Chapter 4174 Demon King Goblin!

It was bloody, dirty, chaotic and taboo.

In a closed valley, a large number of mutant monster goblins are bustling and crowded, and the weakest mutant monster goblin also has silver-level strength.

It seems that all the mutated monster goblins with silver level and above strength have been gathered here. There are more than hundreds of thousands of mutated monster goblins in the valley.

At this moment, these mutated monster goblins were killing each other, and the valley was covered with corpses and blood.

Those individuals who killed other mutant monster goblins gradually became stronger and more violent, and then brutally pounced on another mutant monster goblin.

Either tear the opponent into pieces, or be torn apart by the opponent.

Screams and death echoed, disorder and taboo spread.

The valley is like iron felt, and the mutated monster goblins are like iron filings, being continuously forged by a hammer called death to remove impurities and merge into one.

A layer of red light gradually enveloped the valley, and became redder and redder. It was unclear whether it was the light of fire or the light of blood.

It is not known how long the killing lasted.

Amidst the cruelty, the most colorful flower finally bloomed.

When the corpses almost filled the valley, the last remaining mutant monster Goblin used all his strength to climb to the top of the corpse mountain and roared to the sky.

It was covered with the animal skin of an unknown creature, more like corpse remains stuck to its body, stained brown with blood. He held a broken bone fragment in his hand, which looked like a broken weapon, but the original appearance of the weapon could no longer be distinguished.

At this time, red light fell from the sky, covering it.

All the corpses in the valley seemed to be melted by the high temperature, turning into red power, attracted by the red light, and integrated into the body of the winner.

In the red light, the last mutant monster Goblin completed its final evolution and transformation.

The figure shrouded in red light gradually grew taller, and in the blink of an eye it was more than two meters tall. The chest expanded, the hips lifted, and the waist contracted. It looked like a woman's body shape, and the proportions were perfect.

Finally, all the red light disappeared into the body, revealing the final blooming posture of the flower.

It was the figure of a female mutated monster goblin. It had purple skin, as tender and soft as a newborn baby, and its figure was extremely hot and exposed. But key parts of the body are covered with hard brown carapace.

Its face is not the ugly appearance of the monster goblin, but rather the appearance of the goblin race. It is even more beautiful, with a pair of elf-like pointed ears and a head of brown-red hair. He only has one pair of eyes, one red and one with heterochromatic pupils.

The originally broken, shapeless weapon in his hand now turned into a hunting spear, and his neck was also decorated with a necklace of teeth.

The woman who appeared was more like a human mother-in-law than a mutated monster goblin. There are almost no racial characteristics of the monster goblins.

A confused emotion appeared in his eyes, and he made a sound.

"Ah, ah, ah...who am I?"

It was as if it was the first time he spoke, the first time he spoke. He was not very skilled, but in the end he spoke the right words naturally and naturally.

There seemed to be some memory inheritance in her mind.

"Welcome to join us, our companion!" A voice came from the top of the figure in the valley.

The figure in the valley immediately became alert instinctively, grabbing the bone spear with both hands and making a fighting stance.

Looking up, he saw six figures landing from the sky.

They all have different looks and shapes, four men and two women, and their expressions and gazes when looking at the figure in the valley are also different.

But they have similar racial characteristics to the figure in the valley, and they seem to be of the same race as the figure in the valley.

As they landed, the clear voice continued to reach the ears of the figure in the valley.

"Congratulations, starting from today, you have joined the camp of our Demon King Goblin! You have become a being that surpasses all Goblins!"

"Demon King, Goblin?" The figure in the valley murmured, not quite understanding the meaning.

Six figures landed on the ground, surrounding the figures in the valley, but they did not take action directly.

At this time, all the corpses and blood in the valley have disappeared, and they have all turned into nourishment for the figures in the valley to advance.

However, the aura of death left by the killings still lingers here, making people feel cold in their hands and feet.

"It doesn't matter, let me explain the situation to you."

One of the figures opened his arms and began to explain. Judging from the voice, it was him who was speaking just now. He was dressed as a scholar, wearing a pure white academic uniform, and a monocle on his left eye. He was handsome, with pure white curly hair. He looked like a young man in his twenties, and he also had pointed ears.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. You can call me the wise man, Beloso."

Young people, no, wise men smile.

"We all come from the same 'father', which we call forest goblins. However, the offspring of our 'father' are still just ordinary monster goblins. At most, they are more prone to mutation. ”

"When the number of races reaches a certain level, there will be new evolution and development!"

"The accumulation of a large number of monster goblins, finally attracted by the same blood connection, started the first ceremony. All the monster goblins that met the standard came together and held a killing ceremony."

"The final winner has gained everything and completed the evolution of the race. The evolved form has been named by us - the Demon King Goblin!"

"Rituals continued, and eventually more Demon King Goblins were born."

"But the beginning of the ceremony was hugely accidental. In order to promote the evolution of the same kind and to increase companions, the Demon King Goblins started a man-made ritual."

"You are the product of this man-made ritual!"

"And we, as well as you, are all Demon King Goblins, and we are our true kin!"

"We are family!"

The figure in the valley said blankly, "Family? Me? You..."

"That's right." The wise man nodded, with a smile on his face, and continued, "As a family, we all have our own names, so that we can be more cohesive and make distinctions easier."

"And we Demon King Goblins not only need a name, but also a title."

"For example, my title is Wise Man, and I am the smartest being among all my family members. My name is Beloso, which comes from the name of an ancient wise man who was a three-eyed ogre."

"Do you have any title or name you want?"

"Title? Name?" The figure in the valley looked around at the other monster goblins blankly, then tilted his head with a confused look on his face.

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