I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3671 time is approaching

"The strength of the knights of the eighteenth world is not bad. Alone, they all have the strength of the seven-color class. Together, and with the help of the power of the world, they can already confront the supreme class in the virtual world."

Bailiyuan also watched the battle on the screen, and then commented.

At this moment, Bailiyuan is in his own small room.

Here is a platform in the void, on which there are sofas and coffee tables, and the void in front of it is the world tree that fixes the virtual world!

It can be seen that beside the world tree, there is an incomplete and somewhat illusory world connected. That world is the game world.

Bailiyuan is outside the world tree, but he can observe the situation inside the virtual world. Several screens are in front of Bailiyuan, playing scenes from various places in the virtual world.

It can also be said that this platform, this small room belonging to Bailiyuan, is the administrator's room.

On the World Tree, eighteen of the largest fruits have ripened.

Correspondingly, it is the Knight of the Eighteenth World.

It is also the virtual world, the original life.

The Knight of the Eighteenth World was cultivated by Bailiyuan using the eighteen attributes of Pokémon as a template and the data from the eighteen cities in the virtual world.

As the game progressed, a large amount of data was absorbed by the virtual world, and the eighteen knights also matured.

Then he was awakened by Bailiyuan at this moment, and attacked Tan Zhengzong.

The eighteen world knights did not have ignorance and ignorance in their infancy, but had complete self-awareness and thoughts since birth.

Although they were born recently, what they absorb is massive and complex data.

After the fruit is ripe, they who are awakened also have mature and complete minds and thoughts.

It can be said that they are born to know.

As for strength.

These special existences of them are walking on a path exclusive to virtual life.

——Grow by absorbing data!

However, data from reality can really make them grow.

But the reason why they have the current power from birth is actually the injection of data in Baili Yuanyuan's body, even including the data of laws.

It also allowed them to control part of the authority of the virtual world.

It can be said that these eighteen world knights are not only the guardians of the world, but also the righteous gods in the virtual world pantheon.

The compiled one.

The battle above the virtual world did not spread to the interior of the virtual world, because there is a barrier opened by the world's self-protection to block the aftermath of the battle.

Otherwise, none of the cities in the virtual world will be spared, and those immature fruits will also perish.

At this moment, Bailiyuan saw the meeting between Baosheng Yongmeng and Fatty inside the virtual world.

"Oh, it seems that the final winner is about to appear, since that's the case..."

Bailiyuan threw the children's bicycle that he had strengthened with the core of the game world into the virtual world through the screen.

"This should be a reward for the final winner."

However, when the children's bicycle passed the screen, Bailiyuan felt the fluctuation of fate.

Then, Bailiyuan saw Baosheng Yongmeng killed by a children's bicycle.

Kamen Rider Fukuo became the final victor.

"...Huh? Master Fate, what are you going to do?" Baili Yuan was very puzzled.

Compared with Fuzhu, Baosheng Yongmeng is obviously better!

God of Fate: Baosheng Yongmeng is the protagonist, you can't grasp it.

Bailiyuan: "Speak human words."

God of Fate: Don't touch Baosheng Yongmeng, pull out the pickled radish and bring out the mud~ Be careful when the magenta warrior comes to pick up your underwear!

Bailiyuan: "..."

Bailiyuan understood.

To put it simply, Baosheng Yongmeng's fate is unusual. If Baosheng Yongmeng has a relationship with the virtual world, then the virtual world and Bailiyuan will be busy in the future.

Ultraman is a series, isn't Kamen Rider a series?

"Okay~~~" Bailiyuan said helplessly.

Anyway, the bicycle has been thrown in, and the final champion has been born.

As for the core of the game world... Bailiyuan didn't take it away at all.

If the core of the world can be taken out of the world casually, is it still called the core of the world?

Well, that's right, Tan Zhengzong and Tan Yingzi chased each other for a long time.

After finishing everything, Bailiyuan got up and walked towards the virtual world.

