I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3868 Reincarnation in Hell!

The institute has a total of eighteen data backup locations, distributed around the world, with different characteristics and forms.

Tan's little attendant Dr. Cullen learned about the relevant matters.

But Tan Xiaoshi didn't know the specific locations of all eighteen backup locations.

According to Dr. Cullen, even the doctors within the institute do not know where all the backup locations are. Each doctor only knows some of them.

Obviously this is a secrecy method.

Fortunately, Tan Xiaoshi is Dr. Cullen's partner, and Dr. Cullen has taken Tan Xiaoshi to three of the backup locations.

Dr. Cullen also said that there are connections between these backup locations. As long as you arrive at one of the backup locations, you can get clues to other backup locations.

The first data backup location that Tan Xiaoshi led everyone to was the place that Tan Xiaoshi was most familiar with, known as the Land of Blue Sky.


In the high altitude, Angela and Baili Yuan put on their wingsuit flying devices, glided with the wind, and dived towards the mountains below.

Bailiyuan also cheered in response.

Juan Juan'er and Tan Xiaoshi were tied to their chests respectively.

To be honest, Bailiyuan wanted Angela to tie him to his chest, and the child wanted to sit on the soft sleeper.

However, the wingsuit flying device that needs to be used can only tie a small elf to the chest at most.

Bailiyuan: I am still too big after all.

Juan Juan looked around curiously.

Tan Xiaoshi, on the other hand, looked like he was familiar with the road. He was observing the surroundings and guiding Bailiyuan and Angela.

This is the Howling Alliance, one of the eight major alliances, on the Tianlan Mountain Peak near Tianlan City.

Cerulean City is the official gym city of the Howling Alliance and is the location of the Cerulean Gym.

Sky Blue Gym is a flying attribute gym, and its strength is one of the best in the Howling Alliance.

However, the goal of Bailiyuan and his party was not the Tianlan Gym, but the Tianlan Mountain Peak near Tianlan City.

Because the land of blue sky is hidden here.

Choosing the first one to find the Land of the Blue Sky was not only because Tan Xiaoshi was most familiar with it, but also because it was the closest to the ruins of the research institute among the three places Tan Xiaoshi knew.

The research institute and the Blue Sky Land are both within the scope of the Howling Alliance.

After determining the destination, Bailiyuan took the group here in only half an hour.

It was afternoon and the sun had not yet set.

Then Bailiyuan and his party followed the method provided by Tan Xiaoshi and began to search for the Land of Blue Sky.

The Sky Blue Mountain Peak is the highest peak in the Howling Alliance. There is snow on the peak. On one side is the forest-covered Sky Blue Mountains and on the other side is the Sky Blue City.

Because of its name as the highest peak, Sky Blue Peak has also become a peak that many extreme sports enthusiasts want to conquer. Skydiving and paragliding are the most popular projects here.

However, serious extreme sports enthusiasts always go skydiving or gliding in the direction of Tianlan City.

At this time, Baili Yuan and others were sliding towards the Sky Blue Mountains on the other side.

The mountains are covered with virgin forest, making it difficult to see what is going on in the mountains.

This is an uninhabited land where many wild and untamed elves live, which is extremely dangerous for humans.

If you don't have enough supplies, no map guidance, and no powerful elves to defend yourself, parachuting or gliding into the Sky Blue Mountains is not called challenging the limit, it's called dying.

The land of blue sky is hidden in the mountains.

Don't worry about outsiders entering by mistake, because finding the land of blue sky requires certain skills.

After arriving at a location, Tan Xiaoshi suddenly said, "This is it! Next, we need to relax our bodies, the wind will take us to the land of the blue sky!"

After Bailiyuan heard the sound, he contacted Angela with his mental power, and then the two of them relaxed their bodies at the same time and glided freely.

Even if someone is lucky enough to come to a specific place, if he doesn't know anything about it, how can he completely relax his body and leave everything to the wind?

In fact, during the flight, Bailiyuan had been using his mental power to explore the mountains.

However, Bailiyuan did not find any buildings or caves similar to the Land of Blue Sky. Instead, he found many special places where the power of the wind attribute gathered.

Oh, and in the Pokémon world, wind power should be called flying power.

The reason why those locations are special is that they can shield Baili Yuan's mental detection.

Bailiyuan suspected that the Land of Blue Sky might be hidden in a special place where flying energy gathers.

It is also because of the flight energy contained in these locations that the airflow above the Blue Sky Mountains and Blue Sky Mountains becomes very special and complex.

To put it simply, it is simply not feasible to judge the direction of the air flow here based on traditional scientific ideas.

For example, now, Baili Yuan and Angela are about to fall into the forest.

But because of Tan Xiaoshi's instructions, they did not prepare to land, but continued to relax their bodies, follow the wind, and plunge straight into the forest.

But suddenly a demonic wind blew from nowhere, blowing them into the sky again, spinning several times, turning at a right angle, and turning around to fly in another direction.

In this way, under the attack of a series of "demon winds", Bailiyuan and Angela were shaken and lost their sense of direction.

Mental detection was also disrupted.

The surrounding magnetic field also began to become chaotic.

"Have we entered an area where flying energy gathers?" Bailiyuan thought in his mind.

But at this moment, several chirps interrupted Bailiyuan's thinking.

When they looked up, they saw a group of Spearows, led by two large-billed sparrows, heading toward them.

Tan Xiaoshi: "!!!"

Baili Yuan lowered his head and looked at Tan Xiaoshi in his arms, "Is this also a necessary test?"

"Tan, Tan!" Waiter Tan shouted in panic, indicating that something was wrong. There were no elves blocking the way before.

"Then something might have happened here." Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes, thoughtfully.

When I think about the end of the world in ten days, and the prelude to the unknown end of the world has already begun, it feels like no surprise will happen.

If you are flying high in the sky in other places, it is actually normal to be harassed and attacked by bird elves.

Because bird elves also have a sense of territory, entering the territory of bird elves rashly will inevitably lead to hostility from bird elves.

The design of carrying small elves on the flying device is to deal with similar troubles.

Generally speaking, there is no need to defeat the incoming bird spirits, it is enough to disperse the bird spirits.

But in this special mountain range, it seems a little strange.

In this area of ​​chaotic flight energy, the magnetic field is also chaotic. The bird elves living here must instinctively avoid this area.

Bird elves also rely on magnetic fields when flying. If the magnetic field is disordered, bird elves will get lost.

Even if they enter by mistake, the bird elves will try to escape as soon as possible. How can they waste their energy attacking people passing by?

But now that the toucan and the spearhead were approaching, Tan Xiaoshi panicked.

If you are attacked by the Toucan and Spearow, not only will you not be able to reach the Land of the Blue Sky, you will even be in danger.

Angela didn't take any action, just waiting for Bailiyuan's arrangements.

On the contrary, Juan Juan'er's eyes showed clear stupidity and some curiosity.

Because Curly-ear had just passed its infancy, her understanding of the world was limited. She didn't know the Toucan and Spearow at all, let alone their dangers.

Bailiyuan smiled and said without any panic, "Don't worry, leave it to me."

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