Chapter 516 Correct Posture of Water Group

The academy returned to calm, as if nothing had happened that night.

Bailiyuan cooks for Annie and Daisy every day.

Diana wants to subdue Bailiyuan every day.

Shazi stared at Bailiyuan every day.

The noise brought by the monster did not cause any disturbance in Yuncheng Academy. The students were resting and practicing normally, and all institutions of the academy were operating normally.

The difference is that, on the basis of his usual practice, Bailiyuan added his understanding of the Dao of the Sword sealed in the carved boat, and at the same time... the daily water group.

Ask, what is the most important thing when there are water groups?

Is it by observing words and feelings?

Is it rich experience?

Is it learned knowledge?

Is the language interesting?

Or a T emoticon?

No, none of this is the most important thing, the most important thing is the character design!

For communication on the Internet, vests are the most important.

And a good packaging can often bring more gains.

After all, most of the people who hang out on the Internet are people who have not had a good life in reality. The common thing is that they are unpopular or have few friends. People in reality are not popular anymore. Is it possible to repeat the same mistakes on the Internet?

Because no one has touched each other through the screen, it is easier to let go of oneself, so at this time, a good packaging is very necessary.

How can a big man who picks his feet not know how to make his little brother get higher points?

Moreover, there is no face-to-face contact on the Internet, so there is no influence of impression points. Most of them are spiritual and conscious exchanges, and this kind of communication is also the easiest to interfere with each other and will not easily arouse suspicion!

Bailiyuan is very skilled in this kind of thing.

"Why, we met on the Internet, why, treat me as virtual~"

Humming a song he had heard before, Bailiyuan took out his phone.

The packaging and positioning that Bailiyuan set for herself is an "innocent and cute baby".

After all, he hadn't operated it for more than two thousand years, and Bailiyuan didn't dare to try some high-end character settings rashly.

Moreover, everyone disclosed their photos and strengths, and Bailiyuan had to rely on his own image for the second character design.

Open the group chat in the health room, and Bailiyuan starts his own group chat with emoticons every day.

"Brother Baili is here."

"Good evening, little brother Baili."

"Ha ha……"

The appearance of Bailiyuan attracted the attention of the group of friends.

The reason why Bailiyuan was able to attract the attention of others so quickly was, on the one hand, because of Bailiyuan's strength, and on the other hand, because of Bailiyuan's performance during this period, Bailiyuan's "good baby" person The design has been preliminarily established and achieved initial results.

"Brothers and sisters are good." Daily greetings, there is no need for special performance in this regard, just maintain politeness and not collapse.

The Dimensional Health Room is different from ordinary groups. This group connects people from other worlds, and most of them have strengths. This kind of ordinary person setting can achieve limited gains.

As I said just now, Bailiyuan can attract other people because of Bailiyuan's strength!

And resources related to strength have become another means for Bailiyuan to attract group friends.

If you pay, you will be rewarded.

In the past two days, Bailiyuan exchanged some resources that he didn't need in exchange for some dispensable things. Although he didn't gain much, it was a good start.

If you want to catch big fish, you must start with small fish, and you must have the necessary patience!

A group friend who can bring benefits can have a stable position in the group!

Bailiyuan sent out a red envelope.

There is nothing special in this red envelope, but ten servings of food he made!

Bailiyuan confirmed that his cooking skills have reached a very high level, and the food he cooks is delicious enough.

These ten servings of food are regarded as Baili Yuan's daily benefits, the kind that don't require anything in return.

However, in fact, the rewards of these foods are subtle.

Food plays a very important role in the life of creatures, especially gourmet food. Bailiyuan believes that throwing food every day is enough for him to win a place in the group of friends, and if things go on like this, it will gradually reduce the favorability of the group of friends Swipe up, favorability is an implicit necessary condition for gaining a foothold in the group!

If you want to capture the hearts of the group of friends, you must first grasp the stomach of the group of friends!

Bailiyuan's red envelopes were robbed in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you, little brother Baili."

"Brother Baili, why do I want more~"

"Brother Baili's food is still so delicious."

"Damn it, I'm a step too slow."

"That's just a little bit every day, it's not enough."

Friends complained!

Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes, he must explain at this time, otherwise this kind of complaint will continue to ferment, and Baili Yuan will fall into a passive position.

"Sorry, I still have to attend classes and practice during the day, so I don't have much time to cook."

"I don't mean to blame you."

"Brother Baili has worked hard~"

"Yes, little brother Baili is still a student."

"By the way, does little brother Baili have a lot of studies?"

"I think it may be because the college is under too much pressure."

"Brother Baili, study hard, if someone bullies you, you can ask us to help you~"

"The competition for the academy that cultivates capable people should be fierce. It's better for my little brother to work hard and strive for more resources."

Bailiyuan also briefly said something about the world of heraldry.

"Don't worry about this, my mother is the dean." Bailiyuan continued to send a message.

Appropriately expressing one's potential will make it easier to win people's hearts, and even harvest a batch of licking dogs!

"Wow, it turned out to be the son of the dean!"

"Is little brother Baili very powerful in his family?"

"I'm so envious~"

"Isn't the life of little brother Baili happier?"


Bailiyuan browsed the news of the group friends. Although it seemed that a group of group friends were praising him, he had to be careful, maybe there were some purposeful questions mixed in!

For example, the person who asked Baili Yuanjia if he had power, no matter whether the other party was intentional or unintentional, he could take advantage of it.

"My family is okay, I use all my own industrial resources."

Click to finish.

There is no need to brag too much, leaving room for the imagination of the group of friends.

There was another series of exclamations and inquiries, but this time Bailiyuan didn't intend to answer.

This is playing hard to get!

The center of gravity of Bailiyuan is not in the group, and it is impossible for Bailiyuan to be in the group for a long time, but it is impossible for Bailiyuan to put the group aside, so Bailiyuan must develop the sense of presence, and one of the ways to achieve the sense of presence is In this way, only half of the story is said, leaving suspense, and learning how to break the chapters correctly and highlight one's own value.

"It's bed time, I'll get off first, good night."

Sending another smiley face, Bailiyuan closed the phone and ignored the communication in the group.

Bailiyuan snorted coldly, threw the phone aside, and went to bed.

Bailiyuan will not over-express himself, let the group of friends be in a state of half-familiarity with him, so that it will not easily arouse other people's suspicion.

Every time Bailiyuan reveals a little bit about himself, he believes that he will be able to establish a personality soon and occupy a place in the hearts of the group of friends.

At that time, it was the time when Bailiyuan officially started to use group chats to make money.

However, Bailiyuan often secretly observes the chats of the group friends, and together with Caroline, they analyze the characters and potential values ​​of the group friends, and make clear divisions.

However, Bailiyuan and Caroline haven't discovered the existence of the suspected group leader trumpet yet, but they have already locked down a few special people in the group.

For example, people who like to give out red envelopes, people who are extremely active, licking dogs without a limit, and so on.

These will be of great help to the Bailiyuan water group in the future.


Have you learned it?

If you learn.

Then you are now a cross-dimensional chat group.

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