Chapter 3639

Baosheng Yongmeng's lips trembled.

Although Poppy is eliminated, the cassette is still there, which does not affect Baosheng Yongmeng's transformation.

It's just that Baosheng Yongmeng can no longer summon Poppy.

By the way, Poppy occupies the pet slot of Baosheng Yongmeng.

It is on the same level as the three evil dragons and hellhounds.

But that's clearly not the case.

Was Baosheng Yongmeng losing a pet?

No, what he lost was his wife!

Heck, it's a partner!

In the eyes of Baosheng Yongmeng, red appeared.

That's the hallmark of a game sickness attack.

It also caused Baosheng Yongmeng's temperament to begin to change.

A special exchange shop interface suddenly appeared in front of Baosheng Yongmeng.

[Ding dong! 】

[The hidden exchange store is open! 】

[Let's exchange quietly, and shock everyone! 】

"This is... a hidden store?"

When attacking Poppy, Baosheng Yongmeng opened an exchange store once.

Now that Poppy has been wiped out, Baosheng Yongmeng, holding the "Duo Re Mi Fa Beat" cassette, unexpectedly got a chance to open a hidden redemption store.

That is to say, when Hamburger is eliminated, the person who holds "Jiju Burger" will also have the opportunity to open a hidden exchange shop.

It's a pity that Xiao Xingzuo and Hamburger were wiped out together.

No one had time to recycle their cassettes.

When Baosheng Yongmeng saw the hidden exchange store in front of him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then silently began to choose.

He needs the power to defeat Han Chan now!

Han Chan didn't think so much, she was just experiencing the consumption of this speech attack.

"Unexpectedly... easy." Han Chan laughed.

Not only is the consumption of attacking with the word spirit greatly reduced, but the consumption will also vary depending on the strength of the target itself.

Moreover, only one's own mental strength and physical strength are consumed, and the value of the knight gauge is no longer consumed.

It is no longer a direct consumption of half of the physical and mental strength, as well as the value of the knight gauge, no matter how strong or weak.

Among the enemies in front of him, Poppy seemed the weakest, so Han Chan naturally wanted to attack Poppy first.

After understanding the consumption situation.

Han Chan raised her head and scanned the three people in front of her.

Baosheng Yongmeng was sad because of Poppy's death, and he didn't know what he was doing in silence.

The hidden exchange store naturally has hidden features, which cannot be seen by anyone except Baosheng Yongmeng himself.

Jing Feicai is still hanging up.

The Hua family broke free from fear, stood up from the ground staggeringly, stared at Han Chan angrily, but didn't dare to be reckless again.

"Heh." Han Chan chuckled mockingly.

Then activate the ability to speak spirit.


The special fluctuation centered on Chilling Cicada and spread in all directions.

The Hua family and I hurriedly became vigilant.

However, he found that they were not harmed.

I am puzzled by the Hua family, what is the effect of Han Chan's speech this time.

Saeko was also a little puzzled.

Until the shock ripples spread far away, across her body.

A red mark appeared on Saeko's body.

Saeko's complexion changed drastically.

"No, this is an enemy hunt!"

Han Chan looked towards the direction where Saeko was hiding, showing a sunny smile.

"Got you!"

After finishing speaking, Han Chan quickly rushed to the hiding place of Saeko.

I was powerless to stop the Hua family, but I still chased after him and shouted angrily, "Don't run!"

Baosheng Yongmeng put Jing Feicai on the ground.

After thinking about it, Baosheng Yongmeng took the magic sword from Jing Feicai's hand, and at the same time pulled out the martial arts cassette around Jing Feicai's waist.

The magic sword is very dangerous, let Jing Feicai continue to hold it, and some accidents may happen.

Or unplug the magic sword cassette.

When the cassette was pulled out, the magic sword disappeared immediately.

Jing Feicai's eye armor returned to its normal color.

But Jing Feicai didn't wake up directly.

