Chapter 4182 Follow!

Regarding the arrangements for the survivors of the Three-Eyed Ogre clan, Akamoy did not hold a meeting to discuss it. Instead, a few strong men made a decision directly after understanding the situation.

That's why the reply is so fast.

There are only a million survivors. The Kingdom of Red Earth can digest it by itself. Moreover, the Three-Eyed Ogre Clan, which has lost most of its territory, has also lost its foundation. There is no need to worry about big problems.

There is no such thing as ZZZQ in the human race. As long as it makes sense, the bosses don’t need to consider what other people think.

If you don't agree, keep your mouth shut. If you can, beat up the bosses. Be the boss yourself. If you can't, just shut up and follow the arrangements.

The most important thing is that if these survivors are accepted, then the three-eyed ogre clan's clan will have reason to be accepted by the human race in the future. There are also many specialty resources on the land of the Three-Eyed Ogre clan.

The goodwill shown by the human race will also make many races who are worried about the attitude of the human race temporarily relax.

If the strong ones among the survivors are willing to fight for the human race in the future and leave their inheritance to the human race, it will also help the human race's strength.

You can also get information about mutant goblins from the survivors. Don’t forget, the disaster of mutated goblins has not yet been solved, and the disaster has already spread to the borders of the human race.

Along with the message, there were also inquiries about how to escort one million survivors. This matter requires Bailiyuan's cooperation.

These one million survivors are easy to accommodate, but it is somewhat difficult to transport them safely to Akamoi.

Don't forget, there are still a large group of mutated goblins on the surface.

Bailiyuan can also handle the transportation problem easily - first send the survivors into their home space, then Bailiyuan jumps from space to space, returns to Akamoy, and then releases all the survivors.

Convenient and private.

There is no need to bother building a large teleportation array or risk going to the surface.

Soon, Bailiyuan told Bessie everything.

Although Bessie still feels insecure, her reason tells her that she can trust Baili Yuan. And she had no room to struggle, Bailiyuan was stronger than her. The powerful aura on Baili Yuan's body was not concealed by him.

"Thank you for your help!" Bessie thanked her again. She had already been asked by Baili Yuan to stand up from the ground.

"This is help from the human race. There is no need to thank me specifically." Bailiyuan smiled.

"However, please forgive me for being presumptuous." Bessie suddenly knelt down on one knee, making a gesture of allegiance, "Dear God, please allow me, the three-eyed ogre clan, the former lord of Shuiming City, to lead the remaining members of my family. The three-eyed ogre clan below will follow you and become your dependents!”

Bailiyuan: "???"

Why did you suddenly become loyal?

There is more than one answer!

After sensing it with the power of his heart, Baili Yuan finally understood, "So that's it, you don't trust the human race, or in other words, you are confused about the future after joining the human race."

"That's right." Bessie didn't hide anything and was very frank. "With the number of remaining Three-Eyed Ogre clan members, it is impossible to rebuild the clan, let alone defend their homeland. And if we go to the human clan, then we have no choice but to Joining the human race, even if the human race is willing to treat us well, we are still outsiders. Only after several generations of integration can we fully integrate into the life of the human race. But the current situation in the world does not give us time to integrate stably. "

"Therefore, instead of choosing those uncertain futures, I would rather lead the remaining tribesmen to join your command and go to your God Realm to stay away from disputes and live in peace."

"But please forgive me, I can only represent most members of the three-eyed ogre family, and cannot represent members of other races among the survivors."

After saying that, Bessie lowered her head, and Bailiyuan did not choose to avoid it this time.

Although, in this era, a man suddenly appeared and claimed that he was a god and that he had the kingdom of God and could lead everyone to live in peace. This kind of thing is very outrageous.

But Bailiyuan is the guardian of the human race and has enough strength, so there is no need to deceive them. More importantly, there are bets on both sides, so why not bet on a future that looks better?

Baili Yuan jumped down from the cage, landed in front of Bessie, raised his hand and slapped Bessie on the chest.

Bessie was stunned for a moment, wondering why Bailiyuan wanted to humiliate her, but the next second, a ray of light from the moon bloomed at the position of her heart, making Bessie's whole body shrouded in a mysterious light, and her limbs Every body is full of power.

"I accept your allegiance. This is the power I give you. It can strengthen your body with the heart as the core. It should be very helpful to you as a warrior." Bailiyuan explained with a smile.

After feeling the power in her body and the power with the breath of God, Bessie suddenly became excited.

This wave of gambling has just begun and I have reaped the benefits!

Immediately, most of the uneasiness and anxiety in Bessie's heart dissipated, and she felt that this time she really saw hope.

"Thank you, God!" Bessie's name for Baili Yuan suddenly changed. She wanted to kneel down and salute, but Bai Liyuan stopped her.

"My believers do not need to kneel, and I want everyone who believes in me to straighten their backs and live standing."

"Yes!" Bessie admired Bailiyuan even more.

Bailiyuan nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "Go and gather the people you can lead. I will first send you to a world that I can manage. As for the remaining people, I will send them safely to Ah Kamoy."

Bessie left excitedly.

Bailiyuan was also very happy and felt that he was doing good deeds every day.

Only Li Yifeng and the others who were locked in the cage were somewhat silent.

"Did Boss Xiaoyuan forget about us?"

Fortunately, Bessie still remembered and quickly asked people to release Li Yifeng and others.

Almost half an hour later, Bessie divided the million survivors into two groups.

One group chose to follow Bessie, and the other group wanted to go to the human race to live.

The majority chose to follow Bessie, more than 800,000 in total. After all, the majority of the survivors must be the three-eyed ogres. And it's not just the three-eyed ogre family, there are also many members of other races who have joined this group for various reasons.

The rest, those who choose to go to the human race are mostly members of other races, including the human race. But there are also members of the three-eyed ogre clan, and they have nowhere to go.

For example, if you fall in love and start a family with a member of another race, you choose to follow your partner and stay in the big world. After that, even if you don't join the human race, you can go to your partner's hometown and live together.

After the division was completed, Bailiyuan started the operation directly.

"First I will send you to a small world to settle down temporarily." Bailiyuan said to Bessie, and then opened a time and space door.

On the opposite side of the door is the mage world.

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