I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3672 There is an old saying in China

Fatty: "Jiu Min, my family, who knows, eating cactus, singing, suddenly becoming a god, and being asked to save the world, I am speechless..."

At this time, although Fatty was unwilling, he still had to save the world.

Otherwise, the sacrifices of Baosheng Yongmeng and Mr. Kutiao would be in vain!

It's definitely not because there is a glowing figure behind him, with a knife on his neck.

The glowing figure is Bailiyuan, who appears as the guide of the new god.

The fat man who became a god would naturally not dare to save the world, he doesn't have that ability, you know.

Bailiyuan said, can this work? This obviously won't work!

Therefore, the fat man who became a god was suppressed by Baili Yuan with one hand, and the knife was put on the fat man's neck, and the fat man agreed to take on the responsibility of saving the world.

Only then did Bailiyuan put away the knife.

"I've become a god, why can't I beat you." The fat man looked at Baili Yuan, wanting to cry but not daring to resist.

"The gap between gods and gods is even greater than the gap between humans and pigs. Although you are an upright god and can be regarded as a manager, your own strength is too weak and you have not fully mastered your own abilities. Who told you not to Fighting." Baili Yuan spread his hands and said.

"Ah... Then I became a god in vain? How can I defeat those two big guys above and save the world." The fat man was crying, and he sat on the ground, about to smash himself.

Bailiyuan looked at the fat man, a little speechless.

Fatty's combat effectiveness is indeed not strong, he is indeed a weak person, but is he really easy to deal with?

The reason Bailiyuan was able to suppress Fatty with one hand was because behind Bailiyuan was the God of Fate.

As a fat man who has been favored by the God of Fate, he also has the attribute of fate.

Others can use the fat times of the goddess of fortune to kill, not to mention the fat man designed by the god of fate.

Destiny is the most unpredictable force.

If other people think that Fatty is easy to deal with because of Fatty's low profile, and they casually attack Fatty, then he will suffer an old crime.

It's a pity that Fatty still doesn't know his own ability and potential, so he's a bunch of cowards now.

Baili Yuan, who was a little annoyed by the fat man's crying, snorted coldly, "Cry? You have to save the world even if you cry!"

Fatty: "..."

"stand up!"


The fat man stood up obediently.

After becoming a god, Fatty's biggest feeling is that the flesh on his body is finally not a burden.

Seeing that the fat man was still obedient, Baili Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and then patiently explained to the fat man.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, you don't need to fight to save the world. And among the two guys in the sky, the white one is your own, the main god of this world, you can call him the world tree, it can be regarded as... your boss's boss .”

"Ah? Don't you need to fight?" The fat man was pleasantly surprised, and then asked in confusion, "The white one is one of our own? And it's my boss's boss?"

Fatty felt as if something was wrong.

Baili Yuan nodded, raised his hand, and built a pyramid. Several figures, names, and corresponding responsibilities appeared on the pyramid.

"There is still some time, so I will give you a brief introduction to the god system of the virtual world, so that you can know your rights, status, responsibilities and obligations. Look, this is the god of the virtual world."

The fat man looked curiously, and saw that the pyramids from top to bottom were——

[Creation God:? -Unawakened (the root of the existence of the virtual world)]

[Three main gods: World Tree - awakened (responsible for maintaining the development of the world), constancy - unawakened (responsible for maintaining the existence of the world), Death - unawakened (responsible for restarting the wrong world)]


Subordinates of the World Tree: Knights of the Eighteenth World - Fusion (Enforcer) - Subordinate - Kamen Rider Fukuo - Logging in (Assist)

Constant subordinate: ? - Unawakened (Restorer)

Reaper subordinate:? -unawakened (spoiler)

Other main gods: None]

【From God: None】

【Demigod: No yet】

The fat man was dumbfounded.

Why are all the bosses above me "unawakened"? Big guys, wake up and save the world! !

If there is nothing under him, isn't he the lowest in status?

And why is his name attached to the eighteenth world knight? Aren't we all righteous gods?

Is the world really right?

"The main god is asleep for some reason. Only the World Tree was awakened by the knights of the eighteenth world through fusion, and no other main god can help you." Baili Yuan explained.

The reality is that the three main gods are all clones of the God of Creation (the avatar of Baili Yuan). The God of Creation cannot wake up casually, and the three main gods can only sleep along with him.

However, it is possible to temporarily wake up the main god through the fusion summoning of the righteous gods subordinate to the main god.

The other two main gods couldn't wake up, naturally because the summoning materials were not mature yet.

And when the main god is asleep, the power of the main god will also maintain the existence and operation of the world, and other things will be managed by the subordinate righteous god.

Therefore, whether the main god is asleep or not is not a big problem.

Bailiyuan did not let the God of Creation and the Lord God interfere with the development of the world.

The future of the world still needs to let the life born in this world develop and find by itself.

Even if there is a situation where freedom is too high, Bailiyuan can reopen it with a format, and it is also easy to save and restore the data of life.

The world restart of the virtual world is much more convenient than the DC universe restart.

The special attribute of the virtual world means that the virtual world has the possibility of countless trial and error.

Bailiyuan then explained: "The righteous god below exists to assist the main god in managing the world. It should be independent, but unfortunately your strength is too weak, so I have to temporarily attach you to the knights of the eighteenth world. Your protection is also your cultivation, and when you grow up in the future, you will be allowed to go out independently."

"After all, the knights of the eighteenth world have their own responsibilities, and it is impossible to take care of you all the time."

Fatty: "..."

Am I disgusted?

This situation of Fatty is similar to the Holy Swordsman in the Pokémon world.

Before Keldeo really awakened, he was also a disciple of the other three holy swordsmen.

Before the fat man grows up, he can only be the assistant of the knights of the eighteenth world.

At this moment, the fat man pointed to the divine tree and asked curiously, "What about you? Where are you on this?"

Bailiyuan smiled mysteriously, "Guess~"

Bailiyuan: I compiled the divine genealogy, guess who I am~

Fatty: "..."

Bailiyuan put away the divine tree.

"Okay, the novice guide is over, rookie, we are going to save the world!"

The fat man looked confused, feeling a little sudden: "Huh? What should I do? But let's say yes, I'm not good at fighting."

"You don't need to fight. As for the way to save the world... There is an old saying in Huaxia, those who know the current affairs... Bah!" Bailiyuan coughed lightly, and then said seriously: "There is an ancient story in Huaxia called Nuwa mending the sky, do you know?"

"I know some. When I was in the second year of middle school, I was very interested in these." The fat man nodded.

"Okay, if that's the case, then it's easy to talk about." Bailiyuan pointed at the top of his head, the passage connecting the two worlds.

"Your task is to fill up that channel, interrupt the intruder's connection with another world, unplug his network cable, and make him disconnect! How about it? It's easy~"

Fatty looked at the sky above his head, which was completely covered by the pouring power, and all the data was wiped out.

He said: "You call this easy? How is this different from throwing pork into a meat grinder?" (End of this chapter)

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