Chapter 3738 Summoning, Ancient Vera on land!

The light shot out from the Origin Hypa Gun and hit directly above the head of Satan Delos. Then the energy converged, like a three-dimensional composition. The shadow of an ancient Vera on land appeared on the head of Satan Delos. Finally, the shadow completely solidified. , turned into flesh and blood.

The ancient Vera on land crashed down, suppressing Satan Delos beneath him.

Mount Tai is overwhelming!

Satan Dilos failed to check for a moment and was overpowered by Guvira on the land.

This scene aroused everyone's surprise and joy.

Sheng Zhangren opened his eyes wide, shocked by Bai Liyuan's skills.

"How awesome!" Manaka Kengo exclaimed, becoming Sheng Zhangren's mouthpiece.

"I can actually summon monsters! Great, I can finally stop Satan Delos!" Shizuma Yumei said that he had never seen such a scene.

Ignis even licked his face and moved closer to Bai Liyuan again.

He wants the technology to summon monsters!

"This Mr. Ize, I want to..."

"No, you don't want to!" Bailiyuan interrupted Ignis mercilessly.

Ignis: "..."

He felt that Bailiyuan had a problem with him, but he didn't dare to say it.

Tatsumi Makoto in the command room had also clenched his fists. He was thinking more, "With such technology, the Elite Victory Team in the future will no longer be just a special operations team. There will be more powerful elites." The victorious team’s status will also be elevated and they will be eligible to act according to their own judgment in battle.”

Whether it was because the top management did not allow the Elite Victory Team to support Teliga before, or this time the Elite Victory Team was required to fight in the town.

This made Tatsumi Cheng very dissatisfied.

A group of senior officials who have never fought sit in high positions and point fingers. They only consider their own interests and have no empathy with ordinary people and soldiers. Such high-level officials are really disgusting.

As for whether senior executives will covet this technology, the answer is yes.

But the Elite Victory Team is not a piece of cake. No one can touch the Elite Victory Team when the country comes and Shizama Hikaru returns.

If there is really any problem, let Shizuma Mitsukuni worry about it.

On land, Guvira temporarily suppressed Satan Dilos and bought time for Baili Yuan and others.

"Guvilla can't hold on for too long on land, let's land as soon as possible." Bailiyuan looked at Shengzhangren and said.

Sheng Zhangren nodded and landed in a hurry.

Everyone started to take action.

"Everyone, the original battle has failed. Now our task is to delay the arrival of the combat boat!" Shizama said seriously, then looked at Ignis, "Mr. Ignis, this is the first step of the battle. You have the right not to participate in other plans."

At this moment, Shizama Yumei was ready to sacrifice, and then rushed out first as if he was dead.

He didn't even call Sho Akirato and Manaka Kengo.

I don't know whether he is too anxious or unwilling to let the two of them sacrifice themselves.

Shengzhangren: "..."

Manaka Kengo: "..."

Ignis: "..."

Finally, the other two people looked at Manaka Kengo.

Manaka Kengo gave a thumbs up and smiled, "Leave it to me! I will definitely protect the smiles of everyone in this town!"

With that said, Manaka Kengo was about to pick up the Victory Hypal Gun, break the Victory Hypal Gun into a Victory Light Stick, and perform a live transformation.

Sheng Zhangren hurriedly held down Manaka Kengo and asked Manaka Kengo in disbelief, "Are you a fool?"

Ignis was also a little confused about Manaka Kengo's actions, and couldn't help but ask Xiang Shengzhang, "Has he always been like this?"

He had secretly seen Manaka Kengo's transformation last time. This time Manaka Kengo didn't even bother to pretend, right?

"Ah?" Manaka Kengo was stunned.

Then Manaka Kengo followed the gaze of Sheng Zhangren and Ignis, and saw Baili Yuan who was watching strongly.

They saw it, Bai Liyuan's eyes were bright.

Manaka Kengo: It’s broken, I forgot that there are still people.

Manaka Kengo hurriedly put away the Victory Hypa Gun in his hand.

Bailiyuan asked, "What are you doing? Why did you put your guns away? Why didn't you fight? Are you afraid?"

"Ah, yes, yes, we are about to fight!" Ignis reacted immediately, pulling Sheng Zhangren and Manaka Kengo along with him with a playful smile, and chased in the direction of Yumi Shizama until Baili Yuan could not see him. them.

For these three people, Bailiyuan was speechless for the first time.

Bailiyuan: "6."

Arriving in the forest in the distance, an area beyond Baili Yuan's sight.

Ignis breathed out, let go of the two of them, and said to Manaka Kengo: "There is no one around here, you can transform."

"Thank you, otherwise I would have exposed my identity in front of Izawa." Kengo Manaka said gratefully to Ignis.

Ignis was said to be a good person, but he suddenly looked away in embarrassment, "Don't get me wrong, I just don't want the treasure in your hand to be stared at by more people."

"Is this so? But I still feel that you are quite a nice person." Manaka Kengo continued.

"Stop talking nonsense and transform quickly. That monster over there is about to be overwhelmed."


After saying that, Manaka Kengo stopped caring about anything else and transformed directly in front of him.

Ignis and Sho Akito saw Manaka Kengo's transformation up close, and their expressions were different.

The people of Shengzhang were a little more curious and a little more eager to study Telika.

Ignis is nakedly eager. He now wants to get the power of Teliga!

On land, Guvira is fighting Satan Delos, but the fighting situation is not ideal.

Because based on panel data alone, the ancient Vera on land is no match for Satan Dilos, not to mention that the ancient Vera on land has no special abilities. The most powerful drill attack cannot break the shield on Satan Delos.

Even if the ancient Vera on land retains their wisdom, they will not be able to hold off Satan Delos for too long.

If Guvilla on the land hadn't taken the initiative, knocked down Satan Delos, and had a head-on confrontation, Gu Villa on the land would never have been a match for Satan Delos.

Soon Satan Dilos broke away from the suppression of the ancient Vera on the land, stood up from the ground, and then pushed back the shield to repel the ancient Vera on the land.

Bailiyuan was watching the battle from a distance, and was a little dissatisfied with the performance of Lu Guvila, but he knew that this was the limit of Lu Guvira.

"Even if you can now attack the target according to the instructions, you can only fight based on instinct, and the method is single, and the combat ability is limited."

Compared with Guvira living in the sea, Guvira on land only has the ability to attack with a drill. It usually uses this ability to dig holes and also uses this ability in battle.

The means of attacking by spraying high-pressure water from the body like Guvira in the sea has degraded. The jet holes on the back are now covered with sharp rocks. It looks like a set of armor, with some ability to retaliate.

The strength of the armor is not too high, and the damage dealt is not high either.

Abandoning the offensive and defensive combat method of high-pressure water flow, in exchange for a rock armor with limited strength, it is clear whether it is good or bad.

But this is all the price paid for adapting to the environment from living in the sea to living on land.

When the ancient Vera on the land was in danger, Shizama Yumei wanted to help the ancient Vera on the land, but found that the attack of the Victory Hypa Gun could not penetrate the defense of Satan Delos.

Just then, the light bloomed.

Trigga appears!

Teliga's figure stood in front of Guvira on the land, opening up his defense to block Satan Delos' all-out attack.

"Teliga, that's great!" Jingjian said in surprise.

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