Chapter 4173 Goblin Ritual!

Bailiyuan looked at Leng Wuya, Heini, and Li Yifeng's brave team, and informed them about the situation of the three-eyed ogre clan.

"Although it sounds incredible, in fact, the territory of the three-eyed ogre clan has basically fallen, and it is not clear whether there are still three-eyed ogre clan members surviving."

"And, in addition to the forest goblins, among the descendants of the forest goblins, existences comparable to the guardian level have been born."

"I learned these from the Sword King's memories."

The information Baili Yuan said made everyone feel incredible.

Because judging from the time, this mutated goblin disaster has definitely not lasted more than three months from the beginning to the present.

Otherwise, if it had lasted longer, news would have come out long ago. How could it be possible that no clear news has been received until now?

In fact, the disaster caused by the forest goblins may last even shorter, perhaps less than a month!

A mutant goblin comparable to a guardian was born?

Are you kidding me?

Even if the human race is a race that cultivates quickly, and the heraldry makes the profession mindlessly pile up resources to upgrade the level, I have never heard of it growing so fast.

The current record holder for the fastest improvement is Baili Yuan.

But Bailiyuan’s cheating is not as good as the mutant goblin!

Although this information felt outrageous, it was what Bailiyuan said, and everyone chose to believe it.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

Therefore, the atmosphere became tense again.

The Forest Goblin turned out to be just the beginning. Although it died, its descendants were still active.

This is not good news!

How many more enemies are there?

How many mutant goblins are there that are comparable to the guardian level?

What are those mutated goblins doing? Why didn't you show up in the battle to protect the forest goblins?

There was no time to waste, Bailiyuan directly arranged the task.

Leng Wuya and Heini led two teams respectively, divided into two directions, and explored the border between the human race and the three-eyed ogre clan along the way.

They are also responsible for notifying the military in various places, strengthening defenses, preparing for war, and evacuating people in advance. Fortunately, a few phone calls can quickly inform troops everywhere.

Coupled with Bailiyuan's guardian order, these troops can be temporarily commanded without having to report to Akamoi first.

You can prepare for battle first and then report the situation to Akamoi. This is the prerogative of the Guardian.

At the same time, the two of them are also responsible for scattering Bailiyuan's time and space marks on the border. If a powerful mutated goblin invades the human race, Bailiyuan can use the time and space marks to quickly provide support.

If they are in danger, they can just shake people and let Baili Yuan's magic soldiers descend from the sky.

Bailiyuan is also on the move. He wants to lead the brave team deep into the territory of the three-eyed ogre clan to investigate the situation.

Mainly to rescue the surviving Three-Eyed Ogre clansmen and to detect the movements of those powerful mutated goblins.

After quickly arranging the plan, the group started to split up.

What they didn't know was that as soon as they left, a figure flew over the battlefield at a speed that exceeded the speed of sound. After the sudden stop, there was a wave.

He is a strong human being.

He is also one of the guardians of the human race!

"I'm not good at speed, but fortunately the distance is relatively close. I hope I'm not late. This is the battlefield..."

"Eh? Where is the person?"

Where are the people who need support?

Where are the enemies?

Where is Diao Chan?

Bailiyuan led the brave team and quickly penetrated into the territory of the three-eyed ogre clan.

Although it is said to be a territory, it is actually a country, and its area is not small.

During the flight, Bailiyuan was also using his superpower to detect living creatures.

However, the more he probed, the uglier Bailiyuan's expression became.

Li Yifeng and others also noticed the situation and expressed serious expressions.

Because, since entering the territory of the three-eyed ogre clan, apart from various monster goblins all over the mountains and plains, no other creature has been seen!

That’s right, not one!

Weak bugs and monsters became food for the monster goblins all over the mountains. The leaves and bark were eaten up by the hungry and greedy monster goblins.

All the powerful monsters were left with were corpses. Judging from the broken bones, it was obvious that they were killed by stronger beings.

The most important thing is that there are also no members of the three-eyed ogre family. According to the situation in the Sword King's memory, the disappeared three-eyed ogre tribe must have become a breeding ground for breeding these large numbers of monster goblins.

Moreover, it can be judged from the fact that the stone man produces rock goblins that the forest goblins are bred and have no idea of ​​reuse.

The first meal of a monster goblin that is born is the "mother body".

The evidence is that a large number of monster goblins have three eyes and have the same characteristics as the three-eyed ogres!

Only by using your spiritual power deep into the ground can you detect the surviving creatures.

Bailiyuan and his group were floating on a high mountain, looking at the city in the distance with black smoke still rising.

The three-eyed ogre clan belongs to a magical civilization, and the city is also in the style of an ancient city, with defenses such as magic towers. Of course, the convenience items of technological civilization such as the Internet and electricity are also equipped.

However, the originally tall and prosperous city has been completely ruined. The city gates were shattered, the magic towers were all broken, and there were signs of burnt marks on the collapsed city walls.

The only thing left in the city was the ferocious roars of the monster goblins due to hunger. Even the monster goblins started cannibalizing each other.

When Bailiyuan withdrew his ultra telepathy, he couldn't help but sigh, and Li Yifeng had a bad premonition.

"Boss Xiaoyuan, is it possible that the city..."

"That's right, there are no other creatures except monster goblins." Bailiyuan sighed.

The other members of the brave team all had tense expressions on their faces. They couldn't help but clenched the weapons in their hands, with uncontrollable anger and murderous intent on their faces.

Even if the victim is not a human race, such extermination and cruelty is still unacceptable, and the murderous intention can't be suppressed in the heart.

What's more, the moral character and sense of justice of the members of the Brave Team are all above average.

There is nothing Bailiyuan can do.

This kind of genocidal disaster also exists in the universe, and even more people will die.

But even after seeing it many times, Bailiyuan still couldn't adapt.

For ordinary members of the Three-Eyed Ogre clan, suicide may be the best solution in this disaster caused by monster goblins.

In anger, Baili Yuan's eyes lit up with white light, and with an angry roar, the light exploded, centered on him, and spread out in all directions, spreading far away.

And those monster goblins that were wiped by the light had their bodies shattered into pieces and were directly killed by the light.

This energy-consuming blow does not have much lethality, but it covers a wide area and is very suitable for mowing grass.

The monster goblins I saw at this moment were all below the silver level, and none of them could escape. There were no monster goblins at the silver level or above, which made Baili Yuan feel confused.

After venting for a while, Baili Yuan continued to lead the brave team forward and went deep into the territory of the three-eyed ogre clan.

Until, a fluctuation in the ceremony attracted Bailiyuan's attention.

I mentally explored the area and found that there was actually a group of monster goblins performing some kind of ritual!

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