's goal was Bailiyuan.

Diana came over after Bailiyuan stopped practicing.

"Bailiyuan, let's play a game! A person's practice growth is limited, and only fighting can make you grow quickly!"


Bailiyuan took Brother Pingtou and teleported away.

"I will not give up."

"My lord, who is that person?"

"Could it be that my sister's scandal... scandal..."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Diana waved her hand, and the three girls stopped talking.

"He is someone I value, and he will definitely become one of my generals in the future!"

"As expected of a big sister!"


The morning class passed quickly, and soon it was lunch time.

After Bailiyuan cooked dinner for Annie and Daisy, she arrived at the Summoner's House.

However, the atmosphere of the Summoner's House today is a bit wrong, and it has become a little warmer. The most obvious change is that there are a lot more people.

"The battle has begun!"

"Run, take a good position."

Baili Yuan touched his chin suspiciously.

"Today there is a ranking challenge at Summoner's House," Caroline reminded.

Then a light screen was erected in front of Bailiyuan, and the heads of two students appeared on it.

Both of them are summoners, and under the two are the information of the contracted beasts that they often use.

"Yes, there is a ranking challenge today."

Only now did Bailiyuan remember.

The ranking challenge is different from ordinary duels. It is a battle with full strength. It is not only fierce, but also has certain dangers. Therefore, it must be allowed through an application. If the difference in strength is too large, duels are not allowed.

Moreover, there will be at least two mentors or public officials present during the battle to ensure the safety of both sides.

The location of the battle is not fixed, as long as the two sides coordinate well.

Both sides of the battle today are summoners, so the two chose the battlefield inside the summoner's house.

Because of the special location, most of the people who can watch the battle today are summoners.

"Recently, the ranking challenge has become more and more intense."

Baili Yuan's mind also became active.

During this period of time, I first enrolled in school, then the evolution of Longlong Rock and the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus, then the attack and monsters, as well as the dimensional health room and knife skills. After getting on the right track, Bailiyuan had some ideas.

"The ranking challenge does not stipulate the grade of the challenger. The top ten cannot directly challenge. The ten to one hundred are the existences on the list, and the other rankings are below..."

Students of the Combat Department generally have their own ranking number, and they must have their own number if they want to challenge the ranking, but the number is not something that can be obtained casually.

To get your own ranking number is to challenge the last one!

If you win, you will get a number and you can continue to challenge, but if you lose, you will be ranked in the next number and become the last. Although you can continue to challenge, you can beat the previous ones.

And once you become the last one, it will become the "threshold for obtaining the number". At that time, you need to face the possible sizing battle!

The pressure to be last in the number is also high.

Therefore, students who want to challenge the ranking need to think carefully, so not everyone in the combat department among the students has a number.

Like the previous black knight, although the strength was the last, but it was not the last number, otherwise it would not have the title of "the weakest dragon", but they counterattacked.

However, the student with the last number has a privilege, that is, the right to choose the battlefield, which means that the opponent can take advantage of the field, but this privilege can only be used when being challenged, and cannot be used when challenging other number owners. use.

Bailiyuan still remembered that there were more than 300 students with numbers, and the students in the first and second grades would basically not participate in the ranking challenge, so naturally they would not have numbers.

The number of students with a number in Yuncheng College will basically remain at around 300, and only one year will exceed 400. The reason is that the strength of the last numbered student is really weak. In the end, the college canceled the number of that student. This stopped the further development of the situation.

The rules are set by Yuncheng Academy, so Yuncheng Academy has the final right of interpretation. It is not impossible to cancel your number if you think you are not suitable. For example, Annie was temporarily banned from participating in the ranking challenge because she was too strong.

"Caroline, search for the identity of the student with the last number, and then help me make an appointment for the challenge." Bailiyuan said.

"Okay, but the paper documents need to be submitted by yourself."

"rest assured."

"It's done. I've already sent the application for you. As for when you will be arranged for the challenge, it's not very clear."

"Thanks, well, let's go and see the seniors' qualifying match."


The challenge came sooner than Bailiyuan had imagined. In just one week, Bailiyuan's appointment was approved and the competition was quickly arranged.

The battle venue is on the lawn, there is nothing special about it, and it seems that the opponent does not have any geographical advantage to take advantage of.

The challenge of the last one is not very attractive, and there are not many people paying attention to it, and there is no publicity, so when Bailiyuan went to participate in the challenge, there were only a few lonely people watching the battle except for the necessary mentors, and it seemed that they were all Last friend.

When the last one and his friends found out that the challenger was a first-year student, a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

Bailiyuan has a black line.

Don't you even collect intelligence on your opponent?

However, Bailiyuan collected the information of the last one.

The last one's occupation is a warrior, a junior heraldist, and his weapon is a golden long stick.

Bailiyuan looked at the golden stick and thought of the golden cudgel in the hands of the Monkey King Sun Wukong. However, when it comes to Monkey King, it has to be said that in the second half of this year, "Journey to the West" co-produced by China and the United States will be officially released. Turning on the phone, both style and style blossom, and promote Chinese culture...


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