Baosheng Yongmeng simply settled Jing Feicai, then stood up, ready to chase Han Chan.

Baosheng Yongmeng took out a cassette out of thin air.

"I hope you can help me defeat Han Chan!" Baosheng Yongmeng said while looking at the cassette in his hand.

The cassette in his hand.

It is "Extraordinary Brothers XX"!


"I'm sorry, Kiriya, everything after that can only be left to you."

Sayizi knew that she could not be Han Chan's opponent, but she would not sit still.

Saiko left the cassette of "Fantasy Demon Tapir" to Kujo Kiriya who was unconscious, and picked up "Cruising Eagle" left by Kyoutaro Hinata.

Then Saiko said to the Hellhound: "Please, please take Kiriya to a safe area."

The Hellhound looked at Saiko, unexpectedly obeyed Saiko's command, bit Kujo Kiriya's collar, and jumped and ran into the distance.

Even if it is not in a fighting state, the pet-like Hellhound has a good speed.

Kujo Kiriya was still in a coma, unaware of what had happened.

Sayizi, on the other hand, brought three evil dragons, preparing to face Han Chan.

"Three evil dragons, please, please help me!"

The three heads of the three evil dragons all let out low growls, responding to their master with high fighting spirit.

Saeko started her transformation.

Then, she put the "Cruise Flying Eagle" cassette into the dueling belt.

A pair of wings appeared behind Saeko.

Saeko flew up into the sky, took the three evil dragons with her, and flew in the opposite direction from where Kujo Kiriya left.

Han Chan who was chasing after saw Saeko's figure, without any hesitation, she went after Saeko directly.

Saeko landed on the track of the roller coaster.

Han Chan also used a flying cassette to catch up.

Han Chan and Saeko confronted each other on the track of the roller coaster.

"Hyuga Saeko, you will pay the price for deceiving me!" Han Chan said coldly.

"I'd rather not lie to you, you are really favored." Saeko replied with a sneer.

Who would have known that the useless cassette in his hand would display supernatural power in Han Chan's hands?

No more nonsense, the two fought directly.

The three evil dragons took the lead in launching the attack, directly starting the battle mode.

The huge three-headed dragon smashed towards Han Chan, spraying poisonous gas from its mouth.

That's a poison that seals the throat with blood!

However, Han Chan did not give the three dragons a chance to display their abilities.

An icy blue fluorescent light streaked across the bodies of the three evil dragons.

It's really a winter cicada!

Also when the winter cicada touched the three dragons.

The three evil dragons were all frozen into ice sculptures.

Together with the poison released by the three evil dragons.

But the freezing only restricted the actions of the three evil dragons.

Ka Ka Ka!

The three evil dragons are struggling to break free from the frozen state.


This moment of freezing has already allowed Han Chan to seize the opportunity.

Sayizi was within Han Chan's field of vision.

Shayizi held a bone axe and killed Han Chan.

Han Chan stood where she was, but made a soft sound.


The breath of death enveloped Sayizi instantly.

"Is this the end? Is this what death feels like?" Saiko felt her body's strength rapidly draining, "Kiriya, please..."

Saeko's body fell powerlessly from the track, and the transformation was released immediately. During the fall, her body also turned into light spots and disappeared.

Saeko Hinata, eliminated!

The three evil dragons that broke free from the freezing gradually disappeared amidst roaring unwillingly. At the moment of disappearing, the six eyes were still staring at Han Chan resentfully.

But Han Chan was unmoved.

The winter cicada fell back on the cold cicada's shoulders.

"The fifth one."

Xiao Xingzuo, Xima Nicole, Morose Xiaoji, Poppy, plus Saeko, Han Chan has already got the pentakill.

When the Hua family and I came in a hurry, all I saw was the belt that fell to the ground, and a cassette.

And, standing on the track, illuminated by the moonlight—Kamen Rider, Chilling! (end of this chapter)

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