I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3867 Tan Xiaoshi: I’m only level 20, so I’m going to save the world?

"As expected, this letter was left by Dr. Karen to Mr. Tan." Baili Yuan sighed, and then handed the letter to Mr. Tan.

Tan Xiaoshi was already in tears.

At this time, he recalled his previous near-death memories and his experiences in the institute. He felt extremely sad in his heart and could not hide the fear on his face.

When Bai Liyuan handed the letter to Tan Xiaoshi, Tan Xiaoshi couldn't help but hug the letter tightly, as if trying to find Dr. Cullen's breath from the letter. Then cried silently.

Tan Xiaoshi is literate, and he also recognizes Dr. Cullen's handwriting, so he can be sure that this is indeed the letter left for him by Dr. Cullen.

Perhaps Dr. Cullen had long known that the possibility of Tan Xiaoshi receiving his gifts and letters was slim, but this was one of the few things Dr. Cullen could do.

Juan Juan Er came to Tan Xiaoshi and patted Tan Xiaoshi on the back comfortingly.

Bailiyuan took the spell armor from Angela and suddenly slapped his thigh, "I just beat that crystal lantern fire spirit too lightly!"

"That guy took advantage of the chaos to steal something that Dr. Cullen left for Mr. Tan. If we hadn't come to the spirit world, we wouldn't have discovered this at all."

Angela shrugged, "The power of the spell armor is very attractive to ghost elves, so the overlord will naturally not miss it. Besides, ghost elves have bad personalities, and are on par with evil elves."

Super Absol had degenerated back into Absol, and was alerting the surroundings. When he suddenly heard Angela's comments about the evil elves, he screamed in dissatisfaction.

Absol: I am a very good elf!

"Yes, yes~" Angela replied perfunctorily.

However, Absol's character is indeed strange among the evil elves.

"If you meet that guy again in the future, you must beat him up again!" Baili Yuan said, and then handed the spell armor in his hand to Tan Xiaoshi.

"Young Master Tan, this is what Dr. Cullen left for you, so please return it to its original owner."

The spell armor is Tan Xiaoshi's evolutionary tool, and Baili Yuan can't use it either.

However, Tan Xiaoshi did not touch the spell armor. Instead, he shook his head.

Tan's waiter suddenly made a loud noise and knelt down in front of Baili Yuan and Angela. He looked at Baili Yuan and Angela with firm eyes and said, "Tan, Tan!"

Baili Yuan raised his eyebrows, "You mean, you want to follow us?"

Tan Xiaoshi nodded vigorously and spoke again, "Tan, Tan! (I want to become stronger!)"

Although Dr. Cullen said in the letter that he should not take revenge and go to live with other elves in the forest, Tan Xiaoshi could not accept this choice.

Moreover, Tan Xiaoshi felt that he had no chance at all.

The previous battle with Super Absol allowed Tan Xiaoshi to see the power of Super Absol.

Tan Xiaoshi feels that by following Baili Yuan and Angela, he will definitely become stronger in the future, and then personally go to avenge the doctor.

Before Bailiyuan could speak, Angela suddenly stopped smiling and said, "Why?"

Tan Xiaoshi looked at Angela with some confusion.

Angela continued, "Why should we help you become stronger? Not only do we have to invest a lot of resources to train you, but you may also encounter threats from unknown and powerful enemies, and...we only pity you when we save you."

"We came here to look for clues to the legendary map, but unfortunately, we did not find any relevant clues. There is no time to waste here anymore, we have more important things to do."

"Your enemy is not our enemy."

What Angela said was very rude, but it was true.

Baili Yuan didn't speak, just stared at Tan Xiaoshi quietly.

Juan Juan'er wanted to say a few words for Tan Xiaoshi, but in the end, Juan Juan'er still stood beside Bai Liyuan.

Although Juan Juan'er and Baili Yuan have not been in contact for a long time, Juan Juan'er has already established initial trust with Baili Yuan.

Tan Xiaoshi was not angry or depressed, but instead lowered his head to think.

This made Angela look a little sideways.

"The average superpower elf can't compare to him in terms of how he uses his brain." Angela sighed inwardly.

Soon, Tan Xiaoshi came to a decision.

He raised his head again and said, "Charcoal, charcoal!"

"You said you could use the legendary map in exchange?" Bailiyuan was a little surprised, "But have you really seen the legendary map? And the legendary map in the research institute has been destroyed."

Tan Xiaoshi shook his head, and then explained with gestures.

"Charcoal, charcoal... (I haven't seen the legendary map, but I know how to restore the legendary map! Karen once told me that important data in the research institute are backed up, and the backup location is in the research institute outside.)”

This information was something Baili Yuan and Angela ignored before.

After all, Baili Yuan and Angela had only briefly glanced at Tan Xiaoshi's memories before.

Angela got the answer she wanted and smiled with satisfaction, "Xiao Yuan, what do you think?"

Bailiyuan rolled his eyes, "Since there is a possibility of obtaining the legendary map, there is no reason to refuse."

After saying that, Baili Yuan came to Tan Xiaoshi and said seriously, "Tan Xiaoshi, I won't hide it from you. In fact, we are currently engaged in a very dangerous mission, and we only have ten days. The legendary map may It’s what we need, so we have to get the legendary map as soon as possible.”

Tan Xiaoshi was stunned. He didn't expect that Bailiyuan and Angela were also experiencing dangerous things, but since he had made a choice, there was no reason to quit.

If he wants Bailiyuan and Angela to help him get revenge, he is also willing to help Bailiyuan and Angela complete their mission first.

But before waiting for Tan Xiaoshi's reply, Baili Yuan continued: "If you can help us complete the mission, I will be able to help you deal with all your enemies sooner or later. I am very confident in this matter."

"But if you can't help us complete the mission, don't worry, your enemy won't survive either."

"Tan, Tan? (Will you help me get revenge?)" Waiter Tan was a little confused.

"No!" Baili Yuan smiled, "In ten days, your enemies will destroy this world together, but I can take you to another world to live."

Mr. Tan: "(ΩДΩ) Tan?!!!"

Tan Xiaoshi suddenly felt that this was not the car he should get on.

Is there anything wrong with a newbie at level 20 joining a team that saves the world?

Isn’t this what Dr. Cullen often said about a small horse and a big cart?

However, the car door was welded shut and Tan Xiaoshi had no chance to exit.

Choosing to accept Tan Xiaoshi's help was also a helpless move.

Because after arriving in the spirit world, Baili Yuan and Angela did not see a human soul.

There is no way to learn about the legendary map from Dr. Cullen's soul.

Fortunately, there are alternatives.

Tan Xiaoshi did not directly accept the magic armor.

Because Tan Xiaoshi wants to practice hard for a while, become stronger, adjust his condition to the best, and then complete his evolution.

Reality is not a game. The state before evolution will indeed have a certain impact on the strength after evolution.

For example, Ash's Charizard.

So, while Baili Yuan was teaching Juan Juan'er, he also started training Tan Xiaoshi.

Tan Xiaoshi is a fire elf who evolves with the magic armor. If nothing unexpected happens, he may also have ghost attributes after evolution.

Just right for Bailiyuan cultivation.

Tan Xiaoshi also directly stated the possible location of the backup of the legendary map.

The reason why this is possible is because the institute has a total of eighteen backup locations, and the data in each backup location is different. Tan Xiaoshi does not know which backup location the backup of the legendary map is placed.

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