"This game is coming to an end, everything will return to normal, the moment of reunion is coming, and the moment of parting will also come as promised..."

"Everything, it's time to end."

Bailiyuan walked towards the game world, and he turned into light.


"Fuzhu has become a god?!"

Everyone on the square was extremely shocked.

Then came the noise and dissatisfaction.

"RNM, refund your money!"

"Too fake!"

"You can become a god by eating, drinking and drinking. If you can be like him, it's really... Thai pants!"

"Such a cold day, so far away from me, this is snow~~~"

Apparently, some viewers were already going insane from the stimulation they had received.

Baosheng Yongmeng, who also appeared in the square, was still in a daze, with an indescribable expression.

Even Palad, who was separated from Baosheng Yongmeng's body, lost his mind.

Parade: Families, who knows!

"Eternal Dream!"




"Doctor Baosheng!"

A group of people surrounded Baosheng Yongmeng.

Poppy, Kagami Aya, Kagami Gray Horse, Momose Kohime, Hanaka Taiga, Nishima Nicole, Kujo Kiriya, Hyuga Saeko, Hyuga Kyoutaro, the nurses and sisters of the hospital, and the patients he treated ...

"Sorry, I failed everyone..." Baosheng Yongmeng began to cry as he spoke, and then broke down in sobs.

The talented player M who has never been defeated in the game failed once after all.

However, the price of this failure was too great. Not only did Baosheng Yongmeng taste the bitterness of failure, but it also made Baosheng Yongmeng fail the expectations of all those who trusted him.

Prallad gently embraced Baosheng Yongmeng in his arms.

"It's okay, M, you still have me." Prallard said softly.

"Yes, you and all of us!" Poppy followed, and the others nodded.

But in exchange, Palad stared, obviously Palad had a problem with the "we" in Poppy's mouth.

At this moment, an abrupt voice broke the atmosphere.

"Tsk, it's really bad, it's just a failure, crying like a little girl!"

Everyone glared at the person who spoke.

Then they saw Baosheng Qingchang walking over with a wine bottle.

Baosheng Yongmeng also looked at Baosheng Qingchang in astonishment.

"You, you can go to heaven?" Baosheng Yongmeng was surprised, but he remembered that I, the Hua family, said that some wicked people are not allowed to enter heaven... theme resorts.

Baosheng Yongmeng smiled disdainfully.

Baise Xiaoji stood up and gave an explanation.

"According to the standards set by the person who specified the rules, Mr. Baosheng Qingchang is allowed to enter the paradise... theme resort, and he is also a high-quality guest, and even qualified to be an employee here."


Everyone was very puzzled.

Baosheng Qingchang revealed a smug expression.

"Why?" Palad dissatisfied, he has the memory of Baosheng Yongmeng, he knows what kind of rotten person Baosheng Qingchang is in Baosheng Yongmeng's memory, and he also knows how Baosheng Yongmeng hates Baoshengqing long.

How could a father who was away from home all year round, never accompanied him in childhood, and never even visited his son in the hospital, could be loved by his son.

What's more, a few years ago, Baosheng Qingchang became a drunkard for some reason, and his spirit began to become abnormal.

Baise Xiaoji replied with a smile: "Because he meets the two noble qualities of sacrifice and dedication."

The others were greatly puzzled.

On the contrary, after being dazed, Baosheng Qingchang put away his smile, took a sip of his wine, turned around and left alone.

It's a pity that Mrs. Baosheng was sent out of this city by Baosheng Qingchang long ago. Mrs. Baosheng is not here, and no one is with him.

Bao Shengyong dreams of rushing over to ask Bao Sheng Qingchang, but he is surrounded by Prallard, Poppy and others.

Baosheng Qingchang, who was walking away, turned sideways slightly, saw Baosheng Yongmeng surrounded by a group of people, and suddenly showed a proud smile.

He took another step, but this time it became easier.

'Yongmeng, you already have enough people who can be called companions...'

"I'm really an unqualified father."

Baoshengqing grows towards the light.

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