Chapter 3784 Exploded meteorite

Time returns to nightfall.

Ignis stood in an open area in the city, holding the "trial version of the divine light rod" and a key that came from Shengzhang's research room.

There are no passers-by here, only the dim light of the street lamps, shining alone on Ignis.

Ignis couldn't hold it in any longer.

After watching Libut's hand-made transformation device during the day, Ignis understood the correct way to transform Ultraman.

The real reason that makes Ignis unable to hold back is not to obtain powerful power, but to have the opportunity to kill Hitram!

Although Ignis looks like a dashing snitch, deep down in his heart lies an unforgettable hatred.

Revenge is what drives Ignis to this point!

Ignis had seen the power of Dark Teliga before!

Even if the three dark giants join forces, they have to retreat three feet.

At this moment, Ignis finally had the ability to take revenge, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

He must try this power!

The power belonging to Dark Teliga was injected into two items by Ignis.

Just like Libut did during the day, Dark Teliga's power successfully transformed two items.

The Dark Victory Divine Light Rod and the Dark Teliga Key to Victory and Transcendence were born!

"I want to start the best time!" Ignis smiled handsomely and activated the key in his hand.

【Dark Teliga! 】

Insert the Dark Victory Light Rod.

【Startup completed! 】

【Darkness is Pelliao! 】

"Covering the future, extreme darkness!"

"Dark Teliga!"

The black and red power blew up a whirlwind and bloomed in the city.

When the whirlwind dissipates.

The figure of Dark Teliga appeared in the city.


A beast-like war cry came from the throat of Dark Teliga, and the power of darkness burst out from his body.

At the same time, the power of darkness gradually began to flood Ignis's consciousness.

Also at this moment.

Manaka Kengo, who had just walked out of the treatment cabin, sensed something. He looked shocked, "The power of Dark Triga? How could it appear in the city?!"

Manaka Kengo: It’s broken, I’m torn apart!

Immediately afterwards, an alarm sounded in the combat boat.

The first one to sound was the alarm developed by Bailiyuan to detect energy fluctuations of the dark giant.

The Elite Victory Team was dispatched immediately.

Because the dark Teliga that appeared in the city is out of control!

He wants to destroy the city!

Just when Dark Teliga was about to pounce on a nearby building, light bloomed, and Dark Teliga arrived to stop Dark Teliga.

Teliga and Dark Teliga fought again in the city.

Just as the battle between the two sides was in full swing, countless golden rays of light suddenly attacked, instantly drowning the Dark Teliga.

Teliga, who was fighting Dark Teliga, stopped in a hurry and almost rushed into the attack range.

Teliga turned around and looked.

It was discovered that the one who launched the attack was actually...a dragon?

To be precise, it is a dragon-shaped spaceship. The spaceship is flying at an extremely fast speed, launching an attack on Dark Teliga.

"That's... the Nastis?!" Teliga recognized the true form of the dragon-shaped spacecraft.

Although Teliga has not actually seen the battle mode of the Nastis, he has seen the schematic diagram of the battle mode of the Nasdis.

The dragon-shaped spaceship is exactly the combat mode of the combat boat.

The massive golden light attack just now was the "full bomb launch" attack of the battleship in combat mode.

The combat boat, which had no chance to transform during the day, finally turned on combat mode at night.

In combat mode, the combat boat's flight speed and firepower have been greatly improved, allowing the combat boat to quickly reach the battlefield.

Teliga nodded in the direction of the battle boat.

Finally I can fight with my friends again!

This time Teliga stepped forward to confront the enemy, mainly fighting, restricting Dark Teliga's movements.

Tatsumi Makoto also activated the key to victory and transcendence in the combat boat combat mode in his hand.

Then insert it into the launching device in front of you.

"Super Nascannon, ready!"

Tatsumi Makoto personally operated the launcher and aimed it at Dark Teliga.

The mouth of the dragon-shaped battleship opened, and dazzling energy began to accumulate in the mouth.

Super Nascannon is the strongest attack of the battleship.

In combat mode, it is more powerful.


Tatsumi Makoto also shouted and pulled the trigger.

The energy ray was emitted and accurately hit Dark Teliga.


The energy explosion directly submerged Dark Teliga, the sound of the explosion spread throughout the city, and the soil on the nearby ground was thrown away.

This shows the power of this blow.

Absolute particles are so useful~

Fortunately, this area is not populated by residents.

However, it seemed that something special was blown out of the ground.

In the command room, Baili Yuan's eyes suddenly changed. The golden light in his eyes flashed for a moment, and he looked shocked, "It turned out to be that thing..."

When the explosion dissipated.

The figure of Dark Teliga disappeared.

Teliga stood there, and after confirming that there were no enemies, he raised his hands, flew into the sky, and left the battlefield.

In this battle, Triga didn't even flash the light, and he hadn't turned on the eternal shining form yet.

Finally able to make a classic exit.

Everyone in the battle boat also cheered.

Using the battle boat battle mode to eliminate the Dark Teliga proves that the elite victory team has mastered a powerful means of fighting the enemy and can better protect the earth.

Tatsumi Makoto also showed a rare smile.

Only Bai Liyuan unbuckled his seat belt, stood up and walked outside the war room.

"Yize, where are you going?" Malulu asked doubtfully.

"I'm going to the toilet." Bailiyuan replied with a smile.

In the city at night.

Among the ruins shrouded in darkness.

Ignis lay on the ground, raised his hand with great effort, and firmly grasped the Dark Teliga Key that fell in front of him, with a look of pain and unwillingness on his face.

In the battle just now, Ignis was defeated and naturally suffered some injuries.

The defeat of Dark Teliga was also because Ignis was unable to control the power of Dark Teliga and was unable to exert the full combat power of Dark Teliga.

But Ignis will not give up this power.

"I must master this power!" Ignis spat out a voice from between his teeth.

A trace of madness appeared in Ignis's eyes.

In the darkness of the deep sea.

Hitram was sitting on a hill under the sea, but his eyes fell on the city where the battle had just broken out.

Dagon stood aside, and he also saw the battle just now.

When the dark power appeared, they all noticed it and cast their gaze.

"How could a dark giant like Dark Trigga appear in the city?" Dagon asked in confusion.

The reason why I was sure that it was not Dark Teliga was because the aura of darkness was not pleasant.

And how could the real dark Teliga not be able to control his own power?

The last time Teliga lost control after transforming into Dark Teliga, it was not the loss of control due to the inability to control the power, but the loss of control due to losing one's own mind.

"Perhaps someone stole the power of Dark Teliga, but that's not important. What I care about more is that thing..."

Hitram laughed.

Hearing that it was not Dark Teliga, Dagon turned and left without interest. He was about to go up and fight, but he didn't expect it was just an impostor.

Hitram was still sitting on the hill, and his eyes fell on an object that was blown out of the ground during the battle.

It was a special meteorite that looked like an egg.

It seemed to Hitram that he had seen it before. After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered that it was a "special product" from the monster galaxy that he brought to the earth.

It is a monster that Hitram once raised.

It was originally sealed in a meteorite by Hitram and brought to Earth. He wanted to use it to help him find the Eternal Core, but later because he was worried that its special ability would destroy the Eternal Core, the monster was abandoned.

Unexpectedly, the monster appeared again because of the battle.

"Now that it has appeared, let's take advantage of it."

However, Hitram didn't know that after he withdrew his gaze.

A little yellow hair quietly came near the egg-like meteorite, then raised his unclean hands and touched the meteorite away.

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