Chapter 3949 Qilulian: Angry Horse Lingguan

After meeting Sister Doom, Lula realizes that she may be in danger.

as expected.

Lula looked around and found that at some point, she had been surrounded by members of the Totem Team.

The members of the totem team who had hidden their identities had all taken off their disguises. They were all dressed like believers, with the logo of the mysterious totem hanging on their bodies.

"Sister Doom, this is opposite the police station. Do you dare to take action here? Are you trying to provoke the Alliance?"

Who knows, Sister Doom smiled coquettishly, "Provoke the Alliance? It's you who provoke the Alliance! The things in your hands are not only wanted by our Totem Team!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that what you are investigating is what our Totem Team and some people are secretly investigating. Dr. Fukaki was also a participant. But I don't know who took action against Dr. Fukaki to make these hidden things Secrets come to light."

"Originally, we wanted to get rid of you. Unexpectedly, you actually investigated the truth that we have never investigated. That's why we let you investigate until now."

"However, the truth has come out and you are no longer useful."

"What?!" Lula was startled. Only then did she realize that something was wrong. Except for the members of the Totem Team, the ordinary customers and even the clerks were looking at her with indifferent expressions, with evil intentions in their eyes. .

Obviously, the remaining customers and store employees are from other forces that cooperate with the Totem Team, and they all come for the truth in her hands.

This is a trap prepared for her!

As for who is working with Team Totem?

The answer is already obvious, there are bad people in the alliance!

The only good news is that not everyone in the alliance has cooperated with the Totem Team, otherwise this investigation case would not have been handed over to detectives like them in the first place.

Sister Doom also revealed another piece of news.

Even if a third party wants to interfere with this secret, the other party may be hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity.

Co-authorship is not good news.

"Hand over the things and I'll give you a decent ending." Sister Doom said, extending her hand.

"Kirulian..." Lula said decisively, wanting to let Chirulian take her to escape.

What was waiting was Chirulian's scream.

Turning his head to look, he found Kirulian holding her head with a look of pain on her face.

Baili Yuan went up and hugged Chirulian and explained: "There is a device that interferes with superpowers here, so that Chirulian cannot use superpowers."

No one noticed that Chilulian, who originally had a painful expression, gradually relaxed after falling into Baili Yuan's arms.

Because as Chirulian fell, iron plates fell down on all the exits and windows of the coffee shop, blocking all escape routes.

The coffee shop has turned into a prison!

Juan Juan'er and Tan Xiaoshi both stood up and got ready to fight.

Magearna still looked relaxed, and was even in the mood to eat the strawberries on the cake.

The reason... is that this person did not make Majiana's instinct feel a sense of crisis.

Majiana didn’t understand, but she didn’t have a sense of crisis, so that’s just her sister~

This is typical, combat awareness has not kept pace with strength.

Sister Doom looked at Lula, wanting to see her panic, but she didn't expect that Lula actually looked at Bailiyuan. She was indeed panicked, but not completely.

Lula: Help me, help me~

Bailiyuan: "I really can't do anything to you~"

Bailiyuan took out two elf balls and threw them out.

Two figures appeared from the elf ball.

A figure was strong and majestic, and as soon as it appeared, it made a classic devil's horns pose.

Another figure was noble and elegant. After she appeared, she put one hand on her hip, like a noble lady, and her blurred eyes seemed to be disdainful of everything.

"The ultimate beast?!" Lula said in surprise, she recognized the two elves.

The ultimate beast is a special spirit that appears randomly from the passage to another world. It is extremely rare and valuable.

Unexpectedly, Bailiyuan got two of them as soon as he made a move.

"Explosive Muscle Mosquito, Philomeni Mantis, deal with all enemies." Baili Yuan said.

The Explosive Muscle Mosquito struck decisively, with a big jump, and punched the Sister of Doom.

The Totem Team members around Sister of Doom naturally would not allow their cadres to be attacked, so they all directly released their elves to intercept the Explosive Mosquitoes.

Other Totem Team members, as well as unidentified customers and store clerks, also released their elves one after another and attacked Baili Yuan and Lula.

Bailiyuan glanced around and was surprised to find, "There are actually more than a dozen elite trainers gathered in this small coffee shop. Lula, they really think highly of you."

Lula huddled behind Baili Yuan, hugged Chilulian back, and said angrily, "I would rather not be looked down upon."

How can she, a detective who is not even a formal trainer, let more than a dozen elite trainers and Totem Team cadres join forces to surround and kill her?

Now it can only be left to Bailiyuan.

"Come on, Xiao Yuan!"

"Don't worry." Bailiyuan didn't worry at all.

The Explosive Muscle Mosquito has already started fighting with the Philomeni.

Two Guoran Weng and a dozen other types of super-powerful elves appeared in front of Explosive Mosquito.

The main elf of Totem Team is actually a rare super-power elf. Only an evil force as big as Totem Team is qualified to allow ordinary team members to carry super-power elf.

However, this is also because the Totem Team is mainly religious, and the loyalty of the members is fully guaranteed.

It is almost impossible for team members to run away with elves with super powers.

But these superpower elves driven by ordinary team members are not particularly cherished. They are all relatively common superpower elves.

Such as gem starfish, egg, coconut egg tree, etc.

There are five coconut palms, relying on their size to block the Explosive Mosquitoes, and at the same time they want to use their super powers to hypnotize the Explosive Mosquitoes.

The Exploding Muscle Mosquito will not give the enemy a chance. He rushes forward and delivers a fatal sting.

Kill your opponent instantly with one move.

Strengthened light also appeared on his body one after another.

Defeat the opponent with deadly needles, and the attack will be greatly improved. And don't forget, the characteristics of the ultimate alien beast are the alien beast enhancements.

In the melee, as soon as you start to defeat your opponent, the ultimate beast's combat power will become more and more courageous.

The Explosive Mosquito grabbed the defeated Coconut Egg Tree and smashed the Coconut Egg Tree's body into all the enemies in front, quickly knocking down several elves.

Then the Explosive Mosquito slammed the ground with his fist, which actually cracked the ground. The flying debris knocked away nearby enemies and buried the approaching enemies in the cracks.

The attack of the Philomeni Mantis is very elegant. With its extremely fast speed and a pair of long legs, with one kick, no opponent can get up again.

When Philomeni was able to knock down an elite-level elf with one kick, the besiegers felt the pressure.

Juan Juan'er and Tan Xiaoshi also joined the battle. They were responsible for A-attacking the enemy, pushing the enemy's physical strength to the killing line, and then the Philomeni was responsible for harvesting.

In this way, Juan Juan'er and Tan Xiaoshi gained a lot of experience.

Lula looked at the battlefield, and then at Chirulian who had recovered in her arms. She suddenly put Chirulian down, pointed forward and shouted, "Chirulian, go and gain experience!"

Chirulian: "..."

Kirulian, who couldn't use superpowers, looked at her soft fists, then rushed forward with a pair of fists.

Qilulian: The angry horse is at the pass! (End of chapter)

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