Chapter 3996 Lula: Shameless!

Milton once again joins the fight, joining forces with Gu.

There are also conductors Li Zi and Si Ji.

This time, even with Gardevoir and Miss Gothic flying, they felt the pressure.

Flying does not mean being powerful, so Milton and Milton are not without anti-aircraft capabilities.

Soon, Gureton and Milerton relied on their stronger strength to suppress Gardevoir and Miss Goethe, and even forced them to the ground.

Akuri looked down at the battle below, his eyes flickering, and soon, he seemed to see something.

"These two elves do not belong to this era, and their trainer does not belong to this world either!"

"This world and this era should not be interfered with by you!"

Akuri strikes again.

Lula, who was being guarded aside, saw this scene and shouted, "Shameless!"

Diou and Tia's eyes were even more angry, but it was a pity that they couldn't speak. They just followed Akuri's way. If they took precautions in advance, they might not be caught.

However, Lula's voice and Dio and Tia's eyes could not stop Akuri's behavior.

Unknown totems fell gently like snowflakes from the top of the TV tower.

He had been keeping an eye on Lizi above, and his eyes suddenly changed, "Back off! Back off! Back off!"

They were watching the live broadcast just now!

The big screens on the city streets broadcast the scenes in real time, including the scene of Diou being raped.

Si Ji also saw the unknown totem falling in the air, and said hurriedly and seriously, "Let's retreat too!"

Therefore, Milton and Milton obeyed the command, turned into motorcycles, took Li Zi and Si Ji and ran away.

Very decisive.


Gardevoir and Miss Gothic didn't even react, nor did they have time to stop them.

Finally, all the unknown totems fell, and Li Zi and Si Ji narrowly escaped.

Gardevoir and Miss Goethe were not so lucky. They were shrouded in unknown totems and teleportation seemed to be unusable. In the end, they were forced to seal it and reluctantly returned to the elves.

Li Zi and Si Ji, who were parked in the distance, witnessed the whole process of all this happening.

"This is called self-inflicted suffering!" Li Zi snorted coldly, "However, it seems that that kind of ability is also useful for his own elves."

If the elves in Akuri could ignore the seal of the unknown totem, they would be ashamed of themselves.

Turn it off, it's boring.

Si Ji also became more reliable. He looked up at Akuri's position and guessed Akuri's abilities.

"Can he control unknown totems? What is the principle?"

The unknown totem is not only a spirit, but also a mysterious power. When different combinations of unknown totems are arranged together, they can often produce different effects.

For example, they encountered similar things when they were traveling. It was a ruins excavation site. The excavation team dug out a stone slab from the ruins. On the stone slab was carved a string of spells written with unknown totems.

When the experts were at a loss to figure out the meaning of the spell on the stone slab, the unknown totems chased from the ruins were directly attached to the stone slab and arranged in the order of the spell.

Then, a powerful Regirock was summoned.

Although Regirock was successfully defeated in the end and the unknown totems retreated, they still caused a lot of trouble.

Because Regilock was a legendary elf and too rare, Si Ji was deeply impressed by that experience.

Lizi and Xiaoyu were also witnesses of that incident.

The excavation team later dug out two more stone slabs from the ruins.

The experts had to be careful, fearing that the unknown totems would appear again and use the spells on the stone slabs to summon some powerful spirits.

Later, Si Ji paid special attention to the excavation of that ruins.

But I haven't heard anything interesting again.

Undoubtedly, Si Ji was deeply impressed by the unknown totem.

Through the power of his family, Si Ji collected a lot of information about unknown totems. I found that some people have indeed conquered unknown totems, but they only conquered one unknown totem.

No one has ever subdued more than five unknown totems.

On the one hand, this is because unknown totems are too rare, and on the other hand, it is because if you want to conquer unknown totems, you need to rely more than just on fighting.

In short, I have never heard of Akuri like this.

"Not good!" Lizi suddenly exclaimed.

Si Ji looked over and his expression suddenly changed.

Because the electromagnetic waves covering the Flame of Reshiram were actually eliminated upon contact with the unknown totem.

The Flame of Reshiram returned to normal, and the countdown continued.

It’s been less than a minute since the Flame of Reshiram was ignited!

But Li Zi and Si Ji understood that they could no longer repeat their previous actions, let alone destroy the Flame of Reshiram, because it was more dangerous.

Those countless unknown totems turned into unsolvable mountains, blocking all those who wanted to prevent the Flame of Reshiram from being activated.

When the two of them were at their wits' end.

Therefore, Milton and Milton seemed to suddenly sense something, and they looked at the sky together.

Li Zi and Si Ji also followed suit.

Then they saw an aircraft appearing in the sky at some point.

The aircraft flew very unstable and swayed, and finally hit the top of a building and barely stopped.

"When did the aircraft come? It seems to have appeared suddenly." Li Zi frowned.

"Perhaps it's because the aircraft was too fast before." Si Ji guessed.

Above the tall building, the aircraft's cabin door was opened.

Several figures fell out one after another.

It was Angela and her group.

Camellia, Lizi and the thief K rolled out directly, and then began to lie on the ground and vomit.

The eyes of several young elves were already turning in circles.

Hanchun also looked ugly, but endured the discomfort.

This time, we were directly accelerating the aircraft, not accelerating people, so the feeling was different.

As for others, they can bear it.

After all, no one else is ordinary.

Xiaoyu, who is the weakest, also has Chengcheng by her side to help her relieve her discomfort with her inner strength.

After Hanchun stood up, she looked at the Flame of Reshiram with an ugly expression, not only because she was not feeling well, but also because she was frightened by the scale of the Flame of Reshiram.

It's so big, it will really break...

Angela stood next to Hanchun and asked, "What are you going to do? The countdown is less than one minute."

"To be precise, there are still thirty seconds." The proud man said from the side.

"It's too late." A cold light appeared in Han Chun's eyes, and she threw an elf ball directly.

A Moon Eevee appears.

"Since it can't be stopped, then destroy it directly!"

"Rather than letting this thing threaten the entire alliance, it's better to sacrifice just this one city!"

Duplicate part from yesterday, has been changed

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