I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 493 Just Beat Mebius


A violent explosion came from the place where Leo and Mebius collided.

Mebius fell to the ground in embarrassment, was then broken out of the transformation, and changed back to the appearance of the human body Hibino Mirai.

But Hibino Mirai was lying on the ground, and it was difficult to stand up, so he could only crawl on the ground.

Leo also turned over, fell to the ground, and then canceled the transformation.

Feng Yuan's face was a little flushed, and he was a little out of breath, Feng Yuan was injured, internally.

It wasn't brought by Mebius, but in order not to kick Mebius into the intensive care unit, Leo finally withdrew his strength, which made Leo feel a little uncomfortable.

Feng Yuan looked at the future who was struggling to get up on the ground, but there was still no expression on his face.

And in the future, listening to the painful cries of his partners from a distance, his eyes were a little sad.

"Although I have left her for some reasons, this earth is second to me, no, it is my real hometown." Feng Yuan said.

Feng Yuan has rich experience in being educated, and has already educated two children, and even a grandson and granddaughter. Now he knows how to better communicate with the younger generation.

"Hometown?" Future got up and looked at Feng Yuan.

"I was just testing whether I could entrust this hometown to you, Brother Tai Luo seemed to agree." Feng Yuan suddenly looked at the future, which surprised the future.

"But I won't allow it!"

"I can't entrust the earth to you, because you are too weak!"

The future gritted his teeth and lowered his head.

"Your battle is a battle that must be won! The earth and your friends need you to protect, but you don't have the strength to protect everything!"

Mirai, who was kneeling on the ground with his head bowed, had tears on his face.

Feng Yuan suddenly exploded, and slapped Future in the face, slapping Future aside.

Feng Yuan narrowed his eyes and recalled, um, the steps were correct, back then Zhu Xingluan also gave him a slap before speaking.

It is difficult for a person who is in a relationship to hear other people's words, and at this time, it is necessary to wake him up first!

Future opened his eyes, looking at Feng Yuan with tears all over his face.

"What's your expression, those eyes, those tears, what's going on?" Feng Yuan sternly said.

Future dressed roughly and gritted his teeth.

"Can these tears of yours save the earth?"

The future is silent.

Feng Yuan suddenly slowed down his tone.

"Go and defeat the Refret Stars. If you can do it, I will entrust the earth to you!"

Feng Yuan squatted down, and put a set of white training clothes beside Future.

"Fighting depends on yourself, but don't forget the reason for fighting. This earth, your friends and family members all need your protection. They will accompany you to move forward and become your most solid backing. Make your heart stronger, tears should be tears of joy and happiness, not of weakness and regret."

After speaking, Feng Yuan got up, turned and left without hesitation.

Although he borrowed Saiwen's words, but the last one is his perception.

Feng Yuan believes that there will be people like Yamaguchi Momoko around the future, who are praying for him and silently supporting him.

A hero is always lonely, but this loneliness is based on deep feelings.


On the other side, seeing Feng Yuan leave, Bai Liyuan also raised his butt from Xiang Yuanlong's body.

At this moment, Aihara Ryu, Ikaruga George, and Kushi Tehei were all lying on the ground, humming in pain.

However, the eyes of the three showed no sign of conceding defeat at all. Even Kushi Zheping played a real fire in the end, and then he was achieved as a pig's head.

"It really doesn't look like it. This year's Earth Defense Force can't do it." Baili Yuan sighed.

The three glared at Baili Yuan, but they didn't have the energy to speak.

Seeing the three of them staring at him to death, Baili Yuan felt a little funny.

"Spirit and will are very good, but these are not enough. Blindly reckless will only hurt you. Your life is not just your own. In many cases, you must also consider other people."

Bailiyuan looked towards the sky.

"Be strong and try to improve yourself. The strength of the team is not the individual's outstanding, but none of them will fall. When you watch your partner fall in front of you, but you can't do anything, even if you regret it, your partner will not fall. Won't stand up again."

After finishing speaking, Baili Yuan patted his clothes, then turned and left.


Bailiyuan found Fengyuan sitting on the reef.

Feng Yuan seemed a little silent, holding a photo of Yamaguchi Baizi in his hand, staring at it for a while, with a happy smile on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" Baili Yuan sat down beside Feng Yuan, and asked curiously.

Feng Yuan put the photo of Yamaguchi Baizi close to his chest, and then took a picture.

"This is the source of my strength. I believe that the spirit of Baizi is still with me."

Bailiyuan felt that the dog food tasted a bit salty.

Feng Yuan looked at the sea in the distance.

"Because I loved and owned it, I cherish this world full of memories even more." Feng Yuan said slowly.


Baili Yuan changed the subject, and chatted with Feng Yuan about what happened after he left that year.

Not long after Bailiyuan left, Jack Altman came to the earth again and brought the repaired Seven Transformer. Afterwards, the star clusters re-transformed into Seven, and then returned to the Kingdom of Light with Jack Went for treatment.

Later, after Savin recovered from his injury, he didn't stay in the Kingdom of Light. Instead, he took on some missions and began to perform missions in the universe, but he seemed to be looking for something.

As for Feng Yuan, he stayed on Earth.

After all, his girlfriend is still there.

Feng Yuan's identity has been exposed, but Momoko Yamaguchi doesn't mind, the two bid farewell to their friends, moved out of Tokyo, and went to live in other places.

Later, Feng Yuan and Yamaguchi Momoko got married and had a son and a daughter.

Feng Yuan accompanied Momoko Yamaguchi, and the two lived lovingly on the earth together for sixty years. They experienced the era of Altman Eddie. Professor Dodor also passed away during this period, and later, Momoko Yamaguchi died, Feng Yuan Yuan Cai bid farewell to his children and descendants and went to the Kingdom of Light.

It was also through this incident that Feng Yuan discovered that there was no reproductive isolation between the Earth people and the Ultra Clan, but the life of the offspring was the same as that of ordinary Earth people. Although the genes of the Ultra Clan were hidden in their bodies, they did not have the ability to actively transform The ability to become an Ultra warrior, but there is still a great chance to transform into an Ultra warrior when you go to the Kingdom of Light to receive the irradiation of the Spark Tower.

However, Feng Yuan did not do this. As a father, he hoped that his offspring would live a stable life. Although their lifespan is short, they can also bloom enough splendor. The longer they get, the more regrets they will leave behind.

Just like him and Momoko Yamaguchi, although Momoko Yamaguchi finally died, he didn't have any regrets.

Feng Yuan is also one of the rare happy ones among the Otto brothers.

Feng Yuan's sons and daughters stayed on the earth. Although they are still built here, they are now old, and they are all around 90 years old. Feng Yuan has not visited them this time when he returned to the earth.

There has been turmoil in the universe recently, and the Otto family is also maintaining the stability and peace of the universe.

In fact, Leo came back to Earth after chasing the star Refret. However, Leo found that the target had been robbed by Mebius, and the most important thing was that Mebius hadn't beaten him yet.

This is very uncomfortable.

"So, what are your plans?" Baili Yuan asked.

Feng Yuan shook his head.

"If I catch up with the Refret star, I will destroy it. If I don't catch up, in short...just beat Mebius."


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