Chapter 3739 New light!

Lu Guvira looked at Teliga who appeared in front of him to help him resist the harm, and subconsciously pushed the drill bit on his nose.

Aiming at Teliga's buttocks.

Triga suddenly felt a chill in his buttocks.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan hurriedly gave instructions to Lushang Guvilla remotely, and Lushang Guvilla stopped his actions and did not backstab any friendly troops.

There is no way, before Land Guvira became a regular, he was a monster that hated light.

The attacking habit has not been reversed for a while.

Seiya Tatsumi saw this scene through the surveillance satellite, and his heart slowly dropped.

This would be troublesome if Guvira on land stabbed Teliga in the back, causing the Elite Victory Team to turn against Teliga.


"Why do you think Teliga directly regarded the ancient Vera on the land as an ally? Could it be that he saw the scene where the Ize team members released the ancient Vera on the land? Then why did he regard the ancient Vera on the land as an ally?"

For the first time, Tatsumi Cheng was also curious about Telika's identity.

In the battlefield.

Teliga turned around and took a look, and was relieved when he found Guvira on the land looking well-behaved, pitiful and helpless.

"The coolness just now may be due to a wrong feeling." Teliga still subconsciously rubbed his butt before starting the battle.

Teliga stood beside the ancient Vera on the land, and wanted to solve Satan Delos together with the ancient Vera on the land.

Fighting alone, Teliga is no match, but he has a partner!

After Teliga nodded to Guvira on land, he started to open his hand wide.

Ancient Vera on land: (⊙_⊙)?

Baili Yuan was stunned for a moment before he understood what Telika was thinking. It had to be said that Telika had a bit of a fighting spirit.

But why do you think the ancient Vera on land also have this consciousness?

If it weren't for Baili Yuan's control behind the ancient Vera on land, Teliga could only put a big one in vain.

Bailiyuan began to control the ancient Vera on the land remotely, and the ancient Vera on the land dived into the mud like a swimming fish.

Then, Trigga shot out the charged ray, successfully breaking through Satan Delos's defense.

But that's all.

At this moment, the ancient Vera on land turned into a fish swimming in the earth, swimming at high speed in the mud, rushing towards Satan Delos, the drill bit on its nose spinning wildly, aiming at the loopholes in Satan Delos's defense, leaping up, and fiercely Stab hard.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked expectantly at Guvira's attack on the land.

Will it succeed?

In theory it works, but someone won't make it work!

The dark passage suddenly opened, and a red figure fell out of thin air, trampling on the body of Lu Guvila, and trampling the attacking Lu Guvira back to the ground.

Crows fly!

The attack of Guvira on land was interrupted, and the loopholes in Satan's defense were quickly repaired.

Missed opportunity.

But this is no longer the focus of everyone's attention.

But a new red figure appeared.

The dark giant, Dagon, appears!

"Damn monster, are you ready to bear my wrath?" Dagon said angrily.

Now Dagon's physical injuries have recovered, but his mental injuries have not improved yet.

Dagon can't sleep unless he kills Guvira on land!

Last time Guvira on land attacked him from the ground, this time he stepped on it from the sky!

The ancient Vera on the land who was trampled on the ground struggled to get up, but Dagon trampled on the ancient Vera on the land with great force, trying to kill the ancient Vera on the land with pure power.

The ancient Vera on land had no power to resist. It had been severely injured and could only curl up at Dagon's feet and let out a miserable cry.

Teliga immediately wanted to go to the rescue.

However, a whip was wrapped around Teliga's neck from behind, followed by a hermaphrodite who quickly rushed out and gave Teliga a kick.

Teliga was kicked backwards and fell into Calumila's arms. Calumila clamped down on his body from behind.


This call had a morbid feeling of "Ah~Shirley".

No matter how hard Triga struggled, he could not break free from Calumila's arms.

Instead, Calumila fired some electricity to weaken Teliga's struggle.

Today's Teliga has not yet fully recovered its former fighting power.

The hermaphrodite, also known as Hitram, looked at this scene of "The Passion of Telliga" with interest.

Bailiyuan also saw it and gritted his teeth with hatred, wishing he could shout: "Let go of Telika and let me do it!"

The child also wants the arms of her sister.

It can only be said that from the perspective of Ultraman's aesthetics, Calumila is the kind of sexy and mature beauty.

Even from a distance, Bailiyuan could feel that Kalumila had special feelings for Triga.

Telliga, you deserve to die!

Don't be ignorant!

At this time, on the battlefield, the offensive and defensive situation reversed instantly.

Three dark giants arrived at the same time.

Dagon wants revenge, and the other two naturally follow.

The ancient Vera on the land was severely injured and her life was dying. Dagon has not yet let the ancient Vera on the land go.

Hitram injected more dark power into Satan Delos' body. The dark power in Satan Delos' body began to overflow uncontrollably, making Satan Delos become more powerful.

Ignis looked at Hitram, his back molars almost shattered.

Karumila was still cuddling with Trigga.

"Teliga, just watch, I will destroy everything you set your sights on!" Calumila whispered in Teliga's ear with a seductive voice.

This gave Triga a bad feeling.

"Hitram!" Calumila called Hitram.

"Haha, we are ready!" Hitram pointed in the direction of the town, "My baby, you have been strengthened, start from this town and cleanse mankind!! Hahahaha...!!"

Satandelos took steps towards the direction of the town. Not only did it become more powerful, but its action time was also extended!

Telika's eyes were about to burst.

Guvira on land finally couldn't withstand Dagon's attack and was trampled to death, turning into a point of light and disappearing.

Dagon was a little confused about the way Guvira died on land, but he had already taken revenge, so he didn't care so much. He clenched his fists, raised them high, and roared to the sky.

"Gu Vera!!!" Seeing Gu Vera being trampled to death on land, Shizama Yumei's emotions broke down a little, and tears shed from the corners of her eyes.

After Kuvira Minami helped the Elite Victory Team, Yume Shizama already considered Kuvira Minami as a teammate.

Now that his teammates are dead in battle, how can Shizama Yumei hold back.

Unexpectedly, this shout attracted Hitram's attention.

Hitram immediately looked at Shizama Yumei, "Look at me, what did you find?"

Shengzhang and Ignis hurriedly stood in front of Jingjian Yuiming, their faces full of caution.

Three dark giants arrive.

Death of Guvira on land.

Trigga is trapped.

Satandelos has been strengthened and is about to attack the town.

Hitram targeted Yumi Shizama.

The combat boat arrived belatedly.

Everything is heading towards the worst.

"Is there no other way?" Tatsumi Cheng couldn't keep his composure and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Satandelos' heavy footsteps trampled into the ground, causing the town to shake.

In the darkness ahead, a figure opened his own Hypa gun.

The Origin Hypa Gun has been transformed into the Origin Light Rod.

A special key to victory and transcendence is activated.

【Ultraman Bailiyuan! Native! 】

【Startup completed! Brilliant sublimation! 】

"Travel through time and space! The light of origin!"


In the mountains and fields, golden light bloomed in the darkness, and a giant figure in red and blue stood in front of the darkness, with his back to the town shrouded in fear, and in front of Satan Delos.

As if a god came to the world, a full moon appeared in the dark sky, casting down soft light and also falling on the giant's body, covering the giant with a gleaming light, like a mysterious veil.


Whether it was the Dark Giant, the Elite Victory Team, or Teliga, they all looked at another Giant of Light appearing in front of them in shock!

Ultraman Bailiyuan, the original adult form!

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