Chapter 3783 Getting fierce

After destroying Diavolo, Triga and Libut were very excited.

After the battle, Libut raised his arm and wanted to touch arms with Teliga, and Teliga naturally had no reason to refuse.

Ultra's arm-touching has the meaning of establishing a bond in the Kingdom of Light, which is comparable to Ultra's unique way of greeting people by nodding.

Libut and Teliga were still excited to touch Baili Yuan.

As a result, they saw Bailiyuan's eyes shining with golden light as he scanned the surroundings.

Because Bailiyuan noticed that Diablo was not completely eliminated.

Diavolo also left a heart!

That special heart has escaped into the space-time channel.

Bailiyuan didn't bother to call Triga and Libut, but also opened a time and space channel and chased after them.

Neither Libut nor Triga have the ability to travel through time and space on their own. It will be difficult for them to chase the time and space channel to help them reach the Baili Yuan. They may also be delayed, and they are more likely to encounter danger and fall into unknown time and space.

On the battlefield, only Libut and Telliga were left who didn't know what was going on.

They were all a little confused, but they just thought that Bailiyuan might be in an emergency, and finally the two of them started to say goodbye happily.

"Be sure to become stronger next time we meet, Kengo!"

"Yeah, senior Libut, you should take care of yourself too!"


"ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~"

Bailiyuan broke into the golden space-time channel and chased Diavolo.

If Diavolo is allowed to run away, through the time and space channel, he may run out of this universe, and it will be even more difficult to find Diavolo by then.

However, Diavolo is not alone.

Seeing Bailiyuan catch up, Tartarus, who was secretly observing, took action. He opened a time and space channel, fished Diavolo away, and used the power of time and space to temporarily trap Bailiyuan in the time and space channel.

Bailiyuan realized that he had no chance to pursue Diavolo.

"The people in this kingdom are really troublesome."

In desperation, Baili Yuan had no choice but to squat in the space-time channel and took out a blank Key to Victory and Transcendence.

This is all the energy of Tartarus, hurry up and collect a wave of his power.

On Diavolo's side, after Diavolo was beaten, Bailiyuan collected his remaining energy at the scene.

In the golden space.

With the Heart of Absolute, the remaining heart of Diavolo, Diavolo revived again.

This is not the first time that Diavolo has been defeated. If it were not for the special organ called the Heart of Absolute, Diavolo would have been gone long ago.

The Absolute Heart is a special organ similar to the Ultra Heart, which can resurrect the user.

Diavolo: The Minotaur is immortal!

After being resurrected, Diavolo first looked at the contract of the cosmic buffalo on his body, and found that there was no problem with the contract.

Sure enough, he got violent before and saw Bailiyuan kill himself with the rigid force of the Ox-breaking Fist.

Diavolo then became extremely angry and wanted to fight again.

"Despicable Ultraman, this time I must..."

Tartarus patted Diavolo on the shoulder and called out to Diavolo.

"There is no need to continue fighting." Tartarus stated the interests for Diavolo, "The power of the Eternal Core is not as invincible as imagined, and Teliga is not enough to be our resistance!"

Triga, who has mastered the power of the Eternal Core, needs to join forces with Libut and Bailiyuan to defeat Diavolo.

Tartarus suddenly looked down upon Teliga and the Eternal Core.

Well, Tartarus didn't know that what Trigga got was only a youthful mini version of the Eternal Core, not the complete Eternal Core.

Therefore, Tartarus does not intend to continue to snatch the power of the Eternal Core.

He thought it was a waste of time.

Libut's strength has not changed much from the last time they met.

As for Bailiyuan, we can make some plans, but not now.

"What we really want to focus on now is the power of the Kingdom of Light. Let's go, Diavolo, we should go back and make preparations."

Tartarus raised his head and looked upward, as if his eyes had penetrated time and space and landed on the planet of the Kingdom of Light.

Diavolo finally nodded and followed Tartarus' footsteps.

Diablo always felt that Tartarus's judgment made sense.


Bailiyuan returns to the Elite Victory Team.

Even everyone in the Elite Victory Team was not in a very high mood.

Chen Micheng just said hello to Baili Yuan casually. After seeing that Bai Liyuan was not injured, he stopped paying attention to Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan came to Malulu carefully and asked curiously: "Malulu, what happened to everyone? The plan failed? Not enough Absolut particles were collected?"

"Alas~" Malulu sighed first, and then said: "The plan was successful, and we can now activate the fighting form."

"Then why are you sighing?"

"But the enemy is gone!"


Do you know how empty it is to finally accumulate enough power, prepare to super change form, and shoot quickly, but suddenly there is no target?

Drawing the sword and looking around, I feel confused!

No matter men or women, everyone is panicking.

Especially the maker of the plan, Sheng Zhangren.

His face almost turned purple.

Bailiyuan could only shrug.

At this time Shizuma Yumei returned with Manaka Kengo, and the two finally returned to the team.

The battle is over and the two are back.

In other people's eyes, that's it.

This made Tatsumi Makoto look at the two of them with particularly unkind eyes.

Even the daughter of the financial owner would not do this!

Shizama Yumei and Manaka Kengo both shrank their necks, feeling a chill on their backs.

"I'm very angry right now!" Tatsumi Cheng also said to the two of them, "Come to my room, I want to love you well! You'd better give me an explanation that satisfies me!"

Shizuma Yumei, Manaka Kengo: It’s over, Barbie is Q.

The two of them looked at Shengzhangren in unison, and Shengzhangren shook his head, saying that there was nothing he could do.

at last.

Under Tatsumi Makoto's "interrogation" of the two, the two finally told (edited) their findings.

"We found traces of Ultraman!"

"Yes, it's the trace of the new Ultraman! We have been communicating with him and want to know more about Ultraman!"

"The new Ultraman is named Libut. He is a very good person... Ultraman."

"Any other discoveries? And, and..."

"He's a great dancer...hey?"

"Hey, captain, stop fighting, stop fighting..."

The two finally sold Libut's basic information, which satisfied Tatsumi Seiya and escaped from Tatsumi Seiya's hands.

Even, because the information revealed by the two men gave the Elite Victory Team a deeper understanding of Ultraman, the two were credited with a credit.


Bailiyuan was in his room, looking at the two golden keys to victory and transcendence in his hand, and nodded with satisfaction.

It is the key to victory and transcendence for Diavolo and Tartarus!

At this moment, the alarm sounded again in the combat boat.

As he hurried to the command room, Baili Yuan felt his eyes darken.

What's that on the screen?

I got excited and saw Dark Teliga dancing like a savage in the city!

On the screen in the command room, there was a scene of Dark Teliga stamping his feet on the ground in the city.

Then a white light flashed on the screen.

Teliga appears and fights Dark Teliga.

"The battle between Teliga and Dark Teliga? I won't travel back two days, right?"

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