Chapter 3948 Sister of Doom

"You trust me so much that you are willing to tell me such an important thing?"

Bailiyuan looked at Lula curiously.

Lula smiled slightly, "Because I believe in you!"

"Oh?" Bailiyuan raised his eyebrows and winked at Lula, "Do you believe me, or do you have no choice?"

Lula paused, smiled and shrugged, looking a bit free and easy, "What a keen kid! So what is your choice?" Lula stared straight into Bai Liyuan's eyes.

After being discovered, Lula stopped pretending, and Bailiyuan's performance made Lula want to take a gamble even more.

Chirulian's body quietly showed super power fluctuations, as if she was about to leave at any time.

Lula cares about the truth and justice.

Chirulian only cares about Lula.

"Of course..." Bailiyuan looked at Lula seriously, and then smiled, "I choose to continue pushing the clues~ If you have any hidden clues, please bring them out to me!"

"Hahaha, you little brat, you are as big as a brat, I know it!" Lula laughed, feeling secretly relieved.

As Bailiyuan said, she really had no choice now. The Totem Team's pressure made it impossible for her to continue the investigation.

After discovering Magearna, Lula realized that the clue she was looking for was in Magearna! No matter what, she can't bypass Baili Yuan and Majiana!

After getting Bailiyuan's assurance that she would continue to help her, Lula no longer hid it. She threw away the notebook recording the information in her hand, and then suddenly put her hand from the collar into her clothes, and between the two rabbits Exploring between.

Baili Yuan could not wait to put his eyes on it.

Is this something he can watch for free?


My favorite is detective!

Lula was not embarrassed at all.

When Lula took her hand out of her collar, Bailiyuan saw that there was a piece of paper in Lula's hand.

Bailiyuan immediately understood what was going on.

The notebook that Lula had always carried with her was actually just a cover.

All the clues Lula investigated were always hidden by her!

I have to say that Lula knows how to play.

Then Lula opened the milk-scented paper and spread it on the table.

Bailiyuan looked around and found a bunch of incomprehensible ghost symbols arranged on the paper, which looked like words made up of mysterious totems.

"This is what I investigated, the mysterious totem code!"

"Through investigation, I pieced together these totem codes in several ruins. And the clues to unlock the totem codes all point to the Princess of Flowers, no, I should say, your Majiana!"

Lula said, looking straight at Magearna.

Magearna gave Lula a sweet smile.

Magearna: I don’t know what happened, but just keep smiling.

Lula took a deep look at Magearna. Among the clues she investigated, there was another hidden clue. That is the so-called Flower Princess. She has brought pain to the world. She is an extremely dangerous existence and possesses terrible power.

Legend has it that the Bloody Queen relied on the power of the Flower Princess to establish the Bloody Dynasty, created an era, and became one of the greatest figures in the history of the world.

However, looking at the cute and well-behaved Magearna, Lula couldn't associate Magearna with words like "bringing pain" no matter how hard she tried.

Then Lula looked at Baili Yuan and asked, "I just want to ask about Majiana's identity. What is she?"

"Magiana is my elf~" Bailiyuan replied with a smile.

"I mean, Majiana's origin and identity, and her past." Lula asked.

At this moment, Lula suddenly noticed that Bailiyuan's eyes changed, and the depths of Bailiyuan's eyes seemed to light up with golden light. His strange eyes seemed to see through her inner thoughts.

Baili Yuan did not answer Lula directly, but just smiled and said, "She is a new child. She is also a great trainer and the successor of a powerful elf. Magearna is her original name. "

"So, is that so..." Lula understood.

Magearna is not a flower princess, but she is a new flower princess.

The Flower Princess was once Magearna.

"It seems that my inference is correct. The name Magearna is the answer to these totem codes!"

Lula quickly picked up the pen and began to write and draw on the totem code on the paper. She added the four words Magiana to the totem code, and then used a code cracking method that Bailiyuan couldn't understand. Decipher the totem code.

Finally, we got two strings of numbers.

Looking at the recovered numbers, the corners of Lula's mouth turned up, and her face flushed with excitement.

"What do these numbers mean?" Bailiyuan asked without understanding.

"This is a coordinate! To be precise, it is a star coordinate!"

As she spoke, Lula put her hand behind her back, and this time she actually put her hand into her underwear, groped around, and took out a thin map.

Bailiyuan: "..."

I can’t say whether this map smells good or smells bad.

At least it doesn't have any weird colors.

Bailiyuan could only comment, "You are quite well prepared."

"Being well prepared is the quality of a detective!" Lula smiled proudly, and then spread out the map.

What surprised Bailiyuan was that the map was not a simple topographic map or city map, but a star map.

Lula began to mutter in her mouth, and compared the changing patterns of the stars, she used a pen to draw on the map according to the string of digital coordinates that she had deciphered before.

"found it!"

Suddenly, Lula cheered, and then said in surprise, "It's actually here!"


Bailiyuan couldn't understand it for a long time, so he could only wait for Lula to explain.

Looking at Bailiyuan's confused eyes, Lula finally felt that Bailiyuan was a normal child.

Lula smiled slightly and told her discovery, "According to the coordinates, the intersection position of the star movement on the star map shows that it is the location where the totem code is hidden, which is near the City of Flowers!"

"Sure enough, the Flower City and the Flower Princess are the truth of everything!"

Bang bang bang——

Baili Yuan clapped his hands.


"Yeah, it's really amazing. Although I can't understand it, I still want to praise it. It's such a wonderful reasoning." Someone agreed, and then clapped along.

Lula was startled and hurriedly stood up and looked, "No, someone is eavesdropping on our conversation!"

When Lula saw the person who broke into the conversation clearly, her heart suddenly dropped.

It was a woman wearing a nun's uniform and covering her face.

While applauding, the other party came over and said with a smile, "Thank you so much, Detective Lula."

Lula also called out the other party's identity.

"Totem team leader, one of the three nuns, Sister Doom!"

"Exactly, if you see me, your luck will come to an end." (End of this chapter)

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