Chapter 3995 The last minute!

Li Zi and Si Ji also saw the scene in the water at that time.

So, they also came to this world.

Then, the two people who went to Padea to investigate mysteriously disappeared.

After being unable to contact the two people, the families and forces behind them sent their men to Padiya to fish for people.

But no one could imagine that the two of them had arrived in another world.

Compared to others who landed in the wilderness.

Li Zi and Si Ji were different. They landed directly in an independent space.

And they actually discovered a set of special instruments and equipment in the space.

After they started that special set of equipment.

Two elves were summoned by them and chose them as partners.

Yes, it was the two elves they were riding on.

Later, the two of them took two elves with them and began to investigate the space. Unexpectedly, they discovered that there was a library in this space with a lot of valuable information.

There is even a map marking the location of the legendary elves, as well as king and champion cultivation plans for several types of elves.

After some investigation, they found some records in a secret room.

It is the diary and manuscript of a certain doctor.

It turns out that this library belongs to a special research institute.

The doctor in charge of this library is researching Paradox Pokémon.

The machine they activated and summoned the two elves was the machine used to summon the Paradox Pokémon. It is said that Pokémon can be summoned from the past or future.

Different people can summon different Paradox Pokémon.

There is a kind of beauty of drawing cards.

Si Ji wanted to continue summoning, but was unable to use it because the two of them did not know how to adjust the instrument.

Because after summoning the two elves, both instruments malfunctioned to varying degrees. It seemed like there was too much pressure and the instrument was overloaded.

It was also from those diaries and manuscripts that the two found records similar to the two elves they summoned. They are the two special beings recorded in ancient documents, King Wing and Iron Snake.

The doctor guessed that they were two extinct ancient elves and named the two elves.

So there are two names: Gutton and Milton.

After that, Li Zi and Si Ji began to look for a way to leave the space.

In the process, Li Zi took a fancy to an elf, but that elf was more difficult to deal with.

Finally, with Si Ji's help, the elf was successfully subdued.

Therefore, Lizi owed Si Ji a favor.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the local elf, they successfully left that space and came to the outside world.

After leaving the outside world, before Li Zi and Si Ji could make any plans, Gu and Milton seemed to sense something or receive some kind of summons.

They took Li Zi and Si Ji with them and started on their way. But it seems like there is no goal, driving depends on feeling.

Li Zi and Si Ji had no choice but to follow the two elves and stop and go. They learned about this different world on the road.

It was also due to the fact that they passed through some cities.

In the end, they belatedly arrived in the city where the TV Tower was located and joined in the action to stop the Totem Team.

In fact, it was not them who took the initiative to join, but Gullerton and Milerton who wanted to join and brought them with them.

After the two learned that the Totem Team was an evil organization, they did not refuse.

Fighting evil organizations is not a fight in any world.

The Galar Flame Horse neighed and wanted to jump down to have a fight with Guldon and Milton.

However, immediately after, the Galar Flame Horse half-knelt on the ground, panting.

Akuri looked at the Galar Flame Horse and saw the Galar Flame Horse's fatigue. "Is it because the previous battle consumed too much energy?"

The guardian just now was the last skill of the Galar Flame Horse.

"Thank you for your hard work, come back, Flame Horse." Akuri took back the Flame Horse, and then threw out two more elf balls.

"Miss Goth, Gardevoir, I leave it to you, stop them!"

The two elves used their superpowers to drag themselves down and flew down from the top of the TV building.

Below, Li Zi and Si Ji were studying the Flame of Reshiram.

"So big!" Si Ji couldn't help but marvel.

"This thing is very dangerous!" Li Zi said seriously.

"How do you know?" Si Ji looked at Li Zi in confusion.

"Because this was done by an evil organization!" Li Zi vowed.

"..." Si Ji shrugged, "Although there are some stereotypes, I think what you said makes sense."

Therefore, Luton suddenly pointed at the Flame of Reshiram.

"Huh? You mean, you don't want this thing to start?" Li Zi asked.

So Luton nodded.

This is a senior trainer who can easily understand the thoughts of his own elf.

Si Ji looked at Millton beside him. Millton just stared at Si Ji and said nothing, but Si Ji understood that Millton thought the same.

"Are you here for this thing?" Si Ji murmured, as if he had seen through the truth, "This thing looks like high technology, then, Millton-"

"Release electromagnetic waves at this big guy!" Si Ji directly commanded.

Milton did as he was told without any hesitation.

Milton has electric + dragon attributes. He has mastered many electric-attribute moves, and naturally also masters electromagnetic waves.

Zi La La——

Electromagnetic waves spread towards the Flame of Reshiram.

Li Zi was startled, but did not stop him.

Si Ji continued, "Continue, don't stop!"

Milton continued to output electromagnetic waves, trying to cover the entire Reshiram Flame.

At this moment, Li Zi's eyes changed, he squinted upwards, and hurriedly shouted, "Guluton, wide-area destruction!"

Therefore, Luton jumped in the direction where Li Zi was looking, turned around in the air, and swept his tail.

Two superpower attacks falling from the air directly collided with Gulledon's tail.

Boom boom——

There were two explosions in succession, so Luton landed, and the attack falling from the air was successfully blocked.

Si Ji looked in the direction above his head and smiled slightly, "You actually carried out a sneak attack, you don't have martial ethics."

Gardevoir and Miss Goethe came below, dragged by superpowers, floating above the heads of Lizi and the others.

Gardevoir and Miss Gothic didn't say anything. They raised their hands to gather their superpowers and launched another attack.

"Guluton!" Li Zi started fighting.

Gu Luton roared and looked seriously.

They have to cover for Milton and Si Ji who are releasing electromagnetic waves.

The electromagnetic wave is gradually spreading above the Flame of Reshiram.

The start countdown is also passing by second by second.

Therefore, in the battle between Luton and the two champion-level elves, although he was at a disadvantage, there was no sign of defeat.

However, Guluton, who has both fighting and dragon attributes, is somewhat disadvantaged when dealing with elves with superpower attributes.

Fortunately for Lizi, although Gardevoir and Miss Goth were quite strong, they did not have a trainer to command them, so their battles were a bit rough.

However, it is two against one after all.

Seeing that they could not quickly break through Gulton's blockage, Gardevoir and Miss Gothic actually brought their superpowers together, and then released superpower attacks together.

Therefore, Luton's eyes darkened.

Just when Li Zi was about to give the order.

A figure with electric light stood in front of Gu Ledun, helping him to resist harm.

"Dragon Wave!"


The figure with the electric light roared, spitting out a mouthful of rich dragon attribute power, bombarding the super power attack. After a stalemate for several seconds, the super power attack was broken.

The dragon's wave hit Gardevoir and Miss Goethe, who were floating together.

Gardevoir and Miss Goethe hurriedly dodged, allowing the dragon wave to pass through them, and then failed.

It was Milerton who blocked the attack!

Li Zi hurriedly turned his head to look at the Flame of Reshiram, and saw that the Flame of Reshiram was completely enveloped by electromagnetic waves.

The countdown stopped at one minute.

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