I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 494 Baiyuan Dojo and Feng Family (addition 2)

Baiyuan Dojo was sealed off by the owner's Feng family.

The Feng family is a relatively well-known family in Japan. Although the number of people is not large and it has risen in recent years, it is still very rich and almost ranks among the upper-class families in Japan.

The Feng family is a martial arts family, inheriting powerful karate skills, which makes the development of Baiyuan Dojo very rapid.

Karate is still very popular in Japan, and it is easy to enter the upper class. Swordsmanship and karate are both bonus items at work. The main reason why Yuan Dojo and Fengjia can develop rapidly in Japan.

The current owner of Baiyuan Dojo is Feng Jingye. The Baiyuan Dojo was established by Feng Jingye's great-grandfather back then. It has been passed down for nearly a hundred years, but it is still at its peak.

The Feng family is divided into two branches, one is the main family, which inherited the surname "Feng", and is the branch of the son of the great-grandfather of the Feng family, and the other is a foreign family, which is the branch of the younger sister of the great-grandfather's son. , because these two ancestors are still alive, but they are already retired.

The two ancestors are both in their nineties, and they are in good health. They are famous for their longevity in the circle. Not only them, but the children of the two ancestors are also in their sixties and seventies. They are also built in the old ancestor's There are more grandchildren, that is, Feng Jingye's generation, who are all in their 40s and 50s, and they are also built here.

People in the Feng family lived a long life, which made outsiders think that it was because they had practiced the karate of the Feng family, and attracted many disciples to the Feng family.

Feng Jingye is already forty-five this year, and he is the youngest of his generation. In two years, he is going to retire and let his thirty-something son inherit the dojo.

Originally, when Feng Jingye thought that life would go on in such a peaceful way, something happened that he never expected, and then there was the matter of closing the dojo today.

The closure of Baiyuan Dojo also caused a lot of waves. Although it was only closed for one day, it also attracted the attention of many people. Some disciples of Baiyuan Dojo called to ask if the dojo was in trouble. Many of them Executives, all said they could help.

Today, with the Baiyuan Dojo and the center, a not weak circle of influence has been formed in Japan.

But Feng Jingye thanked them one by one, and then said that Baiyuan Taoist Temple did not encounter any trouble.

After being busy for a long time like this, I finally calmed down.

Then Feng Jingye handed everything over to the secretary, and went to the mansion behind the dojo alone.

This is the place where the Feng family lived and lived. The two old ancestors retired here. Today, the main members of the Feng family gather here.

Stepping on the tatami, Feng Jingye opened the door, and the cries of two old people came from the room.

It was the cries of the two ancestors, not sad, but excited.

after all……

Their father is back.

That's right, it is Feng Jingye's great-grandfather, the founder of Baiyuan Dojo - Fengyuan!

To be honest, Feng Jingye was almost scared to death when he heard that this person was still alive.

If he was still alive, his great-grandfather would have been about one hundred and twenty years old.

Although there were doubts, they were all overthrown by the ancestors. They said that they could not mistake their own father.

With the guarantee of the ancestors, Feng Jingye couldn't help but not believe it.

Does my family's karate really have the effect of prolonging life?

The family members gathered today just to meet this old ancestor.

Feng Jingye quietly walked to the front row and sat down. At this time, the Feng family in the room kept quiet except for the two ancestors, but Feng Jingye's father's generation was also very excited. I still have the impression of my great-grandfather.

As for the juniors of the Feng family, Feng Jingye's generation and their children and grandchildren also looked curiously at this old ancestor who suddenly appeared.

As for the information about the founder of Baiyuan Taoist Temple, the descendants of the Feng family only know his name, and they don't even know the appearance and deeds of the other party. They didn't expect to see him alive today.

However, compared to the old ancestor, a young man brought back by the old ancestor also attracted the attention of the Feng family.

Bailiyuan looked at the three father and son who were hugging each other to say hello, picked up an apple boredly, and took a bite.

"Red Fuji!?"

When he came, Feng Yuan explained that the name of Baiyuan Daoist Temple is a combination of "Hai" from Yamaguchi Baizi and "Yuan" from Fengyuan, which made Bailiyuan complain for a while, Fengyuan really never Forget about showing affection.

Baili Yuan expressed a little surprise at having so many descendants of Feng Yuan, and roughly counted them. Adding Feng Yuan, the Feng family has six generations under one roof, and there are more than 50 people in total.

In fact, Feng Yuan didn't expect that there would be so many offspring of him, and they lived a pretty good life.

Feng Yuan can only lament that his genes are better.

But he didn't hide anything. For him, his family made him cherish it even more.

Feng Yuan looked at the pair of sons and daughters who were older than himself and obviously dying soon, and felt a little melancholy in his heart, but Feng Yuan did not regret it, and now it seems that his sons and daughters also had their own splendor in their lives.



"Good son, good daughter."

Feng Yuan showed a smile.

"Father, where have you been all these years?" Feng Yuan's daughter Feng Liuli asked.

Feng Yuan straightened his expression.

"I'm going to save the universe."


The scene was quiet for a while.

The old ancestor is a second-year-old patient? Could this be the secret to longevity?

Feng Yuan was a little embarrassed, he almost forgot that he hadn't told his son and daughter about his real identity.

"In short, I'm just passing by, so I came to have a look and have a meal with you, and I have something to leave later." Feng Yuan said awkwardly, "Don't ask about other things, and don't say anything about me. "

Bailiyuan looked at Fengyuan, at this time Fengyuan had a kind of fatherly brilliance in front of his children.

"I understand, father, Xiao Jingye will take care of this matter." Feng Yuan's son Feng Lun said.

Feng Jingye's expression remained the same.

"Xiao Jingye?" Feng Yuan was taken aback.

"It's my youngest grandson, Xingya's son, and now the head of the Feng family." Feng Lun said, and then called Feng Jingye to kowtow to Feng Yuan.

"Xiao Xing, I still remember that Xiao Xing always asked me for candies when I was a child." Feng Yuan recalled.

Feng Xing, Feng Jingye's father, also smiled.

"I also remember that my grandfather always gave me fruit-flavored candies, which made me lose my teeth." Feng Xing, who is already in her seventies, also said with a smile.

"Haha..." Feng Yuan smiled.

Baili Yuan could tell that Feng Yuan's smile was from the heart, and he must have lived happily ever after.

Feng Yuan looked at this great-grandson who was a little younger than himself, feeling a little complicated, but he still patted Feng Jingye's head to show his love for the younger generation.

Feng Jingye: "..."

The Feng family members all met Feng Yuan one by one, and Feng Yuan's children introduced him. Then, Feng Yuan chatted with his children and grandchildren. The descendants of the great-grandchildren had a sense of isolation from Feng Yuan, so Feng Yuan Yuan let the other juniors do their own thing.

As the head of the family, Feng Jingye is the only great-grandchild, but he is only responsible for chatting, eating and drinking with him, referred to as three companions for short.

Feng Yuan did not introduce Baili Yuan in detail, but only said that Bai Liyuan was his friend.

But the Feng family also showed a lot of respect to Bailiyuan.

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