Chapter 4181 Two choices!

Someone is attacking the rear!

No, someone attacked the city lord’s rear!

The surrounding guards suddenly became alert and raised their weapons, aiming at Bessie's location. As soon as Bessie was touched, she burst out with strength and flew into the air. Then she turned around and was alert to the people below, ready to take action.

I saw a child who seemed to be only three or four years old crawling out of the tunnel. He patted the dirt on his body and looked very casual, completely ignoring the threats around him.

This made Bessie's eyes darken.

"Boss Xiaoyuan!"

"Dean Xiaoyuan!"

Li Yifeng and others cheered in surprise.

Seeing Li Yifeng and others so surprised, Bessie's eyes flickered slightly, and she fell to the ground. She raised her hand to signal the guards to put down their weapons, as if the alert had been lifted.

But in fact, Bailiyuan could feel that Bessie's vigilance had not diminished at all. It was just because she realized that Bailiyuan was very powerful that she had to choose to compromise.

Bessie's various behaviors will indeed make people feel unhappy, especially those who come to the rescue with good intentions. But only by understanding the suffering Bessie went through can we understand everything she did and what she shouldered.

Baili Yuan's heart power has already sensed Bessie's mentality in various ways. People who have light in their hearts should not be bad people, at least not for the time being.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be Bailiyuan's head that poked Bessie's butt, but something sharper.

By poking Bessie in the butt, she was telling her not to be wary, that her little tricks were of no use. The reason why he didn't stab Bessie in the butt with a weapon was because Bessie was not an enemy, so he gave Bessie a chance.

"Okay, I'm here. If you have anything to say, just tell me." Bailiyuan looked at Bessie and said straight to the point.

Bessie was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and then asked.

"I don't know who you are?"

"Human race, Azpedan, the red earth country, Cloud City, a first-level city subordinate to the top city Akamoy, former president of Yuncheng College, guardian of the human race, Baili Yuan." Baili Yuan explained his specific identity.

As soon as she heard that he was a guardian, Bessie understood that Bailiyuan's strength was not something she could resist.

However, Bailiyuan's identity and status are indeed extraordinary. And she had also heard about Baili Yuan. Knowing that Bailiyuan is powerful, and the human race is suspected of classifying Yuncheng as Bailiyuan's territory.

"Can I trust you?" Bessie asked next.

"Trust depends on you." Bailiyuan replied calmly.

Bessie already understood in her heart. She looked at Bailiyuan seriously, knelt down suddenly on the ground, and grabbed the ground with her head, "Please save everyone, I am willing to pay any price!"

Bailiyuan meant to ask her to carry it out, but Bessie not only made the request, she was also willing to pay everything as a price.

"City Lord!"

The surrounding guards suddenly became anxious. Some of them were originally Bessie's personal guards of the city lord, and some joined the team after the disaster. Among them are members of the three-eyed ogre family, as well as members of other races. But in this disaster, they were all impressed by Bessie's decisiveness and charisma, and were saved by Bessie. Therefore, they were willing to follow Bessie and regarded Bessie as their hope.

Seeing Bessie giving such a grand salute at this time made many guards anxious. They did not want Bessie to compromise their dignity.

There were also calm guards who realized Bessie's purpose and did not speak to stop her. Instead, they knelt down with Bessie, faced Baili Yuan, and touched their foreheads to the ground.

As the first follower appeared, other guards followed suit one after another. Finally, all the guards knelt down around Baili Yuan and bowed to the ground.

Whether willingly or not, they are all willing to follow Bessie. It's enough to show Bessie's personality charm.

Bailiyuan was certain that none of the guards present were charmed.

"I am here for rescue. I have sent your situation to Akamoi and am waiting for Akamoi's reply. If Akamoi accepts you, I will send you to Akamoi ." Baili Yuan's voice sounded.

However, the location where his voice sounded was not among the guards, but behind Bessie.

Bessie stood up quickly and looked behind her, only to find Baili Yuan sitting on top of the cage and not accepting their kneeling.

Bailiyuan's words also gave Bessie and others hope.

"But..." Bailiyuan's tone changed, "We can't rule out the possibility that Akamoi will not accept you. After all, the human race and the three-eyed ogre race are not friendly races."

There is no such thing as humanitarian aid in the big world, not to mention that it is still the trend in today's world, not to add fuel to the fire or to take advantage of the fire, all because of fear of other races' eager eyes.

The human race is only good to others, not the moral standard for everyone in the Kingdom of Light. To put it bluntly, people like Bailiyuan whose morals are above the average are considered low-moral beings in the Kingdom of Light.

Who makes Bailiyuan both Ultraman and a human being?

Bessie and others, who had just had hope, had their fire extinguished somewhat.

"Even so, thank you." Bessie responded with a smile. Regardless of the ending, at least Bailiyuan really came with good intentions, and what she was most worried about did not happen.

But Bailiyuan obviously would not leave so many innocent people alone, and he had already received his reward, but the inheritance of the Sword King was not yet warmed up.

"If Akamoi doesn't accept you, I will accept you as my family members in my personal capacity and send you to another world to rebuild your home." Bailiyuan continued, showing a relaxed smile.

"Dependents? Another world? Small world?" Bessie looked confused.

The term "Family" is generally used to refer to summoned objects in the three-eyed ogre clan.

"While being a human being, I am also a god. There are several worlds under my command, including my divine world. Only those who believe in me can enter those worlds."

"If you don't want to be my dependents, I also know the time and space coordinates of several worlds and can send you there. Start over."

"Don't worry, no matter which world you go to, I will let you live a peaceful life and give you enough supplies to start over. If I fall in the future, there will be no problems in my God Realm and those small worlds." Baili Yuan finally assured.

If Bailiyuan dies, his divine world will become independent and turn into an ordinary world. The most likely reason is that due to the influence of the time and space coordinates attached to Baili Yuan, he will be connected to one of the big world, Ultra world or Elf world in the future.

Of these three worlds, Baili Yuan has the clearest time and space coordinates.

However, after that, Bailiyuan can no longer guarantee the stability of the world.

Without letting Baili Yuan wait any longer, Akamoy's message came back just as Bai Liyuan finished his proposal.

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