Chapter 4004 Pokémon OL!

"Mr. Shisui rushed forward!" Thief K exclaimed.

"No! Mr. Shisui, don't send it away!!!" Amao shouted sadly.

Although Uchiha Shisui and Vulcan Moth have always shown considerable strength, even champions would feel powerless in the face of super-standard beings that are tens of meters tall.

Hanchun frowned, and Shancha looked worried.

Everyone saw Uchiha Shisui rushing up, clasping his hands and opening his mouth to spit.

"Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes!"

Gathering chakra behind his throat, Uchiha Shisui spit out a large sea-like flame in front of him, with a very wide range. It actually enveloped half of Regichkas.

"Mr. Shisui was also transformed into an elf?!" Shancha exclaimed.

"No, Master Zhisui was a ninja who once made a great name in the ninja world!" Xiao Wu said proudly.

"Ninja world? Ninja?"

Hanchun and Shancha didn't understand, but they were shocked.

However, the flames failed to harm Regichicas, but instead attracted Regichicas' attention.

Reggie Kas locked onto Uchiha Shisui, then raised his arm and punched out.

A million-ton punch!

Everyone's hearts were in their throats.

Uchiha Shisui's eyes were locked on Reggie Kas, "I promised before that I would use these eyes to stop you. I will do what I say, and this is my tolerance." road!"

The Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes rotated crazily in Uchiha Shisui's eyes.

"Kami Susanoo!"

Baili Yuan is making progress, and so is Uchiha Shisui.

Today, Uchiha Shisui's Susanoo has reached a new stage that no one has ever reached.

A huge chakra giant fifty meters high appeared in the city, but it was no longer the green it once was, but green and white.

His appearance is more heroic, with a Crow Tengu mask covering his face.

The spiral sword in his right hand, the huge reincarnation eye in his left hand, and the god-killing weapon Death Blade hanging on his waist.

Majestic as a prison.

Like a god!

In order to make it easier to deal with Reggie Kas, Uchiha Shisui controlled Susanoo's size at fifty meters, otherwise Susanoo's size could become higher.

"You also said that Mr. Shisui is not a spirit, that is his true form!" Shancha pointed at Susanoo and shouted loudly.

"That's a ninjutsu!" Xiao Wu spread her hands helplessly.

"Really? I don't believe it! Unless you change too!" Shancha stared at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu: "..."

I can turn into a rabbit, do you want to see it?

Uchiha Shisui was in the crystal above Susanoo's head. Staring at Regichicas.

The huge Susanoo used his spiral sword to block Regichicas' fist.

Then Uchiha Shisui spoke softly.

"Tongjutsu, Gao Tianyuan!"

Dark power spurted out from Uchiha Shisui's eyes, shrouding the surroundings, including the giant Susanoo and Regichkas.

Within the shrouded area, Uchiha Shisui and Reggie Kas seemed to be divided into an independent space for a one-on-one duel.

This is what Uchiha Shisui has mastered, the most powerful genjutsu and the highest pupil technique - Takamagahara!

When you enter the Kingdom of God, you are invulnerable to all techniques and use illusions to deceive the world. Only the power of heaven and earth and stronger illusions can break it.

At this time, Uchiha Shisui deceived Tianchi and dragged him and Rejichikas into an independent space.

"In this space, no attack can hurt me!" Uchiha Shisui said.

However, Regichikas showed no emotion and continued to attack.

Wave the other arm to activate the skill.

Arm hammer!

Susanoo didn't stop.

However, the next second, Regichicas' arm hammer directly knocked Susanoo back, and even cracks appeared in Susanoo's armor.

It is enough to see the terror of this blow.

The most important thing is that Reggie Kas was able to attack Uchiha Shisui's Susanoo in the Takamagahara Genjutsu!

"It's...the power of heaven and earth!"

Uchiha Shisui reacted.

Regichicas has lived for who knows how many years, a mythical beast native to this world! Being able to mobilize the power of the world to fight against the enemy can be said to be a basic skill.

This couldn't help but make Uchiha Shisui blush a little.

He was too confident in his illusions.

Fortunately, this was an independent space and no one saw his embarrassment and embarrassment.

Except for Baili Yuan who peered through the eyes of God.

"Shisui, come on."

Bailiyuan did not continue to pay attention to Uchiha Shisui, because Bailiyuan believed that Uchiha Shisui could withstand Reggie Kass's attack.

As for why I don’t think Uchiha Shisui can defeat Reggie Chikas.

Laughing to death, who knows how many things are stuffed in Reggie Kas's body. Even Baili Yuan can't guarantee that he can easily defeat Regic Kas standing on the earth.

"However, it's almost time..."

Baili Yuan raised his head and looked at the space-time wormhole where he appeared.

In the sky, the three gods are still fighting.

On the other side of the time and space wormhole, the elves of Bailiyuan are still trying to stop the army of void elves.

Gardevoir and the Great Needle Bee led two teams of sharp knives to attack the void elves.

Bulbasaur leads the remaining elves to support the two teams while blocking any fish that slip through the net.

The Void Elves were coming menacingly, and their attacks became more intense.

But due to the heroic efforts of the elves in Bailiyuan, the void elves were firmly blocked from outside.

The elves summoned through the contract are indeed not afraid of death, and can even take the initiative to die under necessary conditions.

And the world network will soon cover the outside of the entire world.

"Let's also start a three-minute countdown here..."

Bailiyuan said with a smile.

However, in these three minutes, no members of the evil organization jumped out to cause trouble.

"Tsk, why is it so boring all of a sudden?"

No one jumped out to stop him, which made Bailiyuan feel uncomfortable.

However... the data network is completely connected.

"Then Lincoln is dead!"

Bailiyuan snapped his fingers.

With Baili Yuan snapping his fingers, the whole world seemed to be silent for a moment.

The next second.

The power of the virtual world extends through the data network, flows into this Pokémon parallel world, and begins to merge with the power and rules of the Pokémon parallel world.

The duck that reached its mouth was about to run away, and the void elves became even more crazy.

The elves also realized the situation and had no reservations.

And inside the world.

The virtual grid covering the entire world suddenly appeared in the sky and even spread across the universe.

Bailiyuan rises into the sky.

His voice reached the ears of all living beings through the virtual grid, and countless projections appeared in front of all living beings.

"Declaration! I am the Moon God! The God of Virtuality! The God of Creation!"

"From today on, this world will merge with the virtual world and transform into the Pokémon Online world!"

Bailiyuan has already thought of the name of the new world.

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