Chapter 4003 Pillar God, activate!

Theo and Dia were released from control and free.

Who knew that Tia, who always looked smiling, would become furious, "I must twist off that Akuri's head!"

Diou hurriedly held up his sister, "Sister, calm down, calm down..."

However, what Diou was more curious about was Baili Yuan, the elf of light.

"A unique elf from another world?"

"To be precise, there is only one like me in the multiverse!" Bailiyuan said proudly, and then said, "Okay, let's not say so much. I hope you can protect the city. After all, the battle between divine beasts is easy. Cause devastating damage to the city."

Dia stopped her anger and looked at each other.

"Since you said so, we have no reason to refuse." Tia returned to her smile.

Diou nodded, "After all, the trainer has the best word."

"Eh? Trainer?!" Lula was shocked.

"Wait a minute, Dio and Dia's trainer isn't... you're Xiao Yuan?!"

Bailiyuan spread his hands, "Who doesn't have a side job?"

"The span of your side job is too big!" Lula complained.

After that, Bailiyuan and the other three started to get busy.

Diou and Tia directly transformed into their true bodies.

Latios, Latias, appear!

The two elves used their superpowers to protect the entire city.

By the way, some of his energy was also allocated to control the battle between the Three Swordsmen and Sidorane within a reasonable range.

The battle between the Three Swordsmen and Sidorane went very smoothly.

One-on-one, they can challenge Xi Doran, let alone three-on-one.

They are just like playing with children.

However, to them, Sidoran is indeed considered a child.

During the battle, the Three Swordsmen still had some energy left, and nodded to Latios and Latias to express their gratitude.

Bailiyuan flew up and looked around the city.

The Totems are steadily moving.

The whole city seems to have returned to stability, at least for now.

However, Feng Wang's words still echoed in Baili Yuan's mind.

"Are there enemies in this world?"

The turmoil of the evil organization twenty years ago...

Angela’s story about Ah Duan...

The missing Dragon Orb...

At this time, another space-time wormhole was opened, and a large number of elves fell down.

Bailiyuan hurriedly raised his hand and used his super power to rescue the elves.

"Wait, these elves..."

Bailiyuan discovered some special elves.

Among the normal elves, there are a group of special elves.

This is a group of green cell-like elves, numerous in number, falling from the sky like raindrops.

"Zygarde cells? Where is the core?"

Nicole and Lurina, who stepped out of the aircraft, also looked up at the countless elves falling from the sky.

Then, with a snap, a green Zygarde cell fell onto Nicole's head.

Nicole pulled out the Zygarde cell and looked at it. She found that the core of the Zygarde cell was pink.

"This is an elf I've never seen before." Lulina also picked up two Zygeld cells and found that the cores of these two Zygeld cells were dark green.

She couldn't help but wonder, "Nicole, is that just a shining entity of yours?"

"The information says that this thing is a mythical beast!" Bailiyuan gave Nicole a tutoring lesson before she traveled to the Pokémon world.

In particular, I told Nicole the information and appearance of some mythical beasts, for fear that Nicole would accidentally run into some mythical beast with a bad temper.

So, Nicole knows Nigeld!

"God, a divine beast?" Lurina looked at the two cells in her hand, "Can the divine beast also produce energy?"

A new wave of wormholes has been opened.

Then another time-space wormhole began.

A large number of elves fell out again.

But a special silk four-legged elf flew out, caught all the elves with super powers, and sent all the elves back to the other side of the time and space wormhole.

"That elf is... the Silver Beast?!" Bailiyuan was surprised.

Bailiyuan had learned about this elf in a research report on the Alola region. It was an artificial elf.

It is said that different properties can be changed through different property discs.

It is called a little alpaca.

The question is, when was this Silver Companion Beast created?

This is the kind of technology that existed in this world in ancient times.

Or did someone create the Silver Companion Beast in modern times and place it in an independent space?

And unlike other mythical beasts, the Silver Companion Beast chose to save other elves after appearing.

Afterwards, the Silver Companion Beast stood guard near the space-time wormhole where he appeared, seeming to be a loyal guard.

This is not over yet.

Another space-time wormhole opens.

But only two elves jumped out.

They are two bear-like elves, but with different styles.

"Martial Arts Bear Master!" Baili Yuan also understood, and even understood their fighting methods.

And these two martial arts bear masters are impressively one-hit style and combo-style respectively.

Their situation is similar to that of the Silver Beasts, both of them are guarding the space-time wormholes they pass through.

They may not know what's going on.

But they knew they had to stand up and protect what they held dear.

Another time wormhole opens.

But no elf fell out.

Instead, it was a strange turtle that poked its head out of the space-time wormhole and looked outside.

It's a small one and very cute.

When I saw the newly emerged mythical beasts, they didn't come out to cause trouble, nor did they shout to fight or kill.

Bailiyuan couldn't help but feel a little happy.

"Peace is best."

The next step is to wait for the world to be enveloped in data networks.

As for the crisis mentioned by Feng Wang, Baili Yuan was not afraid.

It's impossible, he can't understand!

If there is a problem, solve it!

But at this moment, Regichicas, who had been silent, finally started.

A special sound came from Regichicas.

The translation function of the Easter egg system is now online.

Easter egg system: Have you missed me~

Translation: [Reshape, continent, world, restart...]

Bailiyuan: "Without this translation, I would be happy for a while longer."

Regichicas took a step forward, and a supreme easter egg appeared on his body!

However, Bailiyuan did not feel any emotional fluctuations belonging to living creatures in Regichicas.

"Could it be..." Bailiyuan was a little unbelievable.

Could it be that what is in front of me is just a body? !

However, this body has been programmed with a special program.

The purpose is probably what it says - to restart the world and reshape the continent!

This may be another product of the divine beast’s salvation!

Before Baili Yuan could take action, a figure rushed out.

When Rejichikas started to act, Hanchun's face turned ugly, and Shancha exclaimed, "It's moving! That big guy really moved!"

Uchiha Shisui did as he said.

He will take action!

Instantly stop the water and apply to fight! (End of chapter)

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